

„I don't remember when or why, but they say I killed someone. I was judged for this, but I'm still free as they didn't find any evidence to send me to jail and to close me inside a cold cell, for eternity. However, they are still after me! Especially my victim's brother who swore to kill me or to kneel me down. And now, when we are working together, I'm forced to see him every day and to see that big hatred he has for me reflected in his eyes.  And... it's a reciprocal feeling: hating! But even so, something attracts me to him. Is it because I'm a crazy woman that loves the one who hurts her and hates her? Maybe! I don't have an answer to this question! But still, while his eyes are piercing me and leaving me blooding inside, I understand that I know nothing about this world.  My name is Ian SolHi. I'm 30 and I'm a detective in the Homicide Department, Seoul PD. I've been accused once of being a murderer, but I've been also declared innocent, for lack of evidence. That's why I entered the police: to find out the truth and, since then, 7 years have already passed without finding out what happened then. But I feel that everything has changed now: the monster inside me has awakened and he feels the smell of blood."

flyangel2690 · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Park Mina noisily sipped the last drops of beer left on the bottom of the can. „Hwa, I can relax now! Today was definitely a devilish day. I thought that if I stay one more minute in my office with my boss yelling in my ear, I'll kill him for sure," but she heard no answer from SolHi, who was completely immersed in thoughts. „Something happens? SolHi? SolHi! Ya, Ian SolHi, with whom am I talking to?"

  „Aaa?" SolHi finally reacted while looking at her friend as if she was a perfect dumb. „Aaa, besides the fact I have to see the Hunting Dog every day, while I have a gun in my hand, nothing else happens".

  „The Hunting Dog? And with the „Hunting Dog" do you have in mind the...?"

  „The Prosecutor Han DooSan, of course. He's my boss now," SolHi answered and sketched an ironic smile.

  Drowning with beer, Mina splashed everything with bitter drops after a loud „pfff" that came out of her mouth. „And did you sleep with him?" Mina's sure question sneaked out of her mouth while her black little eyes were rolling in circles on the orbit.

  At that moment, Mina was looking like a perfect mouse, and, when she was looking like that, something not too good was happening for sure. Not too good for SolHi only, because she felt that she would be the target of Mina's mockeries again that day.

  „Yeah, and I have two children with him too. Have you lost your mind? How the Hell could you think that I could enter the bed with that… Demon? Only if to strangle him," was SolHi's answer and, after deforming the beer can, she threw it in the trash den. „Bingo!"

  „Damn bingo! You didn't answer my question, Ian SolHi. Why will you and Han DooSan work together? And why do I have the feeling that you two, working together, will be a re-enactment of the „Tom and Jerry" cartoon?! And yeah, I'm damn curious to know who Jerry is here," and, perfectly putting an arm on the other and lying her chest on it, Mina stared at SolHi while waiting for the desired answer.

  „I don't know, ok?! I don't know who the fucking Jerry is between us two and who Tom is. I just…"

  „Talk nicely, Ian SolHi. You aren't a man in a rock bar to talk like that and it definitely does not sound nice".

  „I don't know about talking nicely, but I definitely know that I won't ever lose in front of that jerk. All the shits he did to me in the past without an answer - that was enough for me. This time, I'll go till the end, and if one of us dies, then lucky him".

  „I think you should leave the police, SolHi. If Han DooSan is involved in this, it is because he's again after evidence and he won't stop until seeing you in jail".

  „Then he should nicely sit on his ass because he has a damn long time to wait. And... I won't give him the privilege to see me on my knees in front of him, Mina. I'm tired of hiding or running and you know that if I quit now, it doesn't mean he will give up on his obsession to break me down. I'm his target, remember?! All this shit happens for 7-years-long already. He won't step back and me either. Not until one of us will be out of the game".

  „And with „out of the game" you mean a dead man."

  „I like that you are smart, Mina. Not for nothing, you are a psychologist: you definitely can make logical conclusions."

  „Ha-ha, and I feel that it hasn't been something nice addressed to me".

  „I told you already that I like when you make smart conclusions," and, for the first time since they met that night, SolHi smiled.

  „And... what will you do then? I still think that making him a lover will be better than fighting with him. He's sexy, motherfucker. If not for the problems between you two, I could even say that he's the perfect lover."

  „I think so too," SolHi answered, to Mina's surprise. „He's hot like a bat which sleeps upside down during the day while he's the Master Vampire during the night. You know, that famous one: Dracula. Han DooSan is his vivid copy on Earth after half a century already, I think".

  „And what I think is that you also saw what vampires can do to their women," Mina said, grinning while SolHi was staring at her like a dumb. „You know the series „Twilling," right?! I think there was a scene with the broken bed in that movie and I also think that you and Han DooSan, if..."

  „Yeah," SolHi loudly shouted, forcing Mina to cover her ears.

  „What?!" Mina said this time. „You two are the perfect copy of the other because none of you knows what really happened that night, but you are trying to suck the other's blood and you definitely are both crazy vampires. The world is your mirror, remember?! The others are copying your own movements and life returns you everything you did to others, like a boomerang. If you would have told Han DooSan about what you lost that night, maybe…"

  „Never. Did you listen to me, Park Mina? I'll never tell Han DooSan about this. I don't need his mercy. The only thing I need from him is to be left alone and if this isn't possible, then I'll fight with him till the other one will be out of the game, traitor," and SolHi walked away, leaving Mina staring behind her.

  „And I still think that you are two perfect idiots. But who knows: from hate to love it's one step left and... You said this once, SolHi: a friend is your enemy. Always".


  An apartment building in a neighborhood for rich people. The street is quite crowded for that late hour of the night, but people all around still do not hurry to go home.

  Then, a white van with the inscription „Fast delivery: Duck Pan," suddenly stopped in front of the building. Min An Sock, the delivery guy, got out of the van and, opening the rear doors, took a big box with a red bow covering it.

  „Someone will have a nice surprise," An Sock loudly said, and, taking the stroller for carrying heavy things, he finally managed to take the box out of the van. „What the Hell are they sending in this box?" An Sock wondered, difficulty breathing, after forcing himself with the box. „Some of us never think that somebody else should carry on all this," he mumbled unsatisfied, and entered the building.

  Getting in front of the elevator, he pressed the button several times, but, seeing that it didn't move, An Sock started to be nervous: „why is this shit delaying to come? I have better things to do than to wait," he thought and he again nervously pressed the button. „Come on, you bastard, come once," An Sock yelled at the button.

  „It's broken," An Sock heard a woman's voice behind him, and, turning his head, he saw a young lady about 35 in a wheelchair approaching him. „You should press it gently, then it will work," the woman said and she pressed the button slowly. 2 minutes later the elevator's doors opened. „I told you it will work this way," the young lady said and she entered the elevator.

  An Sock followed her while making funny grimaces: he was definitely not satisfied that he has been taught by a lady. „Which floor?" she asked while staring at him.

  „Aaa?! Aaa, the floor. The 5th," he answered, after looking one more time at the address written on the box.

  After the young lady had pressed 5, the elevator started to move, but it moved so slowly that the movement made An Sock even more anxious than before, and that lady, that kept staring at him: was so fucking impolite. „Nobody ever told her that it isn't nice to stare at others, especially when you don't know that person?" An Sock yelled in his head, but he hadn't enough time to finish his thought: the elevator stopped, and, right after the doors opened, he exited it, pulling the box after him.

  „503. 503," An Sock mumbled while looking for the apartment with that number.

  Then, when he saw the door at the end of the corridor, he hurried up and left the box in front of the door because it wasn't necessary for the recipient's signature, and the last thing he wanted was to meet a talkative client. But even so, before leaving, he decided to ring the doorbell at least and inform the client about his delivery.

  When the client opened the door, An Sock was already closing the one that led to the stairs, because he felt that his heart was about to exit his chest and it was something that he hated, and waiting again for the elevator was something that he didn't want at that moment.

  But his client was not as anxious as An Sok was. Per contra: he was very slow, about 40, not very tall, with an athletic body and blue eyes, something that wasn't often seen in an Asian guy. But this made him absolutely handsome and for it wasn't for sure a surprise for him that he received such a gift. That's why, after opening the door, he carefully looked around, but he became happy and forget about everything else when he saw the box.

  Reading the note left on the box, Ri Jun smiled. „Only for you, Oppa!" Ri Jun loudly read it. „Open me when you will be alone," and he again smiled, because he didn't expect such a surprise, but he was definitely happy receiving it. „Silly girl. She decided to surprise me," and, after these words, Ri Jun dragged the box into the apartment.

  Dragging it closer to the sofa and comfortably sitting down on it while preparing to enjoy the surprise, he slowly opened the box. But a scream came out of his mouth when he saw that the surprise sent to him was a dead girl.