

„I don't remember when or why, but they say I killed someone. I was judged for this, but I'm still free as they didn't find any evidence to send me to jail and to close me inside a cold cell, for eternity. However, they are still after me! Especially my victim's brother who swore to kill me or to kneel me down. And now, when we are working together, I'm forced to see him every day and to see that big hatred he has for me reflected in his eyes.  And... it's a reciprocal feeling: hating! But even so, something attracts me to him. Is it because I'm a crazy woman that loves the one who hurts her and hates her? Maybe! I don't have an answer to this question! But still, while his eyes are piercing me and leaving me blooding inside, I understand that I know nothing about this world.  My name is Ian SolHi. I'm 30 and I'm a detective in the Homicide Department, Seoul PD. I've been accused once of being a murderer, but I've been also declared innocent, for lack of evidence. That's why I entered the police: to find out the truth and, since then, 7 years have already passed without finding out what happened then. But I feel that everything has changed now: the monster inside me has awakened and he feels the smell of blood."

flyangel2690 · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: Hello, Monster! How are you?

 „Just stay where you are, motherfucker," SolHi yelled at the stupid, idiot of Chan Choli, who was running away from her in the middle of the street.

  And how not to run when that swindler caused her a lot of trouble and, because of this, she has been after him for about 2 years already. And, only that day, she could smell his trace. Oh, God and yes, he stank and this could be smelled from far away while she was chasing him, making her think that he has probably been hidden in some stinky den till that day.

  Chan Choli was a man about 25, who spent many days of his short life in prison, and it was well known that he started to steal at the age of 14 while he was part of a band, but, in time, he started to love this job and he has done a lot of shits since then.

  „He's faster, that jerk," she yelled again, and, taking one of the shower shoes she was wearing off, SolHi threw it after him. But, because he was too far from her, the shoe didn't even catch up with him and she eventually stumped.

  Turning upside down, right in the middle of the street, she saw in amazement the naked lower part of her body: „Ups, I did it again!" and yes, she did it. She was running after that idiot wearing only the jacket of one of her colleagues, too big for her actually, and, when she rolled on the ground, it opened and revealed her nakedness to the world. Thank God that there were only a few old ladies who saw her and no man, otherwise her boss would have definitely killed her.

  Raising her head, SolHi saw Chan Choli jumping over the hood of a car that suddenly stopped behind him: poor driver, he probably was in shock to see an idiot jumping in front of his car, from nowhere, and he pressed the brake pedal to the brim to avoid the impact.

  „He definitely wants to die today," SolHi mumbled while standing up. „Ah, you motherfucker, just wait. I'll kick your ass so bad that you will walk like a duck forever, boy," and, after such words that cooled her soul, she ran again after him.

  Actually, Chan Choli wasn't stupid at all: he knew very well the streets of Seoul City and, because of this, he was jumping among the cars on the move at that moment, without even paying attention to the drivers'yells, who were forced to press the brake pedals to the brim. „Asshole", „Look where are you running, idiot", and „Are you looking for your death, motherfucker?" were just a few of the sweet words spoken behind Chan Choli, who seemed not to be at all bothered because of such things.

  Stopping right in front of a car that was coming toward her, at full speed, SolHi saw her whole life passing in front of her. But she was lucky because it wasn't his first day behind the wheel and the driver could avoid the impact at the last moment. Of course, he told her something nice too, but she hadn't enough time to answer him properly or to apologize because she saw Chan Choli turning left on the bridge that was crossing River Han.

  In a blink of an eye, SolHi got on that bridge, but, to her surprise, Chan Choli stopped and, looking at her, he grinned. She also stopped, sketching a smile. „I got you!"

  However, Chan Choli only stared at her as if he saw a little girl or maybe a naked dumb because she was definitely looking like one at that moment, but without getting her tail down, she talked confidently to him:

  „So, motherfucker, do you understand now who are you dealing with?" she told him, but, instead of a verbal answer, he raised his hand and kindly showed her the middle finger. Of course, after this, the verbal answer was also heard. „You want it, bitch," Chan Choli said, piercing her with his rat eyes.

  „Bitch??" SolHi mumbled, ready to break him into a thousand pieces and she was definitely looking like a fighting dog: her jaw was shaking, like her hands, and her eyes were about to get out of orbit. „Wow, you definitely want to die today," she said. „Nobody ever called me, bitch and, after this, he survived. You won't be an exception, Chan Choli. You won't be, for sure".

  She was about to throw herself on him when Chan Choli instigated the assault, and he knew how to fight and he did it well. But SolHi was also well trained: so, she wasn't an easy opponent for him, and, because of this, she finally managed to kick his stomach. The kick forced him to crouch, feeling the pain, while she was triumphantly looking at him. Then she took two steps toward him, but she's been forced to stop when she heard the word „Bitch!" coming out of his mouth again.

  „What did you say?" and this wasn't for sure the question she should have asked.

  „You heard me, bitch! Shit! You're like a hunting dog: if you bite someone, you will never let him go!" Chan Choli continued the series of insults while moaning in pain.

  „Should I take it as a compliment?" she tried to tease him.

  „Take this!" and she had to see his middle finger in front of her eyes again.

  „You…," she said, but she didn't manage to take even two steps toward him when Chan Choli climbed the rails of the bridge and jumped into the water. His action made her slap her forehead, nodding:

  „Oh, God! Enough idiots are living in this world, thanks to you, and we are forced to understand them all!" and, while she was saying this mockery, she made a large cross and an „Amin!" was heard coming out of her mouth before jumping after Chan Choli into that cold water.


  „Shit! She's in the water!" Kan yelled at his partner, Yoon Suk when he saw SolHi jumping off the bridge.

  The 45-years-old man was barely breathing while running toward the bridge when he saw Yoon Suk approaching him from the left and he understood that he definitely hadn't the same strength as his 25-years-old partner.

  „I'm definitely old," Kan mumbled while stopping for a few seconds to gasp for a breath.

  „Who?" Yoon Suk asked when he passed by Kan, forcing him to continue to run.

  „Who, who? Our psycho, who!" Kan answered, making a deafening yelp, and the sign of a crazy person has made by his fingers while showing toward the place from off which SolHi jumped into the water.


  SolHi surfaced and looked around, but she couldn't see Chan Choli. „Ah, damn! Don't tell me that I need to save his ass too!" she said and she saw herself forced to sink again. However, the visibility was reduced underwater and she saw nothing around.

  But a hand that suddenly grabbed her down the neck, pushing her down, made her think: „this idiot is trying to drown me." But, because she wasn't ready to die, she stretched her arms to the sides, trying to grab something. Finally, she managed to grab his slippery coat, and, fighting with him, she released herself, and, surfacing again, she forced him to surface too.

  In the daylight, SolHi could see that Chan Choli had a bleeding wound on his forehead: he probably hit something when he jumped, and, because of this, he was repeatedly closing and opening his eyes, bothered by the sunlight.

  Taking advantage of the fact that he was dizzy and fighting against the cold water, SolHi managed to punch him several times till she saw his nose badly bleeding, and only then did she catch him from the back of his coat, dragging him to the shore.


  Kan and Yoon Suk saw the scene while still being on the bridge and, when they saw that SolHi was dragging Chan Choli after her, Kan yelled at the policemen, that were approaching the bridge, to go down the river, to the river shore, and he and Yoon Suk also ran in the same direction.


  Yoon Suk grabbed Chan Choli's arm, forcing him to exit the water, and then pushed him toward the patrols that could be seen next to the bridge's pylons.

  „Are you happy now?" Kan told SolHi while stretching his hand to help her to exit the water.

  „About what?" she asked, but when she understood the hint about Chan Choli's bleeding nose, she just smiled and simply said: „Just precautions! I couldn't allow him to kill me, right?" and she just went away.

  At the moment a policeman gave SolHi a towel and she wanted to wrap her body in it, Kan realized what she was actually wearing and yelled at the policeman: „not a towel, fool! Or what... do you want to kill us all? Just get her inside of a car. Now! Oh, God, jail is crying for us."

  SolHi only reproachfully shook her head, listening to Kan's words, and, after she gave the towel back to the policeman, she got inside of the first patrol she saw in front of her.

  Yoon Suk, surprised by Kan's reaction, approached him. „Something happened, sombe?" he innocently asked Kan.

  „Yeah. Tell me we have a new uniform. Please!" Kan said while staring at the young detective with his eyes ready to pump out of his head.

  „Uniform? What kind of uniform? Aaa, you are talking about sombe Ian and the…"

  „...exactly! I'm talking about that jacket for men that she is wearing and I'm so curious to find out where she took it from," Kan continued in an irritated tone.

  „Sombe Gi gave it to her," Yoon Suk calmly answered without paying attention that Kan was bluffing a strike while touching the back of his neck. „I'm going to bring your medicine, clown," Yoon Suk added in mockery. „You will need it, especially if you find out that before wearing that jacket, it was only a towel".