
Chapter 313 : The confrontation (Outline)

:Insert insult:

:Insert loud laughter:

:Insert young master description:

:Insert young beauty description, with strange metaphors:

:Insert young master molesting young beauty:

:Insert MC smashing through a window of the restaurant:

:Insert young master behaving arrogantly:

:Insert MC beating young master:

:Insert young master kissing the floor:

:Insert young master using his position to threaten MC:

:Insert young master fleeing:

:Insert young beauty loosing what little she had of personality:

:Insert young beauty insulting Greygoose clan's young master of impotent, for not participating in the fight:

Chapter 1, I hope everyone will enjoy. I worked on this for some months, and I'm in the process of writing chap 313. So expect a lot of juicy chaps.


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