
Chapter 32: Night Terrors

Everything was dark

The moon was the only glow so far away from the fire.

Dalton knew exactly where Mike was at. He had watched him head there when he left the fire earlier.

“Hey, I thought I’d find you here,” Dalton called, causing Mike to turn around.

“Oh, hey man.” Mike kicked another rock into the water, watching the ripples.

“Why are you out here by yourself?” Dalton asked.

“I just am having a hard time is all. Seeing Autumn hurts thinking that she’s been cheating on me this whole time. And with Jackson? That guy is a, well, he’s a bad ass, but still. Not the greatest.”

Mike turned and looked at Dalton who had now come right beside him.

“Sorry, I know he’s your friend and all.”

“No, don’t be. You’re my friend too, that’s why I wanted to tell you.”

Dalton patted Mike on the back.

“I know, thanks for that. I know it probably wasn’t an easy thing to tell me.”

“No problem. You haven’t told anyone else about it, have you?”