
Insanity Duo

It was suppose to work, a really simple idea was suppose to work. All Pono wanted was to help people and no other god responded to their plee for help. So she reached out to the goddess of insanity and it's been a journey ever since. ----- Writing Prompt turned Novel, title is a WIP so is this entire story.

WIHachilles · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Ever since the first goddess attack, the duo killed a couple of others. Deimos and Phobos, are two female twins. If they weren't contracted to get Pono, they probably would've caused widespread panic and fear. However, Pono does a better job and without hesitation got rid of the duo. The entirety of Oregon was now dead, and everyone who didn't believe or evacuate the state was eradicated.

Pono sighed heavily as she looked over the new tattoo arms on her arm. Staring down at the city below. A small content smile was on her face as she breathed in and out, the entire state of Oregon was now gone. Peace as it should be, the military stations and bases were hard to get rid of, but she had no problems otherwise.

Lyssa came out beside her from a floating portal, in a different style of clothing. A messier modern style of dress that the people of Oregon use to wear. Torn-up purple pajamas with a pastel purple shirt with a goat getting sacrificed. Her hair was in a messier half-assed bun. A small content devilish smile was on her face, "Where to next?" she purred out, trying to nuzzle up to her acolyte.

Pono let out a growl and shoved the annoying goddess away, huffing loudly. "I don't care. Wherever I hear the first thoughts." She sighed contently. Her body leaned back and stretched like a cat, before hopping up. Some new thoughts tried to take over, the feeling of relief to turn herself in and the feeling to strike fear and terror into people. In this is what being insane feels like, she gripped at her hair and tore out a small portion.

Lyssa giggled a little at their despair, "Anyways, did you hear about the theories of what we are? Some of them think we are aliens and you are an angel sent by god to relieve them of their life." She joked.

Lyssa paused for a moment and twisted her head around in a one-eighty manner. Someone was coming up behind them, bold at that with no fear. Pono turned around and a large scowl, a large ax flicked from their arm and pointed at the girl. "Not only you snuck up on us, but you have no thoughts either. How is that even possible, even if you tried to mask it? We would've still heard it. What are you?"

The girl's smile turned into a psychotic one, her teeth showing more and more as she dropped down onto her knees, her hands grasped in a prayer manner. "Whatever cult this is, let me in it, please. I want to follow you til the ends of the earth." The girl pleaded to make a case for herself.

Pono and Lyssa stared at each other trying to gauge what was happening, why is someone willing to try to side with people that were basically eradicating the human race? Pono spoke for the thoughts that were on both of their minds, "Who are you, and who's backing you?"

A snake slithered out of the girl's robe and wrapped around their arms and slithered around her neck. It slowly turned human and it was a small male child with black snake-like eyes. The child spoke it with a slight echo, "Oh me?" It giggled mischievously. "I go by many names." Its eyes shined brighter, the slits glowing. "The Egyptian pantheon has joined the fray! It's me Apopis, but you probably know me as Apep."

Lyssa's facial expression brightened in recognition. "I've heard of you! I heard how you always attack Ra." The tone faded as it slowly switched to questioning, "Why to work with us though?" She added after.

Apep smiled and gladly explained, "Well who wouldn't take the opportunity to destroy the human race." It giggled mischievously.

Pono and Lyssa sighed in harmony before Pono rolled her shoulders. Then shrugging. "Sure, whatever, I can kill you later with no problems if needed." She muttered nonchalantly under her breath. Voices in her head, someone was here. Someone who managed to stay alive. Pono looked down at the ground to see someone causally wandering through the streets, a small tick mark appeared on the side of her head. "Do you want your first task?" Hearing a small chuckle as a response, she pointed down at the person on the ground. "Kill them, I don't care how. Just do it." She says monotono manner.

Apep nodded at their follower, "Let's go Tete!" the young boy cheered as Tete ran forward and hopped off the building landing on the ground. Tete grasped her hands together, she spoke out. "How dare you wonder so casually? Don't you fear for your life what the great one could do to you?" Tete spoke, one of her eyes open to glare at the figure.

The figure was someone androgynous, it was hard to tell based on what they were wearing. A very skinny form wearing long robes and a hood covering their eyes. They spoke in a monotone voice, a small hint of annoyance when they speak. "Have you seen her? That fucking freak or monster whatever you call her." Their hands twitched as they spoke.

The duo's body twitched, "Who do you think you are? Calling them a freak." They spoke in somewhat synchrony, a tide bit of annoyance. Tete without thinking gripped Apep's arm, scratching them slightly. "Let's make them regret it." The snake child slowly extended themselves becoming a long halberd. A wooden handle with steel wiring intertwined with each other. Ancient hieroglyphics tell the story of Apep and Ra, the blade being dark steel. The spear is in the shape of a sharp fork and the actual blade is in the shape of a crescent moon.

"Oh? Traitor against humans? Why don't you tell me where she is and you can scurry along now before I have to get rid of another person." They snapped, their left arm bulging slightly. Fingernails grew sharper as they became claws with grey scales crawling up.

Tete snarled in response, "How can I be a traitor to a group of people that never liked me, to begin with." That's when she charged forward. Swinging down her halberd at the figure. "This is easy! You're weak, you can't even beat me." Speaking cockily with a smirk.

"Disappointing." In the monotone voice, they tore off their robe and threw it in Tete's face. Blinding her before slamming them into the ground with their clawed arm, digging into Tete's back.

A gasp of air coughed a little blood as they slammed into the ground. Feeling the claw digging deeper into Tete's back, she screamed in pain. Gripping the halberd tighter, looking up with squinted eyes at the person. It was still an androgynous form, a pale-skinned pixie cut hairstyle masculine face. They had slight makeup on making them look like a half-transformed crocodile. "Now let's try this again." digging deeper into Tete's back as they spoke. "Where are they?"

Feeling a thought entering her mind, she heard Apep's voice. "Be careful." The voice sounded shaky, "This is Sobek, be careful. They're powerful and are known for their military prowess." Apep sounded fearful at first before gaining their confidence again. "I guess you're ready for this, what's the worse that can happen?" Apep chuckled mischievously as a burst of energy surrounded her body, it pushed the figure away. They used their clawed arm as a shield from the bright light.

Standing her or if you could call it standing now, Tete sort of rose instead lifting off the ground. There were a couple of new things about her, the first thing was her lower half resembled a snake. It was sixteen yards long with the color of red still telling the story of Apep and Ra. Her halberd wasn't a halberd anywhere, it was another snake. Slithering up her right arm was the same exact pattern as her tail. When she breathed out slightly, poisonous mist with sharp fangs and a long forked tongue. Raising her right her arm, as blood slid down the side of her mouth. "What's your name?" Tete asked her voice had a psychotic edge to it. "It doesn't matter much." She gripped the snake and swung it forward. It extended towards them at a rapid rate raising its jaws to bite down.

"My name is Neo." They spat out as they readied their claws for another attack when the snack came lunging forward. Neo brought their clawed arm back and swung it forward. Digging into the snake's upper jaw, when they tried to pull it out nothing happened. So they decided to go for a different tactic, their arm bulged more as the scales crawled up their body more. The muscles grew slightly bigger as Neo proceeded to raise their arm up, taking Tete with the snake.

Tete tried to hold her ground, her tail trying to find something to hold on to. There was nothing to hold on to so her body was slowly raised off the ground. She winced as it felt like her entire arm felt like it was being torn apart. Apep wasn't having a good time either, Tete gripped her head with her free hand as she heard the chaos deity screams in her head. Her vision was slowly getting blurry and was losing focus, she was right above Neo. They had a sharp grip as they became slightly more manic with what they doing. Tete felt another ball of blood in her mouth and she spat in the direction of Neo. The blood fell quickly and there was a loud yelp of pain. Flesh burned as Neo covered their right eye, screaming out in pain. Tete smirked slightly as she commanded her tail which was still on the ground to slither around the stunned person. She tightened her grip as she heard bones break and snap. A large fanged grin as she brought her left hand back and contracted the snake that was still in her hands. It was quick, the speed that she fell back on the earth. She dug her fingers into Neo's forehead as it went through with a splatter. Neo's body convulsed a little bit before slumping over. Tete slowly pulled her fingers out and shook off the blood with brain matter. She unraveled herself and slithered away slowly looking up to see Pono and Lyssa still on the roof. Putting up a thumbs up before passing out face first, her body transformed back to normal. Apep was right beside her, the child passed out as well.

Pono and Lyssa watched the fight, hearing this Neo person look for them both. Lyssa suggested they make a run for it now while they were both distracted, but Pono stood her ground. She brought up a good point if Tete won. That proves that she's a worthy ally and is she lost. One less annoying person to deal with and a weakened opponent. So they were both fairly shocked to see Tete pull off a barely winnable victory. "I guess we know what to do now right?" Pono hopped off the roof and walked towards the passed-out girl on the ground. She swung her over her should and Lyssa held the child in her arms.

The next chapter will be the last for a while. I rather get a backlog going for stories and I just had the confidence to post this on here. Enjoy it! If you have any gods deities or anything you want to see leave a comment!

WIHachillescreators' thoughts