
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.17 Well this looks like a job for me... never mind

I'm back :) sorry I took so long so here's big chapter


The day had come the 4 were prepared and we started the plan I sat in the command centre for sacrifices and then the two main operators came walking in 'Oldy' and 'idiot' they quickly asked me this "Oh Retard what are you doing in here" I snorted and said

(Oldy is the bald guy and idiot is the guy with hair guy with hair is Hadly and bald is Sitterson)

"I'm gonna see how this goes and I want to personally see what my new equipment does" 'Oldy' chuckled and said "Welp retard time to see how true professionals work" I snorted and said "yeah professionals that's what you are" they chuckled and started to get checked by the security guard who asked "Identification please" the two pulled out there cards which fit scanned and they were allowed in

'Idiot' then asked the security guard this "what's your name" the security guard then replied "Daniel Truman sir" with that 'idiot' told Truman this "This isn't the military Truman you can drop the sir but Sitterson does like to be called ma'am" with that Sitterson said "Or honey toes"

Hadley then added "He'll also answer to honey toes you clear on what's gonna be happening here" Truman replied once again saying " I've been prepped. Extensively" Hadley then said "And did they tell you that being prepped is not the same as being prepared" Truman then said "they told me. I'll hold my post. Mr Hadley" with that Hadley said his final word to Truman "Good man"

He then sat down and turned on the big screen in the room and all the other ones which were watching the four sacrifices that were chosen they then started to zoom in on them watching them interact with their old racist man agent at the gas station since the old man was supposed to make them angry he did and he liked doing so cause he was racist

Anyway he did the plot he was given and called the jocks girlfriend a whore made them all angry and they drove off to the "Buckner place" as he called it they drove through a nice forest on the way and then the tunnel thankfully not seeing the eagle banging into the force field

With that they arrived at the jocks brothers new summer home the virgin girl was the first to walk in then the jock the bimbo the nerd and then the drunkard then the nerd found a room and saw the painting on the wall which was very disturbing to him so he took it off and saw that there was a double window which gave the nerd access to the virgins room she then started to undress and he had an internal crisis

But he was morally ok so he banged on the wall and switched rooms with the virgin then Lin came in and described how the Chem department was recommending a 50mg dose of Rohyptase to increase libido for the bimbo and then they described how they were slowing down cognition to the bimbo which they did bye putting stuff in the blond hair dye she used which was pretty artistic since dumb blond

Then Mordecai called and Hadley answered him making fun off him by making him be on speaker when he was making very edgy description of the four sacrifices he then figured this out and Hadley faked making him not he then figured this out again and everyone shit on him

Anyway then Sitterson and Hadley started managing bets people from maintenance,engineering,zoology etc started betting on what monster would be chosen by one of the four anyway knowing the future I betted for the Buckner's family and once I won I would split the pot with the maintenance department and one random guy who's name I didn't know

Anyway Truman asked about the betting making Hadley say this "The director doesn't care about this stuff. As long as everything goes smoothly upstairs, as long as the kids do as they're told." Before Hadley could go on Truman interjected saying "but then it's fixed"

Hadley replied saying "No, no, no. " with that Truman asked asked him this "How can you wager in this when you control the outcome" once again Hadley explained it to Truman "No, we just get em in the cellar. They take it from there." Then Sitterson interjected saying "No, they have to make the choice of their own free will. Otherwise the system doesn't work it's like the harbinger it's this creepy old fuck practically wears a sign 'You will die'. Why do we put him there the system. They have to choose to ignore him and they have to choose what happens in the cellar. Yeah we rig the game as much as we need to, but in the end they don't transgress..."

Then I interjected saying "They can't be punished" Hadley then asked Truman if he was betting but he wasn't then everyone watched with baited breath hoping they would win and then we saw the four have a normal horror movie party horny blond stupid jock blah blah then the cellar door was pushed open by a concentrated air blast and then the blond dared the virgin to go down there where she found all the cursed artefacts and screamed making everyone come down their as well

And then they all started fondling artefacts and then the virgin asked everyone to see what she had found she had found a diary about a family a the Buckner family and with that the monster was chosen and I had won the bet and I started bullying Hadley since he had chosen the sea monster and the jock had gotten so close to it actually being chosen

Then the virgin read the Latin in the book out loud making us send in the Buckner family and then Sitterson announced that maintenance,Ronald and I had won the pot and we cheered and everyone one else "awwwd" then they all watched the virgin and the jock go and have sex in the woods well nearly because Hadley made sure they went back to work before they could see it happen

Then Truman see his moral decency and asked why we needed to see them have sex and he got shut down hard by Hadley and Sitterson because they weren't the only ones watching and they needed to make them happy at all costs anyway one of the big Buckner's then appeared stabbing the blond in the hand and the jock in shoulder and then throwing a bear trap at the jocks back and then another Buckner threw a bear trap at the blonds back who then got her throat slit

With that Sitterson held a amulets his hand and said "This we offer in humility and fear. For the blessed peace of your eternal slumber. As it ever was" Hadley joined in and said "As it ever was" Sitterson then kissed the amulet and Hadley opened a wooden slide which held a switch in he pulled the switch and the blonds blood vile was smashed making it seep into her carving

Then the fool walked outside for a piss and encountered the Jock who ran towards the house hitting a Buckner on the way and dragging the drunkard into the house they then started to lock down the house barricading rooms and such then the Jock used his brain and told them all to stick together and Hadley swore but Sitterson fixed that pumping some gas into the Jocks face making him tell everyone to split up

Then the Buckner breaking down the door broke down the door and all the sacrifices ran into their rooms and Sitterson locked them in and then the drunkard found out their was cameras all over his room and Hadley panicked but a Buckner came to the rescue and dragged him off away from the cameras watch and we heard what sounded like his death

And then Hadley went to pull the fools switch but I stopped him shouting "Hadley stop his vitals haven't stopped he's still alive" he quickly stopped and froze then Sitterson slapped him lightly over the head saying "God damm it Hadley use the vital readers I mean I know they were implemented a couple days ago but come on this situation hangs on the balance ok" he nods pale as a dead man and sits back down

Then we saw the virgin get attacked by a Buckner but the window that was going into her previous room was broken down by the nerd he quickly helped her into his room were they found a hatch that went down so they jumped down but the nerd was attacked by a Buckner from above getting bear trapped in the back he was pulled up but the virgin pulled him down

Then the virgin picked up a bar and stabbed it into the Buckner's eye and then she picked up a knife and stabbed it more since it moved because of that Hadley complained and reminisced about the old days were you could throw a girl into a volcano and everything was fine

Then the jock came into the room and made them follow him where he hacked down the door that was keeping them form the outside they then ran to the van they came in they got in not noticing the bloody hand print on it then they drove off to the tunnel.

Which is when we found out that Japan had failed then the three sacrifices that remained saw that the tunnel was caved in so the jock got his dirt bike from the back off his van and aimed it to the other side of the valley hoping he could make it to the other side but before he tried this daring stunt he made a nice speech about how he would come back with guns and shit then he drove off and it looked like he would make it.

But he collided with the force field and died making Hadley check the vitals of him to see if he was actually dead which he was so he got up and held down the jocks switch making the vile of blood seep into his carving then the nerd and the virgin got back in the van and drove off hoping to find another road then the nerd told the virgin a nice speech about how he needed her and stuff

But then he was stabbed through the neck making the van speed off into the pond nearly drowning the virgin but she got out but was then assailed by a Buckner who quickly started attacking her now with that Hadley slowly got out the champagne to prepare for the sacrifices death but then suddenly he pulled out the champagne and started celebrating and then everyone came in I was shocked the drunkard was still alive why where they celebrating but then the red phone started ringing

And everyone turned and Hadley made someone turn off the music and went to the phone and answered it and was for some reason shocked that the fool was still alive even though his vitals were still going strong which wasn't possible no human could survive the attacks he had gotten but I was also at fault I hadn't checked the cameras and when i turned to them they where disabled and that's when I got a really really bad feeling

Anyway while I was getting a bad feeling the fool saved the virgin and dragged her to the Buckner's graves where he found the elevator that transported monsters up to the forest continuing on the drunkard then showed the virgin the elevator which they jumped into and with that it started moving. Well not instantly the drunkard had to smash some wires together to get it moving

Continuing on they then saw the monsters that were contained in similar elevators the werewolf the ballerina the saw head man and other monsters but then there elevator was transported to the main monster hood area where they heard the director speak to them well speak to them after they killed a guard

She told them this "You shouldn't be here this should've gone differently ended more quickly I can only imagine your pain and confusion but know this what's happening to you is part of something bigger something older than anything known you've seen horrible things an army of nightmare creatures but they are nothing compared to what came before what lies below it's our task to placate the ancient ones as it's yours to be offered up to them forgive us and let us get it over with"

And with that the drunkard and the fool retreated into the monster control room after seeing the guards run towards them but this time they couldn't release all the monsters I made sure of that... is what I thought I had changed the release system to a two key release and the two keys where on guards at all times and they weren't in the room but behind the fool and virgin back two keys appeared right next to the release locks

So once they got up the virgin noticed them and quickly the fool noticed as well they twisted it and released all the monsters and with that the security that was sent after them was massacred and then the second security team that went towards them were killed as well anyway that was when I knew something very fucking suspicious was going on some of those monsters could sense people and they completely ignored the fool and the virgin

And that was when I figured it out the ancient ones started this the defences were down outside forces wasn't immediately coming in to help and every defensive measure failed then the power shut down and the back up ones started up but then the vault door was hit and it became dented so I quickly pulled out the defensive equipment that I stored in the main room for precautions and situations like this

I gave Truman a shot gun Hadley a machine gun Sitterson a high powered rifle and lin got another machine gun I got a shotgun and then we started to defend ourselves from the onslaught Truman quickly blasted the scarecrows destroying them I shot at the spider with Hadley then Truman exploded a scarecrow had pulled his grenade pin then I blasted the fish man that was coming for Hadley killing it

Right after that Sitterson opened the emergency escape hatch then a large tentacle broke open the roof and took Lin and Hadley. But then Sitterson jumped down the hatch closing it behind him. Now I'll answer a question your probably asking why aren't I using my powers well I couldn't the only ones that were working was super natural intelligence so yeah that's why I couldn't go nay nay on their asses and yes the ancient ones were doing this

Anyway I quickly picked up the remaking guns ammo armour and grenades and o sprinted towards the stairs that would take me down to the ancient one area the problem was that that the monsters were literally all going for me no one else literally no one else other than me

I shot kicked punched dodged stabbed danced did the boogy until I arrived but it was way too late and even then I probably wouldn't be able to do anything I was very injured even with super intelligence I couldn't use my now mundane body to dodge monster with super speed that came out of fucking walls so I saw the fool and the virgin take one last smoke from the fools joint before a ancients hands came out from under me and like that I was gone.