
Insane traveller -PAUSED-

Insane guy dies then gets powers cause he was randomly chosen then gets sent around to fuck around Don’t expect much from this I’m bad at writing and I’m doing this for fun and I’ll probably abandon this since I’m lazy as hell and I’m not creative

wizardoggo · Movies
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23 Chs

Ch.16 Wait a minute I’ve seen... never mind this is weird

Well back in the wonderful and totally comfortable and decorated not just filled with darkness not at all anyway I kinda just sat there floating for a while contemplating what world I would go to next and then it appeared the blue screen of banana


Rewards for world: Kingsmen: the secret service

(check superhero wiki if curious)

1.Organic absorption

World chosen for next adventure: The cabin in the woods (serious/horror)


I sighed and then smiled The cabin in the woods was a great movie but I wonder who will i become a sacrifice or a scientist probably a sacrifice and there I went off into the world of cabin in the woods which was a lot more serious than I realised but my retainer told me later that it was dumming down my supernatural intelligence so I would get shocked for the entertainment purposes of the viewers

Anyway I found myself in Alex white's body a scientist for the STWO short for Save The World Organisation I know not very creative but I don't think they were focusing on that anyway I was a major scientist and organiser at the main facility in America and in a month the main protagonists of this film would be sacrificed anyway I would use this month to experiment on the monsters hoping the Titans wouldn't fuck with me because I don't know if I can defeat planet destroying monsters but if they did I'll try to

Continuing on I got up and got dressed getting prepared to do work at the facility i put on my clothes made some coffee and some toast then I got in my mustang car and drove straight to the facility passing through a blue shield that made everything behind it look invisible I have to admit the STWO had some very advanced tech like form what Alex white knew the shield was made to reflect light to make the entrance behind it invisible and even then it blocked everyone who didn't have the clearance making them burn into dust so yeah these people were serious

What a surprise anyway I drove right up to the entrance checkpoint brought out my identification card and put it next to the scanner the guy inside the booth then looked at my identification information and let me in lifting the giant metal doors in the way I drove into the tunnel and the metal doors closed behind me

I then parked my car and got out and went straight to my office from what Alex white knew he apparently was getting confirmation on his request to experiment on weak monsters or his request would be rejected once he arrived he logged into his computer and checked his email seeing a email sent by the "director" he had gotten conformation and was getting access to the "Ghost" the "Ballerina" and the "Werewolf"

The ghost was a ghost obviously the ballerina was a small child with a mouth that covered its entire face and the mouth had lots of teeth the werewolf was a werewolf Alex was expecting access to more but this was fine he was already exited on what he would learn from them he the laughed using his vast experience of being a scientist to create a perfect mad scientist laugh

This disturbed the people who walked by but Alex didn't care his science boner was going strong and it wouldn't go down until he fully experimented and explored the monsters he had access to off course it would take a couple days until his lab was fully created and the containers were reinforced and modified for proper scientific experiments and exploration but Alex for once was at a medium level of excitement which he hadn't felt for a while

Anyway with that Alex got to work reading documents sending orders to the STWO capture teams after getting confirmation from the STWO monster sensing teams that a new monster had appeared and it needed to be captured and contained so Alex gave authorisation for them to go out and started to contact local enforcement teams in the area the monster had formed

With that done Alex went to go get some food and then started giving specifics for his lab then with that done he went home

*7 days later*

The lab and facility for his experimentation was complete and for his first experiment he would test the monster strength endurance dexterity wisdom and intelligence of rat he started with the werewolf it could break a plate of steel in half it could rip apart a cow in half it could run at the speeds of a mustang for 4 hours

And it like all animals had instincts but they were dumbed down since it was a Evil blood thirsty werewolf now monsters were made by myths and then it a Titan took interest in that myth or story they would give it power and make it form were its myth or story originated

Continuing onto the werewolf's intelligence it was dumb because it was a blood thirsty werewolf it could predict things like were it's pretty would run where it would hide etc and it could identify danger like a gun I shot it with one and it injured it then I showed it to the werewolf again and it backed off and started running all around the room to not be shot

Anyway with that out of the way I then started to dissect it while unconscious it was powered by a Titan so if I didn't fully kill it like destroy it's heart or brain it would be fine this whole operation took 3 days to finish and polish out and it gave me the reputation of being a insane scientist which I mean was correct but it was rude to say that while I was around

But the experiments I did on the werewolf made me discover TE or Titan energy which powered the monsters it gave them nourishment energy health and made it free of disease now monsters who's thing was hunger would get hungry but overall most monsters didn't need to eat poop pee breath and TE made the monsters regenerate at fast levels

Because of this the directors council made me continue research on monsters and TE they even gave me a team of fellow somewhat insane scientists which was nice anyway I then experimented on the ghost it could rip apart wood had infinite endurance had great dexterity since it had floating hands but it was extremely dumb but it could recognise modern technology

Like in one specific experiment I made it think I left it alone with a computer and it signed in and browsed through the internet this was a interesting outcome it meant that some monsters could have human experience and memories made form there myths like this ghost was made firm a myth where a human was betrayed by his family and lover dying and then coming back for revenge one of the more simpler myths

Anyway the ghost was made out of TE everything it did left a trail of TE which then attracted monsters because of that I started to make a TE deleter and confiner which would delete the left over TE made by the ghost and any other kind of monster while the TE confiner would confine TE which would basically freeze monsters made out of pure TE which would be a godsend to the STWO

So in the next 13 days he focused in that and increasing security in the facility to prepare for the sacrifice that was gonna happen in 11 days he made sure that the room where the creatures come out in the movie had to have two security guards and to release all monsters you had to have two keys and a passcode which only the guards assigned to the room knew

Anyway continuing on I developed the TE confiner and deleter on the next 13 days while increasing security then I upgraded the weapons held by the guards making sure they could pierce weak monster skins which the guns they had couldn't even do (monster category strength poor weak medium strong scary) so now they could kill more monsters if they escaped which everyone liked

With everything he developed he kept on getting manpower and resources because if this I started to create a monster manual containing all their weaknesses and strengths I could only do this with poor weak and medium monsters because the directors council didn't give me access to the strong and scary ones because they thought the Titans would make them escape which has happened before

And with the remaining ten days I made a device that recognises categorised monsters and shows there weaknesses and strengths on the screen it's basically a iPod that gives info and it can scan newly formed monsters giving soldiers insights into the newly formed monsters meaning less casualties

Anyway that's all for today I have to prepare some contingency's in case all my preparations fail.


Yeah not a very good returning chapter sorry but the action and stuff will happen next chapter and can you tell me if you liked the studying of the monsters and stuff and the TE thing if it's ok in your eyes then I'm fine with that