

The young Blake Alderwolf decides to join the fight against the daemon, the monstrous entities that have been reigning terror on mankind all over the world, unaware that he, alongside everyone else are just marionettes in an individual's grand plan.

Iam_pencilmark · Fantasy
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122 Chs

The Calm 2

Brandon threw himself unto the hard bed, letting out a sigh of relief. He stretched a few times before sitting back up.

"Nothing like a good night rest. At least this time I could really get the full eight hours of sleep."

"It's ten o'clock," Blake said.


Blake removed the hoodie he wore, revealing the white t-shirt he wore. He sat on the bed opposite to Brandon.

"I guess this is mine then," Blake said.

"Actually, the bed doesn't have owners. Inquisitors roam the entire world so whenever the drop by, they can relax."

"Then you meet a lot of new faces."

"Yeah, I once met a Russian girl. She was nice, just that she wasn't into me."

Blake stared at him, "Really."

"What? Worth a shot. It's not like you've had a girl before have you?"

"No. It's not a pressing matter at the moment."

"See. At least I tried to have one."

"Oh for crying out loud," Rachel said, bursting into the room. "Still talking about that Vladmir girl, huh?"

"Her name is Petra Vladmir, and say it with respect, she was a very good inquisitor."

"Was?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, she recently retired." Rachel said.

"She sounds too young to retire."

"Retirement in the inquisitors is another word for quitting." Shiro said, walking in the room, holding some ice to his forehead, "It makes it sound more pleasant, considering how the nature if our work is crude.

"I can see that," Blake said, referring to the daemon they had fought earlier.

"How did you learn to fight like that?" Rachel asked Blake, "It's not like some random casual fighting. This one seems unique. Special."

"I leant it from my dad."

"This dad of yours seems really good. I haven't heard of a Summers before though." Brandon said.

"He probably goes by another alias." Shiro said, "But most aliases are given to Primes."

"Just primes?" Blake asked. Shiro nodded his head.

"They are the best of the best after all, it's only fitting that they give them a form of recognition."

"What is Prime Diego's alias then?" Brandon asked.

"The Kismet." Sarah said, entering the room.

"Kismet?" Brandon asked looking at Blake, "What does that mean?"

"I'm as lost as you are." Blake replied.

"It means destiny. Fate." Sarah said, "He was given that name because of the rei he uses. But if you ask me, it's just a deception."

"Sarah." Shiro said, "You don't need to tell them of his rei's ability."

"C'mon, Shiro, You can trust us."

"We have a newbie here," Shiro said, "Until we know everything about you, I can't really trust you. Sorry."

"I understand. A bit." Blake said.

"Ok then what of Klaus Alderwolf's alias." Brandon asked, "I bet it's something cool,"

"Prince of Blood?" Blake asked.

"No. That was for his elder brother, Keith Alderwolf, who is genuinely retired." Shiro said, "Klaus doesn't like it but his alias is Blutiges Massaker"

"Huh?" Brandon raised his brow. "What does that mean?"

"Do you know anything?" Rachel asked him.

"I know somethings."

"I'm actually surprised you have the gall to say that."

"Ok. What does it mean, that blut… whatever he said?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Rachel asked, "I don't speak German."

"Wow, so much for being the all-knowing girl in the room."

"Yeah, at least I'm not dumb like you."

"It means 'bloody massacre'." Blake said, interrupting the two. All eyes turned to him. Blake looked at him confused. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"His alias is bloody massacre?" Sarah asked.

"You speak German?" Brandon and Rachel exclaimed.

"Yeah, I am part German after all." Blake said, "But why would they call him that?"

"I don't know." Shiro said, "I guess that answer can only be gotten from those who were around at the time. Way before he became a Prime."

"Prime Diego?" Brandon asked.

"No," Sarah said, "Diego wasn't until recently. The primes who were there around the time have either died or retired."

"But there must have been someone around." Rachel said, "Like an inquisitor, or someone."

"Yeah." Shiro said, "That would be the All-Knowing Prime and the current Prime Inquisitor. The Mad Prime."

"I'm lost." Blake said.

"Uhhh." Shiro groaned. "There are currently 7 primes; The Kismet, Blutiges Massaker, The Dark, The All-Knowing, The Warden, The Prober and the Mad Prime. The Kismet and the Blutiges Massaker manage this side. The Warden, The Dark and the Prober Manage Europe. The last section is managed by the Mad Prime and the All-Knowing. Do you understand?"


"Okay." Shiro went to a bed beside Brandon's and closed his eyes.

"But why do they call him the bloody massacre?" Blake asked.

"Dunno. Ask him when you meet him." Shiro said, though muffled by the pillow.

"Yeah, I also have to sleep," Sarah said. "This training is going to make me lose weight."

"Um…how come you know so much about the primes?"

"Oh…Shiro and I grew up here."


"Yeah," Rachel said, "We all came to meet her here."

"Yeah. With Lukas."

"Until he left."

"I am only here because my sister was an inquisitor. And since neither of us had any other place to go, we grew up here." Sarah said, leaving the room.

Rachel followed suite, leaving the boys alone.

"Oh well," Brandon said, "I guess there's a lot more I don't know than I thought I didn't know."


"I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be hell, now that the stamina session is over. Oh and before I forget, you have got to teach me German one of these days. I here that Germany has some of the prettiest girls."

"Who told you that?"

"Dunno. Just a feeling." Brandon said slowly falling into the loving arms of slumber. Soon he was long gone. But whatever arms had caught Brandon had decide to skip Blake because he lay awake for a long time.

Blutiges Massaker. Why that name. Was it because he had killed so many daemon that he had earned himself that name? Or was it something else? Either way, he'd find out, one way or the other.

It was an hour past 12 before the white haired boy fell asleep.