

Dude gets launched across the Multiverse and ends up in Marvel https://ko-fi.com/chrollo2123

ChrolloLoth · Anime & Comics
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Wow the World really does hate me huh?

Chapter 3: Wow the World does hate me huh?

Hello and welcome back to this story 

we last left off with Noah having unlocked his balance breaker subspecies and creating the foundations of his world 

Enjoy d( ・ω´・+)


(Narrator POV)

Noah had exited his dimension and walked out of the alley heading to explore more of the earth that he was sent to it suddenly came to him that he needed to check something.

'I have a hunch that if they are here things would be more interesting and also dangerous for everyone else' he thought

He headed to the place where he knew would be the home of one Charles Xavier also known as Professor X of the X-Men.

He would normally be against this but he decided that If the mutants were here then he would have to deal with the fire birds actions too well her host would be unstable given what happened to her.

He could just leave them be but it wouldn't be much fun than just watching from the sidelines so it would be better for him to cure his boredom by intervening with events.

While looking at the large house/school he felt a presence wash over his mind and batted it away from him.

'I can guess that was either Charles or Jean I'm honestly not surprised I showed up uninvited and now I'm on their radar because I blocked a telepath both of whom are omega-level mutants'.

He saw someone run out and chuckled a bit seeing one short but very aggressive Logan James Howlett charge at him.

Noah dodged Logan's claws as they tried to swipe at him but missed all while Noah had a small smile on his face.

Logan just growled and went to attack again but was stopped "That will be enough Logan we may have misjudged who has arrived here" called out Charles as he was headed towards the two in his wheelchair.

Next to him was a beautiful dark-skinned woman with short white hair and a black jumpsuit-type uniform.

Other two with them was a man with ruby-quartz lensed sunglasses and pale skin, brown hair and a brown jacket with blue jeans.

The last person was a woman arguably the most powerful one there the host of one of the most powerful cosmic entities to exist her red hair made her stand out and those green eyes were beautiful to look at she wore a black trench coat and black pants, grey striped top with a circle and X in the centre of it.

"I'm sorry that we had to introduce each other like this but you must understand that normally we don't get someone who shows up undetected by myself and my student and who are telepaths" "But I'm sure you've already guessed that I do apologise in advance for going through your mind but just to clear things up I don't go further than just the surface thoughts" he raised a hand in a calm defensive manner.

Noah just looked at him and shook his head smiling slightly 'At least I know I'm not in one of those fanfic situations where he's a mind rapist trying to control everyone with his telepathy' Noah opened his mouth "No it's fine I get the need to be on alert with the humans not being with you and certain individuals that you fight from time to time makes one paranoid and uneasy."

"So is there a reason that you have come here?" Charles said eyebrows raised before speaking again "Ah I should introduce you to these people and myself my name is Charles Xavier the one that attacked you is Logan the three beside me are Jean Grey, Orroro Munro and Scott Summers care to introduce yourself?" He said with a grandfatherly smile

"You can call me Ashford only those that are close to me call me by my first name" Noah didn't want to give too much of himself away even if he is currently in disguise the place he is in can be just a normal day to some type of invasion or supervillain attack happening so he wouldn't risk anything.

"I see so what is your business here then? I don't suppose you're a mutant wanting to join the school? or perhaps are you here to cause trouble?" He said rubbing his chin

Noah let out a small laugh before replying "No I just wanted to check in on the little firebird and see how she's doing though it seems she's locked away I assume that is your doing and a mistake on your end" he glanced at Jean when he said that and looked back to Charles who was surprised and a little guilty about it.

"Why don't we take this talk into my office I'm sure we can get better privacy when talking about a subject such as her" he turned his wheelchair around and motioned for Noah and the rest to go inside.

The others were confused by what he had said no one more so than Jean but they would get more answers when they were inside. Still weary of the name who called himself Ashford they went in and headed straight to Charles's office.

The trek to Xavier's office was uneventful while the inside of the place looked good it wasn't eye-catching

Walking past a few students were surprised to see I had gotten a glimpse of Piotr and his sister Illyana with Kitty and Bobby with them Rouge was also there and talking with Kitty I didn't see Kurt anywhere but assumed here was in another place of the school.

The students were eyeing the lot of us going to Xavier's office whispering to each other.

A few minutes later we arrived at Xavier's office and could finally speak in a private space.

"So now that we are here we can finally address the elephant in the room. How long has she been sealed" Noah stated looking at Xavier at his desk

The others still don't know what is going on and are waiting for his response he sighed and started speaking.

"The day she had awakened her mutation was not a good one having to watch her friend die in front of her she had unknowingly telepathically connected herself to her friend the moment she died and that led to her powers getting out of control" he stopped and looked around the room his students were tensed especially Jean when reminded of it.

"I was informed of her by a psychiatrist and had installed a block on her telepathic powers so that she would be able to be able to handle them better when she was older"

"But upon doing that I had discovered an entity inside her mind that was powerful and burned brighter than the sun so I made a choice for it to not affect Jean in any way and put another block from communicating with her and her decisions" Xavier finished that with a grim expression

'Hmm well this is different at least I know he's not the mind rapist that he might become though I should watch out for it in the future'

"So there's something inside her head Chuck why did you say anything about it before seemed like a good thing to know about" Logan grunted out

"I never said anything about it because I didn't know what it was that I was dealing with and didn't want to harm Jean in the process so I just kept quiet about it" he sighed and had a sad look on his face

Jean hadn't said anything probably trying to grasp that there was something inside her head that could have influenced her had it not been for Xavier's interference

Scott and Ororo had been quiet and taking everything they had heard they didn't know what to say with what Xavier had told them so they opted to stay quiet.

Noah spoke gaining their attention "Well it's good that you did otherwise the planet would have been in danger the entity that resides in Jean's mind is called the Phoenix Force one of the oldest known cosmic entities, said to predate darkness and the universe. The Phoenix Force is an immortal, indestructible, and mutable manifestation of the prime universal force of life. It is the nexus of all psionic energy which does, has, and ever will exist in all realities of the Multiverse"

They stared at him as he continued to speak

"If it was Jean when she was younger and had managed to awaken it then it would have been disastrous for a child wielding one of the most dangerous forces in the multiverse there would have been a lot of death and quite possibly an invasion from the Shi'ar empire given they don't have a good history with her"

They would have wanted to ask more questions but an explosion was heard outside and everyone looked at each other and rushed out seeing what was going on.

They had arrived at five sentinels on the lawn of the school searching for mutants two were already fighting Colossus and Magik one was fighting Iceman and the other two were searching around for more mutants.

"Huh lm starting to think the world does not like me if this is happening when I'm interacting with important people" Noah mumbled his hand covering his mouth and chin

Logan rushed to one of the preoccupied ones and Ororo, Jean and Scott went to help the others

Noah looked at the lone one and turned to Charles "I'm taking on the last one think of it as a gesture of goodwill for what you did but be careful of the consequences that may follow with her she's strong but against a cosmic entity she's nothing and needs all the help she can get be there for her" Charles nodded and Noah took off his haori with his marks appearing and a large grin plastered on his face sprinted to the sentinel

'This is gonna be fun' he thought and the sentinel had spotted him now and was getting ready to fight Noah had infused his hands with cursed energy and punched it leaving a big dent in the arms where it attempted to block.


Cliffhanger-kun strikes

A challenge approaches Noah and the X-Men how will they face the sentinels find out next time on drag- I mean innovator (lol)

Hope you guys enjoyed I was busy for the last few days so it came out late


Thanks for reading (・ω・`p[+゚。ByeBye。゚+]