
Innocent World

Rainier Beringer is an ordinary young man who leads a mediocre life. Getting a lot of life's tests makes him keep thinking about the purpose of his life if it continues like this. One day he realized that there was someone who was after his life, although in the end, he was killed because he was willing to sacrifice to protect his only mother. Thus, human life on earth ends. But, right at the end of his life, there was a god who gave him a choice to live to be a girl or choose to be dust just like that because. In the end, she also prefers to live in another world while trying to find out what kind of goals she has in her second life.

Elnight_Sensei · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 16

"Of course, even though I'm an adventurer. Still, I have to look for a higher chance of survival. Even though I say that I care about them, but if I don't have enough power it's the same I will act as the kingdom decides. "

"I can only hope, what I do will be useful. "

Then she smiled back at me.

"At least, I can feel less guilty by saving you. Even if it's just one person, it's better than not doing it at all. "

"So, that's your goal..."

For some reason, I started to believe in her.

"Although it sounds like a start, but this is only one form of my escape. "

"I see, I thought you were one of them. "

"If I was one of them, I wouldn't have bothered to treat you well. Selling you to them would probably take me off work for a few months. "

"Am I really that valuable? ."

"From my point of view, your price might be around 1000 to 2000 gold coins. You have a good body, it's just a matter of training you that will cost you more.. "

"Now, you sound like a slave trader. "

I became suspicious of her again.

"Hahaha, I'm just trying to imitate one of the slave sellers in several cities. At the very least, be careful not to end up there. "

"Okay, I'll do it. "

"I will stay here until waiting for you to recover, after that you can go wherever you want. "

"Yes, I am very grateful. "

"Now, rest again. The bandits won't be able to find it in this cave. "

"is it true like that?."

"Of course, I've installed illusion magic in front of the entrance. So people who see it are just like an impassable cliff. On top of that, I also set a trap so that we have time to respond if someone else manages to sneak in. "

"It seems, your preparations are ripe huh?."

"Of course it has to be like this, because I'm a professional adventurer. Every day, I have to face life-threatening challenges. So, I have to stay alert with all the things I have. "

"I see, it must be difficult. "

This is very different from what I've experienced so far.

"So don't worry, get some rest. I'll be on guard tonight. "

"Yeah, I'm going to sleep. "

I lay back down on the fleece carpet before.

Chapter : 15

In my view, the same light came again.

There is an only white color that I can see, be it the sky or the earth. Am I in dreamland?

My body shouldn't be getting any better.

This time, the arrival of the light did not cause the same pain as before.

[It seems you managed to survive, huh?. ]

That voice, I heard again clearly.

"Are you a god? "

[ Just try to think about what I am. ]

"That's all I can conclude because you have helped me. "

[if that's the case, it looks like you are ready with the intention of my coming to meet you, right?. ]

"Yes, because that's all I can do to take revenge on them. "

[Looks like you know a bit about the current situation. Are you planning something else? ]

"Yes, because I want to stop this problem immediately. "

[indeed, what can you do when you decide to go back right now?. I have no intention of saving a human who is about to throw her life away again. ]

"Please forgive me for being presumptuous to you, god. "

I looked down at the white light.

[This is your life, so you can decide everything yourself. Just don't forget about the contract you made with me. ]

"Yes, I always remember it to this day. "

[In that case, I'll give you orders and hints that might help you out a bit. Once your body is completely healed, ask the female adventurer who saved you for help. Tell her that you are going to the city of Zuiderfort. Then look for a slave girl named Ameyama Mamiko. ]

I was very surprised when I heard that name.

"Someone from the Ameyama clan has been captured and made a slave; how can that be?. "

[ Maybe she has bad luck, so just look for her until you find her. Then, make her your ally. That way, your first step to revenge will soon be carried out. ]

"I will carry out your orders, My God."

[It's up to you, that's all I can say. Make sure you find it by all means. Otherwise, the second chance will never come back. ]

"I will risk my life on your orders. "

I knelt towards the light.

[ This command also depends on your future fate, then goodbye. ]

The light disappeared again by itself, then the situation around me began to look like it was breaking.

Instantly, my eyes opened by themselves.

I started hearing someone's voice.

"Maiko, what happened. you hear me?."

Finally, I could hear Lenora's voice.

"No, I'm fine. "

"Your body is so hot; then you sweat so much. Do you have any other injuries? "

She seemed very worried about me.

"There shouldn't be. "

I don't think I had any other injuries.

"That's right when I helped you; I also didn't find a single scar when I undressed. But why is your condition suddenly deteriorating like this? "

Meaning, this must have something to do with the arrival of the god who brought me back to life through my dream.

"I think maybe I had a bad dream. "

"I hope so; that means your condition is fine, right? "

"Yes, more or less so. "

When I turned to the side, I could see sunlight shining from outside this cave.

"Wait a minute; I'll be done soon. "

Lenora went back to taking care of the food she was making.

It smells so good: looks like it's already morning.

When I tried to stand up, my strength had returned. The pain I felt was much lessened even though it was still there.

But, all this sweat. Was it because of that god's arrival in my dream, if talking to him for a while could make my body this hot? What would happen if I asked more.

Could this be the reason why the god prefers to say only the important things? Whoever he is, I will carry out his orders because he has saved me. Even so, I still guessed it was a man.

"It's ready, Maiko. I've cooked another meal. Eat it. "

She came back again carrying two bowls of food.

"Yes, thank you. "

"be careful, still hot. "

I also received the bowl, and I ate it slowly.

"As usual, your cooking is delicious. "

"It's quite rare for anyone to praise my cooking, at least eat while we're still together. "

He also ate with me. Some time passed, we finally finished our food.

Come to think of it, God said that I should ask her for help. What does that mean Lenora is a good person ?.

"How is your body condition? "

"I'm getting better, just waiting for my energy to recover. I think I can walk smoothly. "

"Thank God, then have you decided where to go? "

"Initially, I did plan to return to my home country. But, it doesn't seem like a good choice for now. "

Because I again remembered the words of God. I would just throw my life away if I came back right now.

"Did your previous nightmare change your stance? "

The blonde-haired girl laughed after saying that.

"I think so. "

"I'm just kidding. Do you really intend not to go home right now? "

"Yes, although I think this is an act of cowardice. But, I have to know my current situation. "

If procrastination is the best move, then I'll do it.

"Coward, I don't think what you said was entirely true. Because of that trait, too, maybe you are still alive today. "

"Yes, running away is an act of cowardice. "

I fully understand the meaning of my actions.

"Even so, there are definitely things that can be changed. Whatever happens, there will definitely be a way to enjoy the situation that happens to us. "

"I agree with what you said. "

Because talking to her, she made me feel better.

"Hahaha, thank you. In that case, I'll monitor the situation outside while looking for dinner ingredients. you better stay here. "

"I'm sorry I can't be of much help. "

"It's okay; I should be responsible for your life. So you don't have to think about it. "

But, I think this is the right opportunity to ask for it.

"If my condition is getting better, can you help me? "

"I think I can, as long as it doesn't get me into a conflict zone. "

"No, I'm not asking you to help me get home. At least, can you help me to go to a city?"

"To some city? I think I can do it. So, which city do you want to go to? "

"Thank you very much, about that I think to the city of Zuiderfort. "

Thank you for reading!

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