
Scandalous Rendezvous

The party was lively and bustling. Welcoming Julian home was much of a success despite Regina's mistakes of causing an uproar with her plagarism. Everyone and their mother showed up to welcome the most beloved child of the Elderedge family.

Sophia and Lucas appeared at the hotel party that night. Sophia appeared in her wheelchair being pushed by Lucas looking pitiful even though she can walk in crutches but to make it seem she can't do much to make those who plot against her, look bad from the beginning to mess with her, she stay in a wheelchair.

"Is that Lady Carter? Coming in on a wheelchair? Poor thing she got hurt by an employee at her fiancé company 2 months ago..." stated a random elite woman.

"Tch, shame she's such a nice girl, and for her to come to an event held by the Elderedge family should be a blessing. No one dares mess with the Alder family after, especially what Alexander Elderedge did."

"I heard Lucas loves and adores the eldest miss of the Alder family."

Regina heard the comments, and she felt instantly sick like she had committed a sin to society by potentially tricking Sophia and Lucas.

"Don't waiver your decision, Regina." Joey stated as he walked around her with a glass of Champagne, then walked over to Lucas casually.

"Luc, how are you doing, my man? I see you brought your little fiancée."

"Who wouldn't I bring...?" sneered Lucas as he watched Sophia take an appetizer off a plate from a servant. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm a part of the Gales family. I have as much right as you Mr.Carter, stealing our fortune and trying to revive the Dead Carter family right." Joey stated as he leaned in with a sinister smile.

"You! Joey, your father gave me the inheritance because you're such an ungrateful bastard! The only reason why I allowed you in the company was to live up to your father's promise of keeping you, the company, and your sister alive!" Lucas stated back as he gripped the handles of the wheelchair.

Joey face darkens, but a malicious grin comes across his face as he knows his plan is going to tie together nicely.

"Can miss Sophia handle alcohol right? We are about to give a toast." stated Joey as a fake smile appeared as he kneeled at Sophia's level as he called a servant over to give Sophia and Lucas their drinks.

"Oh, you don't have to, Joey." stated Sophia as she grabbed the glass and then tilt it downwards for the alcohol to drain out all over the floor. "I don't accept things made or given by the Elderedge anymore. I may be rude right now, but I will not accept a drink that's been pre-poured. Neither will my man."

Lucas smiled as he noticed Sophia was becoming bolder.

'That's my girl.'

Joey was visibly shaking with anger, and Aurora with Regina could see from afar.

'She's getting bolder, I'll teach you a lesson for humiliating me, Sophia!'

"It's fine, another servant should come by soon with your drinks." said Joey as he waved them off.

'Joey, I'm warning you.' Lucas thought as he pushed Sophia closer into a dining room table to sit for the hotel party.

"Stay here, Sophia. I have business to attend to with my now ex-employee." Mumbled Lucas.

"Ok, I'll wait here for you." Sophia was nervous, but she sat peaceful at the table until Jasmine came up to her.

"Oh, Sophia, fancy meeting you here, old friend. How are you enjoying the dinner party?"

Sophia grinned, then turned to Jasmine with the most fakest smile.

"It's lovely." Sophia responded flatly as she drank a bit of cider.

"Oh, is the wine not to your liking? Why cider? We spent good money on this wine only for the lady of the Alder family, not to drink. Do you still hate us. You can hate me, but not Alexander. Please accept this glass of wine as an apology."

Everyone whispered as some would say "No, don't drink it from that whore" or "Is miss Alder really that unforgivening, I thought she was virtuous." Sophia stood in thought at the

"I'll drink only one glass of wine but due to my medications, I'll be drowsy and will have to leave this lovely occasion early." Sophia said weakly as her voice cracked a little.

Jasmine smile was twitching as she tried to convince Sophia causing Jasmine to look extremely bad.

"Alrighty, Sophia drink as much as you can no one is forcing you." Jasmine said between her teeth annoyed.

Sophia slowly raised the glass to her lips as she stopped and smiled.

"Sister Jasmine, we have been old friends for a while. Let's share this drink." stated Sophia as she smiled malicously.

"What!?" Exclaimed Jasmine as she jumped back causing everyone to gossip.

"Is she denying an apology token?"

"We thought miss Sophia was stuck up but miss Jasmine is worse they're old friends for goodness sake!"

"Sophia looks weak she can't finish that on her own."

Jasmine eyes shifted in nervousness as she shake a little. She poured half of Sophia's drink in an empty glass and they both drank together.

"There, done."

"That wasn't bad was it?"

Jasmine tried to walk away but she fidgeted a little. Sophia smiled but she felt a little hot herself. A youth with platnium blonde hair and crystal blue eyes noticed Sophia from afar as he glanced at her he turned towards his assistant.

"Xander, who's that girl?"

"Miss Sophia, Julian sir."

'Sophia the girl who was engaged to my brother...You're not as weak as you were back then, I want to know you better.'

Julian smiled to himself as he gracefully walked over to the table.

Sophia hick up and looked up at Julian with a drunken smile as her eyes looked hazily over Julian.

"Lucas...you're back so soon I missed your....company...I feel so hot Lucas....mmn" Sophia slumped on the table and was gently pushed back into her chair as Julian ordered a maid quietly to push Sophia upstairs as she handed her money. The maid smiled greedily and does what she is told.

***********Backstage of Dinning hall*********

"The deed is done." stated Jasmine as she let out a huge huff.

"Good, let's see if Joey's precious girl will survive on her own." Joey stated as he leaned on a wall.

"I knew it!" Lucas marched over to Joey in extreme rage as he grabbed him by the collar. "I told you Joey if you harm Sophia I'll make sure you and your sister won't see a light of day!"

Joey smirked as he glanced up at Lucas with a maddened expression.

"Lucas! Your woman is alone and vunerable what are you going to do about it!" Joey yelled as he laughed maliciously.

"What did you do to Sophia?!" Exclaimed Lucas as he held on to the collar tightly.

"Gave her something to mellow her out."

Lucas realized what that meant then punch Joey hard leaving a bloody and broken nose then ran off passing Jasmine who trembled in fear.

Lucas ran off into the direction of the dinning room to find the open spot where he placed Sophia was empty then he ran out to the lobby where the elevators for a spilt second he saw a glance of Sophia's face red and sleepy like she was drunk.


He ran up to the elevator and pushed the button but realized he need a key card.

Lucas jogged up to the desk and a girl who was at reception looked up curiously.

"Maybe I help you sir?" stated the girl.

"Yes, I need a key card for where that girl was going."

"Sir, I can't do that."

"Maybe this can change your mind, my dear fiancee is the one in the wheelchair that maid wheeled up." Lucas pulls out his black card and ID, causing the receptionist girl eyes to widden she gave him a key card and wrote room "1134".

"Is this the room? Thank you!"

"Yes, Mr. Carter, sir."

The receptionist huffed scared out of her wits as she watched Lucas run over to the elevator.

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