

"Sister! He's coming! Soon, yes soon, very soon!" A young voice called out to the yards. The boy's sister, Rose, looked back, her long blonde hair tied in a neat bun and her gowns seemed to dirt from the tips for she had been watering her gardens.

He rushed through the grass, stepping on flowers and leaves, bumping into his sister, though shorter by little than an inch, he shoved the letter in her fair face.

"Your companion?" She asked feigning slight eagerness

The boy nodded frantically. "The one from the other city, yes? I recall you saying he owns a business or two"

If fate would have it, the siblings would willingly exachange their gender roles. In their time, women were to be educated and married; only to provide for family and not herself. Whereas men were to study, become possible civil servants and ready themselves for a beautiful wife and sleep around when their wives were to be old and grey and Rose believed if not all, most men would do the deed. So she wasn't eager to be married off like jewelery, instead she wanted to study, become a horticulture expert, prosper and profound her name. Though her brother, Alderon, was much the opposite, a possible sodomite, she suspected and so very naive.

The young lad, called Ron lovingly, was to say the least, not very skilled in much of anything, not labour for he didn't have a good physique, nor business. He did have an exquisite talent for poetry, and art though useless for eloquence wasn't a trait he possessed nor did he have skills for selling.

Though he did take a peculiar interest in a particular friend their cousin brought over little 4 years ago.

Rose recalls him as a beautiful man, called Rolf White, with curly brunette hair,  light hazel colored his left eye and a dull grey colored the other. He was tall, muscular and seemingly very agreeable. She was certain he must have a fiancée waiting for her to be bethroed like a little doll. Rose on the other hand acted "un-womanly" as in independent and disagreeable, to which she scoffs.

She turned back to her flowers, writing in her notebook, "Well? When is his visit due?"

"By noon!"

"By noon? Dear goodness! When did you receive that letter brother? And do not lie, for I will know as the Matriarch of this household!" 

Their parents had met their end only when young Rose was ripe 14 and her brother was a year younger. The two had been looked after by servants and their nanny, occasionally visited by their aunts and uncles.

Her brother fidgeted, "F-fortnight?" He squeaked looking away, and began to frantically raise his arms in apology when he realised the silence his sister gave him. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Sister', you wouldn't have let him come if so were it! I know you!"

His sister sighed. "And why did you make such a presumption, dead brother of mine?"

That seem to stun Alderon. The truth of the situation was, a daydreamer with his head in the clouds, could only presume others were suspicious of his forbidden actions and make further wrong and horrible decisions upon them, even assuming and hallucinating and that is exactly the chain of events here.

His sister seem to catch on quick. "Ok, then. Go on, prepare for your guest"

Her brother beamed a smile and ran off, as she turned back to her gardens, an unseen smile evident, but to herself.