

Author: arulight18
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Read ‘INNOCENT(TAEKOOK)’ Online for Free, written by the author arulight18, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Prologue"Hyungie," a soft voice called Taehyung."Baby," Taehyung smiled and went to hug the boy. But the boy pushed him ...


Prologue "Hyungie," a soft voice called Taehyung. "Baby," Taehyung smiled and went to hug the boy. But the boy pushed him away. "Don't touch me," said the boy coldly. The beautiful smile was gone. Taehyung sighed in frustration. One of him called him so cutely and other was glaring at him. "Don't worry, baby. I'll make both of you love me," Taehyung thought smiling at the boy.

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the wondering musician in a fantasy world

a 16 year old Young Man on his way home from school while listening to music, to a relaxing music exactly ( Worldstar money by joji ) because he was to relaxed and care free of his surroundings unfortunately he got run-over by a car and died but this is not the end for this young man because someone has other plans for him { before you read this novel just know I am not american or am I professional in English so I will have to struggle with fighting and romance chapters so if anyone interested in helping me make this novel greater than it would be with my trash skills in English and explaining feel free to write a comment and I would give you a link to a discord to join and talk to me about the future if the novel and all } this novel is made purely out of boredom so the updates are unknown so I am sorry if I didn't post for a while anyway this is my first original story and world building so expect some shit go happen here and there along the way, as for the music that I will make the mc Sing and perform in this world is all not mine I am after all just a student I know nothing about writing music and singing so I do not have any permission form any creator of the music that I am using in this novel so if anyone that is the owner any song that I use in this novel want me to remove the chapter where I used the song in just know I will remove the chapter 100% and I am terrible sorry that I didn't get your permission on using your song but you got to understand me I am a nobody how am I suppose to get in contact with you or her and get permission say I got in contact with you or her how long will that take weeks months years or never and until then I would have already forgotten the idea of this novel so yeah I have no choice but hope you let me keep the chapter

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母胎单身25年重度晕车患者与一心皈依佛门29岁大学教授的爱情故事。 易笙早就做好一辈子一个人的觉悟了,巧的是,顾景遇也如此,一心向佛,远离红尘。偏偏佛门不愿,硬是给两人结了一道缘。于是,终有一天,他们遇见了那样一个人,美好到可以填补人生中所有的残缺,这样的人,一生遇见一位,足矣。 【小剧场】看晕车女青年如何谈恋爱 场景一:夜晚饭店门口 沈阙:麻烦景遇送一下阿笙回去了。 易笙:不用不用,我自己可以回去的! 顾景遇:我去开车,你先在这等一下。 易笙冲着远去的人发了条短信:真的不用了,我先回去了。 场景二:南大校园门口 顾景遇:上车,我送你回去。 易笙:不用麻烦了,公交站就在前面。 然后顶着某人极具威压的目光艰难地拉开了车后门。 顾景遇:易小姐把我当司机? 易笙:没有没有,我喜欢坐后面。 顾景遇:坐前面来吧,我有点事要问你。 易笙:在后面我也可以回答的,而且坐前面要晕车。 顾景遇显然不信,易笙又顶着那压迫的目光坐到了副驾驶。 车停下后,顾景遇帮易笙解安全带,忍了一路的易笙终于坚持不住,一口吐在了他身上。 顾景遇:...... ——这是我第一次喜欢一个人,有什么做的不好的你要教我。 ——明天去临江度假吧。 ——晕车,不去。

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