
Inkbound: The Calligrapher's Curse

In a world where the written word holds power, a young calligrapher accidentally binds his soul to a mythical ink demon. To free himself, he must decode the legendary 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates.'

WideHardoWrite · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: The Ancient City of Liuyue

Standing before the vast city gates of Liuyue, Feng Yu couldn't help but marvel at the imposing architecture. The city was older than time itself, its high walls, and looming towers whispering tales of bygone eras. He walked through the city gates, leaving behind the open road and stepping into a world that thrived on the echoes of the past.

The bustling city was a stark contrast to the tranquil villages he had passed through. Streets thronged with merchants peddling their wares, artisans showcasing their exquisite crafts, and scholars immersed in animated discussions. He noticed the richness of the culture, a blend of ancient tradition and modern evolution, as if the city was a living, breathing manuscript of history.

His first destination was the Grand Library of Liuyue, a colossal edifice reputed to house the wisdom of the ages. The library was nothing short of awe-inspiring, its labyrinthine aisles lined with book-laden shelves reaching towards the vaulted ceiling. It held countless scrolls and manuscripts, some weathered by time, others glistening with fresh ink, each a testament to the city's reverence for knowledge and the power of words.

Feng Yu spent countless hours delving into the vast collection of texts, seeking any mention of the 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates.' The cryptic nature of the ancient scriptures required him to call upon Xue Mo's knowledge more than once. Days turned into weeks as Feng Yu immersed himself in the ocean of knowledge, his determination unwavering.

Inside the library, Feng Yu was lost in a labyrinth of knowledge. The sheer number of scrolls and manuscripts overwhelmed him, but his resolve to find the 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates' did not falter.

A stern, elder scholar, Li Bai, approached Feng Yu one day, his piercing gaze assessing the young calligrapher. "You've been here for weeks, young man. What is it you seek so earnestly?" he asked.

"I seek knowledge, wisdom... and perhaps, a scroll that is said to contain a thousand fates," Feng Yu replied cautiously.

Li Bai chuckled, "Ah, ambitious and cryptic. But remember, knowledge has a price. You must earn the right to access it."

Feng Yu spent his days decoding ancient scriptures, earning the grudging respect of Li Bai. His nights were filled with conversations with Xue Mo, who guided him through the complexities of the ancient texts.

Beyond the library, Feng Yu discovered the vibrant life of Liuyue. A chance meeting with a jade merchant, Zhou Mi, led to an unexpected friendship. Zhou, with his mischievous grin, often shared tales of his trade, his words painting vivid pictures of exotic lands and precious gems.

"In this city, jade isn't just a stone, Feng Yu. It holds power, influence, and can even alter one's fate," Zhou confided one evening.

The city's ancient battleground was another place that intrigued Feng Yu. Here, he met Yue Liling, a sword-dancer whose performance was poetry in motion. Her every move told a story, her sword an extension of her soul. "Each stroke has its rhythm, its purpose," Liling explained. "Like your calligraphy, it's a dance of balance and intent."

Despite his absorption in Liuyue's life, Feng Yu felt a twinge of homesickness, a longing for the familiarity of Qilin City. Yet, his determination to find the 'Scroll of a Thousand Fates' overshadowed his personal feelings.

His diligent research in the library finally bore fruit when he discovered a scripture mentioning the Scroll. It was a vague reference but the first concrete lead he'd found. Excited, he shared his discovery with Li Bai.

The elder scholar nodded, "This is progress, but it's just the first step. The Scroll of a Thousand Fates is elusive, and its secrets are not easily revealed."

Buoyed by this discovery, Feng Yu delved deeper into his research. Every person he met, every experience in Liuyue, slowly filled the canvas of his journey. His search for the Scroll was more than a quest for freedom; it was a journey of self-discovery, a tale that unfolded with each stroke of his brush.