
Injustice 3: The Might of Magic (Book 3)

The Lords of Order had had enough. They plan to unleash all their powers in order to stop the Insurgency, and the one leading them: The Man in the Sunglasses.

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"Go to the doctor," I say. I stand in front of The Man, blocking his path. I hope The Man would listen to me and go see Dr. Crane but I'm wrong. Instead, The Man crosses his arms and looks right at me.

"Kara," he says, "I'm fine. Please get out of my way. I need to get to my workshop to examine this."

The Man brings up the strange-looking gun he stole from Cyborg.

"It can wait," I say, crossing my own arms. "I think you really should go see Dr. Crane, or at the very least, Iris. From what Leonard and Pam told me, Raven tried to rip you apart."

"Okay, one," The Man says, putting up a finger. "I am my own doctor. I do not need to see the Doc. In fact, I was the one that taught him everything he knows. Two, I do not need to see the Doc or Iris because again, I am fine. Raven did not try to rip me apart. Judging from what happened, she actually try to rip my magic from me."

"Your magic," I repeat.

"Yes. In case you haven't noticed, I can use magic. Three, and I think this is the most important, I need to study this."

Once again, The Man brings up the strange-looking gun. Holding it between the two of us, The Man and I examine it.

"Based on its design and what happened when it hit Raven, I think this is some sort of power disruptor gun, and I think it was meant for me, not Raven."

"Okay," I say, "But can't you study it later? I'm worried about you. Out of all of us here, you're the only one that hadn't been getting checked up. Even after what happened at Harleen's base, when all those One Earth soldiers and regimes beat you, you didn't even use an ice pack."

"I did use an ice pack," The Man says. "You were there."

As soon as The Man said those words, we both stop. We both stop and stare at each other. Everything else goes quiet. Even the air still stays.

"You were there," The Man repeats, clearing his throat. "You placed ice on my hands."

"Yeah," I say, turning around. "I was. I almost forgot about that."

"Thanks," The Man says. "Anyway, I'm fine. Besides, I really need to study this. Kara, this gun isn't just earth technology. It had signs of alien technology as well. I can't be sure but I think there may be some Kryptonian techs in here."

"Kryptonians," I repeat. I grab the gun and examine it myself. "No way. Krypton doesn't exist anymore. There can't be any Kryptonian techs."

"Krypton doesn't exist anymore," The Man says, "But the city of Kandor does."

"Kandor," I repeat. Almost immediately, I see my mom. I see the two of us talking and taking walks together. I remember once, even racing through the park near our house. The two of us were jogging, trying desperately to beat each other. The jog ended with us laughing and congratulating each other.

"You're thinking of your mother," The Man asks, his voice snapping me out of it. "Aren't you? Alura In-Ze?"

I freeze the second I hear my mother's name.

"You knew my mother? But how?"

"I think I've told you this already, but I know about Kryptonian Culture. I also know about the House of El and your mother's study into the planet's unstable core."

"I do remember," I say, crossing my arms. "I also remember you promising me that you would explain how to know about Kryptonian Culture. I think it's time to keep your promise."

"Not now, Kara."

The Man brings up the gun again.

"Kara, I'm going to try my best not to sound rude, but I think this is slightly more important than my promise to you. I mean, unless you want to study it with me but--"

"Fine then," I say cutting off The Man. "Let's go."


"You said it yourself. If I want answers, then I have to study the gun with you. So that's what I'm going to do. Where's your lab or workshop?"

"Kara, again, this is me trying not to be rude, but I seriously doubt you can help me."

"What? Why not?"

"Kara, you're not a scientist. I am."

"Okay, fine. I'll admit it. I may not be a scientist like my mother, but I do know something about my own planet's technology. Come on. Are you really telling me you can't use the extra help?"

"I cannot use the extra help," The Man bluntly answers.

"Well then," I say, holding out my arms and blocking the hallway. "You have two choices. Either don't go to your lab and go see the doctor, or let me help you. Choose one."

The Man sighs as he brings up the gun again. I smile as I stand to the side and let The Man pass. Together, we walk through the hallways until coming to a set of double doors I have never seen before. Pushing it open, I see walls covered in different tools, some I recognize but most I don't. Underneath the walls of tools are tables, all of which are covered in even more tools.

The Man walks up to one of the tables and places the gun on it. Grabbing some nearby tools, The Man starts to examine the tools.

The Man:

"Now that I think about it," I say, pulling back after examining the inside of the power disruptor gun. "I could have fought you, and chances are I would have won. Why didn't I?"

"Because that would have been rude," Kara answers, handing me a screwdriver. "And you were trying your best not to be rude."

I shake my head as I use the screwdriver to open a small panel in the cannon.

"I was right," I say, putting the screwdriver down. Now grabbing a plasma cutter and electric divider, I store the energy in the divider before using the plasma cutter to cut off a few parts. One of the parts I show to Kara is small, green, and covered in black wires.

"This is something called a transactor chip," I say. "A race of aliens named the Deeker made them. Their main purpose is to be able to within incredibly high voltages when used in machinery."

I place the transactor chip down and grab another part. This part is light blue, slightly bigger than the transactor chip, and cylinder-shaped.

"This looks like a Phasr."

"A what," Kara says.

"A Phasr," I repeat. "Recently developed by Luthor-Wayne Industry, it's supposed to act as a sort of barrel for laser weapons. If I remember correctly, the WatchTower actually had one of these. Until we destroyed it."

I place the Phasr barrel down and grab one final part.

"From the look of it, this is a--"

"A Craven power inductor," Kara says, cutting me off. She takes the small box-shaped part from my hands. "This is Kryptonian tech. These are used--"

"To store energy and powers," I say. I take the Craven power inductor back and hold it up. "These were often used in Kryptonian's weapons; mainly the laser pistols and rifles."

"You were right," Kara says. She turns from me to the disruptor gun. "This is made from Kryptonian tech. I can't believe it."

I look at Kara as she stares at the gun. I don't know what Kara is thinking but whatever it is, it seems to be bothering her a lot. I couldn't stand to see Kara sad so I place the power inductor down.

"Hey," I say, tapping Kara lightly on her arm. As Kara turns to look at me, I cross my fingers and open my mouth. "You know, if your mother were to see you now, I think she would be happy."

"What made you say that," Kara asks.

"Because I actually knew your mother," I answer. "Alura In-Ze and I. We were research partners."

"Wait, wait, wait," Kara says, shaking her hands in front of me. "You knew my mother. Like, you actually knew her? You and she were research partners? But that would mean--"

"That I have actually been to Krypton," I say. I nod my head. "It was years ago before you or Kal-El were born."

"Years ago? Before Kal-El or I was born? Wait, research partner? What exactly were you two studying? Was it the--"

"It wasn't the unstable core," I quickly answer. "Alura started researching that after I had already left. However, when I was on Krypton, your mother and I did study the rocks and land formations of the planet. I believe that's what lead her to Krypton's core."

"No way," Kara says, her mouth hanging open. "So that's how you know about Krypton. And about the S, the symbol of the House of El. It's because you lived on Krypton."

Without any warning, Kara then hugs me.