
Inifinity City: Die for Living

Back from the dead? Is this heaven or hell? Dancing with death brings everything you want. Enjoy the present or look to the future? Infinity city, infinity possibilities.

Zionye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs


After approximately an hour's walk, Keanu finally caught sight of the small town of Transylvania.

The emblem indicated the completion of the first main mission, awarding 200 CP.

Transylvania was regarded as a small town, but in reality, it was more of a quaint village. Despite being in the 19th century, one would find themselves feeling like they had stepped back into Europe's medieval times upon arrival. Wooden houses were the major constructs here, with roofs predominantly made of piled hay. Most houses were compound structures emitting a rustic and rural aesthetic, devoid of any signs related to industrialization.

Towards her direction, some villagers halted their work upon sighting Anna's return.

"Anna!" A young girl called out loud.

"Hey, Lily, you're looking pretty as ever today." Anna waved in response.

"Oh, it's our princess Anna back! What luck you're still alive. How many werewolves did you slay this time?" An old man emerged from his wooden cabin and waved his hoe at Anna.

"Not even a single one. Those guys are getting smarter by the day. Even smarter than you, Uncle Todd."

Being a descendant of the Villares family, Anna commanded quite a reputation within the town, serving as somewhat of a village chief. As they proceeded, several locals greeted Anna.

A young, strapping, and handsome lad blocked Anna's path. "Anna, I've warned you against taking on those dangerous tasks. If you must, at least take me with you."

"No necessity for that, Gasken," Anna glanced at the lad in front of her. She noticed a scar on his forehead and furrowed her brows, "You've gotten into fights again."

Gasken shrugged, "Just a few drunkards refusing to pay. It wasn't a fight, just teaching them a lesson... By the way, who's this stranger with you?"

The young man directed his question to Anna, looking at Keanu.

"It's none of your business." Unexpectedly, Anna was reticent about introducing Keanu's identity.

Gasken, the young lad, eyed Keanu with marked caution, "Stranger, what brings you here?"

Keanu responded with a slight smile, "She said it's none of your business."

Gasken's complexion darkened, all set to confront Keanu before Anna seized his wrist, warning sternly, "Gasken, I suggest you not treat my friend like this!"

"Your friend?" Gasken sneered at Keanu, then turned back to Anna, "From what I see, you've known him less than two hours!"

"That's my decision! I warn you not to meddle in my business. Go back and be your bartender!" Anna retorted aloud.

Perhaps swayed by Anna's firm stance, Gasken reluctantly stepped back after a sharp glare at Keanu.

Anna turned to Keanu, somewhat embarrassed, "Don't mind him. Gasken isn't a bad guy; he's just a little straight."

"You missed one thing: he does harbor a slight sense of love for you. I saw jealousy in his eyes. You know, a man only becomes hostile towards every other man around the woman he loves, even strangers."

"This is not your business to remind me of," Anna curtly retorted, marching onwards.

The most magnificent castle-like architecture in the town was Anna's home.

Once inside their new abode, Anna started searching for medicine.

Stepping into the spacious hall, Keanu took in his surroundings.

The castle showcased a distinct medieval aesthetic. Antiquated chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, and large-scale oil paintings adorned the walls. These artworks predominantly featured Anna's ancestors, the Villares family, depicted in their knight armor and lances, emanating valor and grandeur. The floor was covered with beautifully patterned carpets. At the center of the hall, a fireplace decorated with 13th-century carvings housed ferociously burning logs, infusing the chilly atmosphere with a touch of warmth.

In a corner of the hall, stood a weapon rack filled with lances, rapiers, hatchets, and curved knives.

"This house is quite large," he observed.

"It's the heritage left by my forebears, the only testament to the rise and fall of the Villares family." Anna came over with the medicine.

She instructed Keanu to lie down on the sofa and start applying the medicine with comfort.

"Are you living alone?" questioned Keanu.

"I used to live with my brother, but now, I'm alone. However, someone would come every week for cleaning. You know, I don't have the time for such chores."

"Of course, you're busy hunting werewolves," Keanu joked.

"Or more like evading them," Anna replied with a laugh.

Her delicate hands were soothing on Keanu's wound, bringing a refreshing coolness. Although the medicines were quite ordinary and didn't have direct healing properties, they appeared to enhance the recovery pace.

"Don't you ever get tired?"

"Sometimes, but that's destiny. It's our fate to fight vampires in our entire life. We don't have a choice."

"You're a brave girl," Keanu acknowledged sincerely.

"Thank you." Anna applies the final bit of ointment to Keanu's chest and pats it gently. "That's done. Rest for a couple of days, and you'll recover quickly," she advises.

Keanu glanced at himself in the mirror. Apart from a slightly pale complexion, everything else seemed alright.

"For saving my life, you can stay here. There are plenty of spare rooms. Over there is the bathroom, upstairs is my room. You can pick any room downstairs for yourself. The dining room is on the other side, although there's not much to eat. Since I don't have time to cook, you need to purchase your food from the town.

Saying so, Anna retreated upstairs. She was quite exhausted and fell asleep swiftly. It was nightfall when she awoke.

As she got downstairs, a familiar aroma made her curious. To her surprise, the dining room was filled with delicious food.

"Avocado squid, grilled cod, onion topped veal cutlet, bacon cheese, tuna corn grits, asparagus salad, fruit bowl... Oh My God! Where did you find all these? The town never had such dishes," Anna exclaimed, unable to believe her eyes.

"I cooked," Keanu answered, stepping out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine. "The soup has already been reheated once. If you didn't wake up soon, I was considering knocking."

Anna dazedly watched as Keanu took a seat across the table.

"Try it, wish you like it," Keanu smiled.

Anna took a bit of cod, and after a moment of chewing her eyes widened in appreciation. "This is absolutely delicious!"

"As long as you enjoy it," Keanu raised his glass towards Anna.

Before arriving in this world, Keanu often traveled abroad for business. Being alone, he had to learn to take care of himself.

This only added to Anna's already growing admiration for him.

As the saying goes, 'the way to a man's heart is through his stomach'. But the reverse could also be true - 'the way to a woman's heart is through her stomach'.

Despite not intending to take his relationship with Anna beyond friendship, Keanu knew it wouldn't hurt to be in the good books of his host, especially given the significant influence she could have on his future missions.

"The last time I had a meal as delightful as this was on my 20th birthday," Anna shared, scooping up another serving of tuna corn grits.

"A woman being destined from birth to spend her life fighting against vampires must truly be exhausting," Keanu commented lightly.

"My ancestors made an oath to god that unless Dracula was wholly annihilated, they, along with their descendants, would never be able to enter heaven. To free our ancestors from this torment, we've never stopped fighting, but it's a shame... I don't think I'll ever be able to send my ancestors to heaven with my strength alone," Anna's voice sounded a little downcast.

"Honestly, this is what I find most frustrating. I'd rather go to hell than let my offspring suffer this way... if I ever have any, that is."

Anna laughed, "You're an eliminator of evil, you wouldn't go to hell."

"I beg to differ. Maybe I should do something to prove just how wicked I can be," Keanu winked at Anna.

Anna shook her head adamantly, "No, I refuse to believe that, you're a good person, and good people don't go to hell."

"What a shame, I thought I was already in hell."

Who could argue that the city wasn't hell? Even though he hadn't been there officially, Keanu could already sense the faint stench of blood from the city.

He set his cutlery aside and stared at Anna, "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," replied Anna as she continued eating. Although eager, her dining manner was quite elegant and refined.

"Why didn't you reveal my identity to the townsfolk?"

Anna was about to answer when a sudden wave of tumultuous noise echoed from outside the house. Keanu quickly picked up his gun from the emblem and moved towards the window, spotting a large group of villagers holding torches, heading their way aggressively.

At the lead was a middle-aged man, dressed in a gentleman's attire, holding a walking cane.

The rest of the villagers held various farm tools like scythes, hoes, and axes...

"Oh, damn!" Anna exclaimed.

Keanu turned towards Anna and asked, "They don't seem to bear good news. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Anna swiftly stood up from the dining table, sprinted out of the dining room, grabbed a crossword from the main hall, and rushed to the doorway.

Upon opening the front door, she saw some of the villagers had already surrounded the whole castle.

"Norsen!" Anna shouted, brandishing her sword, "What brings you and your mob here?"

"The village folks just discovered a silver wolf's corpse near the riverbank. Anna, can you tell me who killed the silver wolf leader?" asked the gentlemanly figure called Norsen.

"I did!" Anna responded loudly.

"Oh, please, Anna. If you could, you would have already done it," Norsen scoffed, "Was it that stranger you brought back? He's causing massive trouble to the town. We demand that you hand him over to us!"

"Not a chance, Norsen. As long as the Villares family leads these lands, I will vehemently uphold our family's dignity. You all may refuse to fight against the vampires, but don't expect me to surrender a vampire warrior! If you want to seize him, you'll have to step over me first!" Anna declared resolutely, staring at the crowd as the crowd stared back at her.

Despite years of battle against the vampires, the villagers held her in high regard.

Recognizing Anna's courage and determination, Norsen responded in a low tone, "I hope you understand what you're doing. The silver wolf wasn't an ordinary werewolf. It was one of Dracula's two main henchmen. Its death will enrage Count Dracula. Transylvania cannot face the wrath of vampires."

"As long as there's a Villares alive, they can't do whatever they want," Anna replied pridefully.

Norsen glanced at Keanu, who was standing behind the door, "That stranger better not leave the village," he admonished before leading the crowd away.

Watching the villagers depart, Anna let out a heavy sigh. Leaning against the doorframe, she said, somewhat weakly, "Now you know why I didn't reveal your identity... Not all oppressed people yearn to be saved."

"A herd of lost sheep," Keanu responded, smiling lightly. "Thankfully, my hometown has ample historical experience dealing with such folks."