
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs

The Rescue (part 3)

Luke quickly assessed the situation. The elf children needed protection, and he knew just how to provide it. With a commanding voice, he instructed them, "Huddle up together and stay hidden. We'll keep you safe."

As the children obeyed, crouching behind a large boulder, Luke extended his hand. Shadows danced around his fingers as he activated his [Lv.2 ARISE] skill. In a burst of shadowy energy, four menacing figures emerged from the darkness.

These were his shadow dogs, loyal companions born of the abyss. With growls that seemed to echo from the depths of eternity, they surrounded the huddled elf children, forming a protective barrier.

Meanwhile, Caleb and Dion stood at the ready, their faces grim and determined. They knew the impending confrontation with the goblin chief and his horde would be a battle of survival. The fate of the elf children and their own hung in the balance.