
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs


In the dimly lit underground chamber, the air was thick with tension as Captain Whitewood and her team faced off against the bandits, led by their ruthless leader.

The bandit leader, with his wicked grin, ordered his minions to attack while he arrogantly walked away, confident that his gang outnumbered and outmatched their adversaries.

"kill them all" he barked, and the bandits lunged forward, brandishing a variety of sharp and blunt weapons. The clash of steel and the crackle of magic filled the chamber as the fight erupted.

Captain Whitewood's team quickly fell into formation, each member showcasing their unique skills. Marcus, the swordsman, skillfully weaved through the bandits, slashing and parrying with precision. Elena, the sorceress, conjured [fireballs], using them to both attack the bandits and create barriers to shield her team. Selene, the archer, unleashed a flurry of arrows with her multi-fire skill, targeting multiple enemies at once.

Kael and Ava, the mercenaries, activated their [berserk] skills, their physical prowess amplified as they plowed through the bandits, making way for their teammates.

Whitewood, as the knight leading the team, activated her [taunt] skill, drawing the attention of several bandits toward her. With her shield raised, she deflected their attacks while dealing powerful blows with her sword.

The fight was fierce and unrelenting, and for every bandit they took down, it seemed two more would appear to take their place. Despite their skills and determination, Whitewood's team was slowly becoming fatigued, realizing that escape might be their only option.

Whitewood glanced at her team, her mind racing with a plan. "We can't keep this up much longer. We need to create an opportunity to escape."

Elena nodded, her eyes glowing with determination. "I can create a distraction. I'll use my magic to blast a hole in the ceiling. It might give us the chance to break through their ranks and run."

Kael and Ava fought back-to-back, their axes swinging with deadly precision. "That might be our best shot," Kael said. "We'll hold them off while you create the opening."

With a nod of agreement, Whitewood and her team coordinated their movements. As Elena focused her magic, Marcus, Selene, and the mercenaries intensified their attacks, creating a path for her.

Elena's hands glowed with fiery energy as she directed her power upwards and activated her [Explosion] skill. A powerful explosion erupted, creating a huge hole in the ceiling. Dust and debris rained down upon them, momentarily disorienting the bandits.

"Now's our chance!" Whitewood shouted. "Go!"

With a burst of renewed vigor, the team broke through the disoriented bandits, making a beeline for the opening. Kael and Ava fought fiercely to cover their escape, delivering devastating blows to any bandits who dared to pursue.

As they emerged from the underground hideout, they ran through the darkened streets of Rivenbrook, their adrenaline fueling their escape. The bandits gave chase, but they couldn't match the speed and determination of Whitewood's team.

They raced back to the city, the distant sounds of pursuit fading behind them. Finally, they reached the safety of the Adventurer's Guild, where they caught their breath and tended to their wounds.

"We made it," Marcus panted, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Elena smiled weakly, her magic having drained her energy. "It was close, but we did it."

Whitewood nodded, her expression serious. "We may not have defeated the bandits, but we survived"

Selene chimed in, "That's right. We'd definitely get them next time.."

Kael grunted in agreement. "Let's gather more Intel and plan our next move carefully. We'll need a solid strategy to take on those relentless bastards."

As they regrouped in the safety of the guild, Captain Whitewood and Elena, the sorceress, exchanged knowing glances. The sorceress spoke up, "I sensed something during the fight. Traces of mana from the bandits were connected to their leader. It's like he's amplifying their strength somehow."

Whitewood's eyes narrowed. "That could explain why they seemed so relentless. If he is enhancing their abilities, we'll need to neutralize that advantage somehow."

"We should search for clues about how he's doing it," Marcus suggested.

but as he talking Captain Garret and a few other guards walked into the adventurer's guild with a grim look on their faces.

"Garret!" captain whitewood explained, "we just escaped from a battle with the bandits, I think it'd be best if you assisted us the next time we-"

Kael cut her off mid-speech because he noticed something was amiss. The guards had been gradually circling them since they entered into the guild and the other adventurers had been leaving.

"something is up captain, arm yourself" kael suggested to cap whitewood

And as she scanned the guild she noticed the imminent danger and immediately drew her sword, her eyes locked on Garret and his guards. "what is the meaning of this, garret?!"

Garret sneered, his true colors revealed. "Oh captain, it would be nice if you don't make this hard for me"

Whitewood's heart pounded as the reality of their betrayal sunk in. "You're working with the bandits! Why?"

Garret laughed darkly. "Why not? The bandits offered us power, wealth, and a seat at their table. Why serve a crumbling city that doesn't even receive support from the capital when we can rule with the bandits? It was an offer too good to resist."

The revelation left Whitewood and her team stunned, but they had no time to dwell on it. The guards attacked, and the guild erupted into a chaotic battle.

Marcus, Elena, and Selene fought fiercely alongside Kael, defending themselves against the guards' onslaught. The fight was brutal, with the guards using every advantage they had to overpower Whitewood's team. Despite their best efforts, the odds were against them.

As the chaotic battle raged on around them, Captain Whitewood and Captain Garret found themselves locked in a heated confrontation. Their swords clashed, each strike carrying the weight of their conflicting ideals.

Whitewood's eyes blazed with determination as she parried Garret's attacks. "Garret, how could you betray your oath as a captain of the guard? You were supposed to protect the people of Rivenbrook, not sell them out to the bandits for your own gain!"

Garret smirked, his eyes cold and calculating. "Protecting the people? What good has that done for me? The city is crumbling, and i barely have enough to get by. These so called bandits offered me a way out, a chance to secure my future. I took it because I refuse to be a pawn in this kingdom that neglects its soldiers!."

Whitewood's grip on her sword tightened, her resolve unwavering. "You're a coward, Garret!. Selling out your city and your fellow guards for a quick buck. You've become everything you swore to stand against!."

Garret's laughter echoed in the guild, mingling with the sounds of battle. "You're too naive, Whitewood!. You think your righteousness will save this city? It's already lost. Join us, and you can have power, wealth, and everything you ever dreamed of."

"I'll never join the likes of you," Whitewood spat, her voice firm. "My duty is to protect this city and its people, no matter the cost."

Their swords clashed once more, and the force of their strikes sent sparks flying. The fight between them was not just physical but a clash of ideologies.

Garret's eyes narrowed, his lust for power driving him forward. Their swords clashed heavily once more pushing them both backwards,

"Then you're a fool, Whitewood. And You'll die for your misguided principles while I thrive in the new order" he sadi as he ripped his shirt off his body revealing a cracked rock tattoo on his shoulder, his mana began to skyrocket, increasing his abilities drastically.

Captain Whitewood's heart pounded in her chest as she stood there observing the sudden spike in garret's mana, her sword raised in defiance against him. The air was thick with tension, and for a moment, it seemed as though time stood still.

But then, with a fierce glint in his eye, Garret lunged forward, catching Whitewood off guard. His sword sliced through the air, and before she could react, he delivered a devastating blow, his blade cutting off her left hand in one swift and brutal stroke.

A cry of pain and shock escaped Whitewood's lips as she stumbled backward, clutching her bleeding wrist. The world around her blurred, and she felt a rush of dizziness and nausea. But even in her agony, she refused to back down.

"I won't... be defeated..." she gasped, her voice strained.

Garret's laughter echoed through the guild as he towered over her, his sword still drawn. "so stubborn, and for what? A kingdom that won't save you now."

He raised his sword for another strike, a sinister grin on his face. But before he could deliver the final blow, Kael and the adventurers intervened, rushing to Whitewood's defense.

Kael swung his axe with a furious roar, forcing Garret to retreat. Elena, despite her exhaustion, conjured a powerful barrier to shield Whitewood from further harm. Marcus and Selene unleashed a flurry of arrows and sword strikes, forcing Garret and his guards to retreat.

In the midst of the intense battle, as Captain Whitewood lay wounded, her left hand severed, Kael's voice boomed with authority, cutting through the chaos.

"Elena, make us a path! Ava, get the captain out of here!"

With a nod of understanding, Elena, though fatigued from her earlier magic, mustered the last of her strength. She focused her power and unleashed an even more powerful [Explosion] spell, creating a path through the crowded battlefield.

Ava, the mercenary, gently hoisted Captain Whitewood over her shoulder while applying a low rank healing potion on her hand to stop the bleeding, her heart aching at the sight of her injured leader. With determination in her eyes, she followed the path created by Elena, skillfully navigating through the chaos.

"Retreat!" Kael commanded, and the remaining members of the team followed suit. Marcus, Selene, and Kael held off Captain Garret and his guards, giving Ava and the critically injured Captain Whitewood the opportunity to escape.

The battle raged on, but the mission was clear—get Captain Whitewood to safety. Ava's heart pounded in her chest as she carried her injured leader through the narrow path created by Elena's explosion. Whitewood's blood stained Ava's armor, but she pushed forward, knowing that every second counted.

Outside the guild, Ava saw the familiar shadows of the city streets. With Kael and the others holding back the corrupt guards, this was their only chance to escape.

"Almost there, Captain," Ava encouraged, gritting her teeth against the weight of her injured companion.

As they neared the exit, Kael's voice echoed behind them, his determination unwavering. "Go, Ava! Get her to safety! We'll hold them back!"

Ava hesitated for a moment, torn between leaving her comrades and fulfilling her duty to protect Captain Whitewood. But she knew that Kael and the others were strong, and they wouldn't back down easily.

With a final glance back, Ava sprinted through the streets, the sound of battle fading behind them. Her mind raced with worry for her friends, but she focused on the task at hand. She had to get Captain Whitewood out of the city and to safety.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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