
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Capital City of Valeria

The once serene village of Greenmeadow lay in ruins—a haunting reminder of the tragedy that had befallen its inhabitants. The air was heavy with the acrid smell of smoke, mingling with the sickening stench of death. Charred remains of houses and shattered lives were scattered throughout the village, painting a picture of devastation that could not be easily forgotten.

Word of the village's calamity reached the capital city of the Kingdom of Valeria, a grand realm renowned for its sprawling castles and majestic landscapes. General Elara Stormheart, a revered military leader entrusted with maintaining law and order within the kingdom, took it upon herself to investigate the grim scene and uncover the truth behind the tragedy.

Accompanied by a contingent of soldiers, General Stormheart arrived in the village riding magnificent horses. Clad in the royal colors of Valeria—deep blue and silver—they exuded authority and strength. Each soldier bore the weight of responsibility, for they were tasked with uncovering the truth and seeking justice for the fallen.

As the soldiers dismounted from their horses, their expressions shifted from curiosity to sheer horror. The sight of the village, once vibrant with life, now reduced to a desolate wasteland, left them speechless. The charred remnants of buildings stood as tombstones, bearing witness to the tragic events that unfolded.

General Stormheart, her voice filled with both empathy and authority, broke the heavy silence.

"Search the area, and be thorough," she commanded her soldiers, her voice carrying the weight of her position.

"We need to understand what happened here and find any clues that may shed light on this tragedy."

The soldiers dispersed, their footsteps muffled by the ash-covered ground. Each corner they turned revealed more grim scenes of devastation—the lifeless bodies of villagers, once filled with hopes and dreams, now silent and motionless. Tears welled in the soldiers' eyes as they bore witness to the brutal aftermath of the attack.

Private Roland, a young and idealistic soldier with a heart full of compassion, stumbled upon the remains of a once lively market square. The stalls were reduced to rubble, their vibrant colors now faded under the weight of despair. The charred scent of burnt goods mingled with the scent of death, overwhelming his senses.

With a heavy heart, Private Roland knelt beside a lifeless body of a child that was probably no more than 10 years old, his gloved hand gently closing the eyes of the child. It was a small gesture of respect amidst the chaos and devastation. The weight of the tragedy settled upon him, stirring a fierce determination within his soul to bring justice to those responsible.

General Stormheart, her eyes scanning the ruins, approached Private Roland, her voice laced with sympathy. "We must ensure that their sacrifice does not go unanswered," she said, her tone resolute. "We will find those responsible for this atrocity and bring them to justice. The people of Greenmeadow deserve no less."

Private Roland nodded, his gaze hardened with determination. Together, they would unravel the truth behind the tragedy, seeking justice for the fallen and a semblance of closure for the grieving families left behind.

As the soldiers continued their investigation, they meticulously documented the scene, capturing the magnitude of the destruction through sketches and written accounts. They collected any remnants of evidence that could aid in their pursuit of justice, determined to unveil the malevolent forces responsible for tearing apart the tranquil lives of Greenmeadow's inhabitants.


As General Elara Stormheart and her soldiers concluded their investigation in the ruins of Greenmeadow, they prepared to make the arduous journey back to the capital city of the Kingdom of Valeria. The weight of the tragedy lingered in their hearts, but their determination to seek justice burned brighter than ever. Mounted on their steadfast horses, the soldiers began their journey back home.

Along the way, fate intervened in the form of a survivor named Luke. Weary and desolate, he emerged from the shadows, his eyes reflecting the pain and tragedy he had been through. His solitary figure, wandering amidst the wilderness, tugged at their hearts, evoking a sense of pity and compassion.

"Praise Athol! it's a survivor!" yelled one of the soldiers.

Private Roland, who had shared the loss of a loved one in his own past, felt an instant connection with Luke. Their eyes met, and in that moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. The empathy Roland felt for the young survivor fueled a desire to offer him solace and a chance at a new beginning.

Approaching Luke cautiously, Roland extended a hand of friendship. "Come with us," he said, his voice gentle yet filled with sincerity. "We are returning to the capital city of Valeria. You don't have to face this journey alone."

Luke hesitated, his gaze shifting between the soldiers and the distant horizon. He had embarked on his own path of vengeance, driven by grief and the desire to avenge his family. But in the eyes of Private Roland, he saw a glimmer of hope—a chance to find strength in unity.

Swallowing the bitterness of his sorrow, Luke nodded, accepting the offer of companionship. The soldiers welcomed him into their ranks, offering him the support and protection he desperately needed.

As they continued their journey, the soldiers shared stories of valor and loss, strengthening the bond between them. Roland, in particular, became a steadfast confidant for Luke. He listened attentively to Luke's tale, recognizing the familiar ache of grief that echoed within him. Their shared experiences forged a deep connection, a kinship that transcended mere comradeship.

In the quiet moments of their travels, Roland shared memories of his father, who had also fallen victim to bandits when he was young. He spoke of the pain and anger he had felt, the longing for justice that had propelled him to become a soldier. Through his words, Roland offered Luke solace—a glimmer of hope that vengeance need not be the sole purpose of his journey.

As the group arrived at the majestic capital city of Valeria, its towering spires and bustling streets welcomed them. The grandeur of the city stood in stark contrast to the ruins of Greenmeadow, a testament to the resilience of the kingdom. Luke, overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of the bustling metropolis, found himself both apprehensive and hopeful for what adventures might lay ahead. Being on the path of revenge doesn't mean he shouldn't enjoy the scenery, right?

General Elara Stormheart, mindful of the bond formed between Private Roland and Luke, acknowledged the young survivor's presence within their ranks. She assured Luke that he would find support and resources to aid him in his quest for justice, as his journey intertwined with their own pursuit of truth.

"you'd need to follow private Roland to our headquarters, young survivor. We have some questions for you and after that he will help you get settled in the city" said general stormheart as she prepared to go somewhere else.

"I will meet you there"


Luke followed Private Roland through the bustling streets of Valeria's capital city, his senses overwhelmed by the grandeur and energy that surrounded him. The city was a tapestry of life, its marketplaces. It was a stark contrast to the desolation he had witnessed in Greenmeadow, and a part of him questioned if he could find solace and justice in this sprawling metropolis.

"Emily would've loved this" he thought to himself, still recalling the gruesome tragedy he had just been through. He grits his teeth as he felt rage boil up in him. It was just a matter of time, he will train and find the ones who had done this to him, and he will have his revenge!