
Inheritor of the Shadow system

In a world of ancient castles, warring kingdoms, and mystical creatures, Luke finds himself thrust into a destiny he never imagined. As the lone survivor of a brutal massacre that decimated his village, he carries the weight of grief and a burning desire for revenge. In his darkest hour, Luke discovers that he is the chosen inheritor of the Shadow System—a formidable power that grants him control over darkness itself. With this newfound ability, he sets out on a treacherous journey, navigating a realm teeming with elves, orcs, goblins, and other fantastical beings. Luke's path towards revenge becomes intertwined with brewing conflicts that lead him to discover that there might be more behind his village's massacre. As he hones his powers, he must confront his own inner demons and learn to wield the Shadow System responsibly, for it holds the potential to either save or consume him.

Bechi_Kingston · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
51 Chs


The forest enveloped them in its verdant embrace, its towering trees casting dappled shadows on the path ahead. Luke led his party through the undergrowth with a sense of cautious determination, each footfall quiet as they navigated the wilderness in search of the elusive goblin horde.

Their footsteps were accompanied by the rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds, creating a symphony of sounds that seemed to echo through the forest. With each step, Luke's senses were heightened, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of movement.

Beside him walked his party members, each equipped with their own distinct weaponry and abilities. Caleb, the brawler with boundless energy, had his [Knuckle Blades]—metal knuckles adorned with sharp blades that promised a mix of blunt force and precise cuts. His confidence was palpable as he twirled the blades in his hands, the glint of determination in his eyes.

Dion, the quiet magician, clutched his [Spell-caster's Wand]—an intricately carved wooden wand that crackled with a subtle aura of magic. His robe swayed with his movements, and there was a serenity to his demeanor that belied the power he held within.

Luke himself wielded his trusty Ice Fang Dagger, the hilt cool against his palm. Its enchantment radiated through his fingers, a comforting reminder of the strength he had gained through battles fought. Delia, the alchemist of the group, defied convention with her arsenal. A magical pouch at her waist held an array of potions, and in her hand, she carried a [Mystic Blaster]—a weapon of curious design that combined alchemical ingenuity with ranged combat.

Caleb's eyes widened as he looked at Delia's unique weapon. "Whoa, what's that?"

Dion, ever the knowledgeable one, spoke up despite his stutter. "It's a M-Mystic Blaster. W-While not as potent as direct m-m-magic attacks, it offers versatile d-debuffs and support from a d-d-distance."

Delia huffed, attempting to maintain her composure. Her cheeks, however, betrayed a subtle blush, an indication of her pride in her unconventional choice of weaponry.

Luke held up a hand, silencing the banter as his keen eyes caught movement ahead. A group of green goblins emerged from the underbrush, their grotesque forms accompanied by spiked clubs that they each wielded. Luke signaled to his companions, his voice a hushed command, "Get ready."

Caleb's grin widened, his Knuckle Blades gleaming in the dappled sunlight. "Let's show 'em what we're made of!"

Dion's grip tightened on his Spell-caster's Wand, his concentration evident despite his shyness. "R-ready when you are."

Delia adjusted the strap of her mystical pouch, her hand brushing against the Mystic Blaster's cool surface.

Luke's ice blue eyes fixed on the goblins, his resolve unyielding. With a shared nod, the party moved as one, their steps deliberate and synchronized. They advanced on the goblins, a wall of determination ready to meet whatever challenges the forest might throw at them.

As they closed in on the goblins, the forest seemed to hold its breath, as if waiting for the clash of metal and magic. The air crackled with energy, anticipation mingling with the scent of earth and leaves. The battle that loomed ahead was not only a test of strength but a testament to the bond that had formed among these adventurers—a bond that would serve as their foundation in the trials yet to come.


The goblins, sensing the intruders, turned their beady eyes towards the approaching party. Luke's heart quickened, a mix of excitement and focus propelling him forward. The goblins chattered among themselves in their guttural language, their ugly faces contorted with malice.

Caleb couldn't contain his eagerness any longer. With a grin splitting his face, he lunged forward with his Knuckle Blades. His movements were a blur of punches and kicks, each strike delivered with precision and force. He unleashed a series of jabs at his chosen goblin, aiming for its midsection to disrupt its balance. The goblin swung its spiked club, but Caleb's speed allowed him to dance around the attacks, dodging and countering with lightning-quick haymakers. The power behind his blows was evident, causing the goblin to stagger under the assault.

Dion stood back, his [Spell-caster's Wand] in hand. Chanting softly, he traced patterns in the air with his wand, conjuring a magic circle that shimmered with arcane energy. With a graceful flick, he released a [Fireball] spell. The sphere of fire shot from the circle, hurtling toward a goblin with deadly accuracy. The explosion upon impact engulfed the goblin in flames, its pained screeches echoing through the forest. Dion's movements were fluid, his wand dancing in the air as he shifted his focus to the next spell. A [Lightning Bolt] spell followed, the bolt of electricity striking another goblin and leaving it momentarily stunned.

Delia wielded her Mystic Blaster with skill. She aimed her magical pouch at the goblin, firing marbles with pinpoint accuracy. An 'Explosion' marble struck one goblin squarely in the chest, the impact causing a burst of fiery chaos. The goblin stumbled backward, its form marred by the explosion's aftermath. Delia then fired a 'Slow' marble, the projectile hitting another goblin. It splintered on impact, releasing a shimmering mist that enveloped the goblin. The once-aggressive creature slowed, its movements becoming sluggish and disjointed. Delia's focus never wavered, her eyes locked on her target as she loaded a 'Shock' marble. The marble struck the goblin's weapon, releasing a surge of electricity that coursed through its body, leaving it stunned and vulnerable.

Luke moved with an almost ethereal grace. He navigated the battlefield, his Ice-Fang Dagger glinting in the dappled sunlight. He faced not one, but two goblins. As the first goblin swung its spiked club at him, he moved like a phantom, dodging the attack with a graceful sidestep. In the same motion, he thrust his dagger forward, the blade finding its mark in the goblin's side. Frost spread from the point of impact, freezing the goblin's movements as it emitted a strangled cry.

The second goblin charged at Luke, its movements fueled by anger. Luke anticipated the attack, his body twisting and turning with a dancer's grace. He used his ice-imbued dagger to parry the goblin's strike, the clash of metal against metal ringing through the air. With a calculated spin, Luke shifted his weight, using the momentum to deliver a swift kick to the goblin's chest. The goblin stumbled backward, its balance compromised.

The goblins fought back with a ferocity of their own. The one engaged with Caleb swung its spiked club with renewed determination, aiming to catch the brawler off guard. Caleb, undeterred, relied on his brawler instincts, deftly ducking under the swing and countering with a powerful hook punch that landed squarely on the goblin's jaw. The impact left the goblin dazed, its movements slowed.

Dion continued to weave his magic, his wand's movements fluid and mesmerizing. He cast a [Rumble] spell, the ground beneath a goblin shaking violently. The goblin's footing gave way, and it toppled to the ground with a yelp of surprise. Dion's spellwork was methodical, each gesture precise as he carved intricate patterns in the air with his wand.

Delia moved with a calculated confidence, her Mystic Blaster firing off marbles with uncanny accuracy. She loaded another 'Explosion' marble, aiming for the goblin she had already wounded. The marble struck its mark, detonating in a burst of fiery brilliance. Delia then switched to a 'Shock' marble, her aim true as the marble hit the goblin's arm. Electricity surged through the goblin's body, causing it to convulse and drop its weapon.

The forest around them bore witness to this clash of abilities. Sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the battleground. Leaves rustled as the wind sighed through the branches, and the scent of earth and magic mingled in the air.

As the battle reached its climax, the party members' movements grew more synchronized. Caleb's punches created openings that Dion's spells exploited, and Delia's marbles debuffed the goblins, leaving them vulnerable to Luke's strikes. Luke himself moved with a blend of finesse and speed, utilizing his shadow manipulation to surprise and disorient his opponents.

In the end, as the last goblin fell, the forest once again fell silent, the echoes of battle slowly fading away. The party members stood amidst fallen leaves and defeated foes, their breaths coming in ragged gasps. But despite the fatigue, there was a shared sense of triumph that shone in their eyes.

Caleb, his breath coming in ragged gasps, wiped sweat from his brow. "Well, that was a workout!"

Dion, though still nervous, offered a relieved smile. "W-we did it."

Delia, her proud front momentarily faltering, glanced at the fallen goblins. "They were tougher than expected but nothing I couldn't have handled alone-HMPH!"

Luke nodded, his gaze lingering on the clearing that had been a battlefield. "We worked well together."

A sense of camaraderie settled over them, stronger than ever. They had faced the goblin horde as a united front, their different abilities coming together in harmony. The forest had borne witness to their victory, its towering trees a silent testament to their strength and resilience.

As they caught their breath and took in the aftermath of the battle, Luke couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth for his party members. He hadn't made any friends of his age since he had come to the capital city so this new found camaraderie and cheerful was very welcomed and he could see himself going on more adventures with his group.

And so, amidst the hush of the forest, the victorious adventurers stood as a testament to the power of unity and the unwavering spirit that drove them forward on their shared quest.