
Inheritor of Evil

Update daily ~9 P.M. EST =-=-=-=-=-= Long ago, an entity without a name introduced evil to the world. Rape, murder, lies, all of it was brought to reality by this being. A mysterious hero was created by all gods old and new by imbuing a puppet vessel with their power, thus killing the gods. The hero used this power to defeat the evil incarnation and seal it away hopefully forever, but the hero went missing afterward. Thus begins our story, thousands of years later with a human named Astra.

CIoudfire · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Veridian's Reach

Astra's departure from the Whispering Wood was a silent affair, the only testament to his passage the disturbed foliage and the occasional snapped twig beneath his boots. The forest seemed to hold its breath as he walked, the energy he had absorbed still crackling faintly around his form like a dark shroud. Elara followed behind, her steps ghostly quiet, her once vibrant eyes now dull, reflecting her subjugation.

The path leading out of the forest was lined with trees that whispered secrets of the wood to those who would listen, but Astra's mind was elsewhere., focused on his next move.

The town to which Astra traveled was known as Veridian's Reach, a bustling Trade hub nestled in the verdant valleys many miles east of the Celestial Crest. The journey to Veridian's Reach was a contemplative one, with Astra pondering his newfound power and the steps he must take to consolidate it. With travelers and merchants too preoccupied with their own affairs to pay much mind to Astra's dark aura or Elara's vacant beauty it was a rather uneventful journey.

After two days of travel they finally arrived. The town itself was a tapestry of life and color, a stark contrast to the somber mood of the forest they had left behind. As they approached, the architecture gradually shifted from rustic homesteads on the outskirts to the more elaborate stone and timber structures of the town center.

Veridian's Reach was a place where old-world charm coalesced with the bustle of a growing trade center. Buildings with thatched roofs and half-timbered walls stood beside more imposing structures made of stone, their facades adorned with intricate carvings and stained glass windows that sparkled in the sunlight. The streets teemed with townsfolk and travelers alike, their voices creating a lively cacophony that underscored the vibrant marketplace.

The Adventurers' Guild of Veridian's Reach was a formidable edifice, its presence in the town as central as the town square. The building was a blend of function and form, its sturdy stone base giving way to elaborate wooden beams that supported the upper floors. The emblem of the guild was emblazoned prominently above the entrance, a beacon to those seeking fortune and glory.

Inside, the guild was a hive of activity. The great hall was cavernous, with high ceilings supported by thick wooden rafters. The walls were lined with banners representing various factions within the guild, and the bounty board was an ever-changing mosaic of parchment and ink, each notice a promise of adventure.

Astra's entrance did not go unnoticed. The murmurs of conversation dimmed slightly as guild members sensed the dark aura that enveloped him, a tantalizing mix of power and danger. Elara, now cloaked in anonymity by her simple yet effective disguise, drew surreptitious glances and speculative whispers. Her beauty, once a beacon of her strength and defiance, was now a tragic mask.

The guild registrar, a man named Theron, had seen many adventurers come and go, his eyes honed to read the intentions behind their gazes. Yet Astra presented an enigma, his countenance unreadable, his energy unsettling. Theron gestured to the ledger and quill, his professional detachment a thin veneer over his unease.

"Names and proficiencies," Theron instructed, watching as Astra's hand moved across the parchment, each stroke deliberate. "Should you be accepted, you'll swear fealty to the guild's code, and your initial assignments will gauge your suitability for further endeavors."

Astra's responses were carefully constructed lies, offering no foothold for suspicion. The oath was a formality, its words laced with irony as they left his lips. Elara stood by, silent and obedient, her presence a silent testament to Astra's dark influence.

Their provisional membership granted, Astra and Elara were shown the breadth of the guild's resources: the sparring yards where warriors honed their skills, the arcane library where scholars and mages studied ancient tomes, and the alchemy lab filled with the scents of herbs and the quiet clinking of glassware. The guild was not merely a hub for contracts and camaraderie; it was a place for growth, learning, and preparation for the countless perils that adventurers might face.

Astra's attention was particularly drawn to the training grounds, where the clash of steel and the grunts of exertion spoke of the dedication of the guild's members. He noted the efficiency of their movements, considering how he might use such disciplined fighters for his own ends in the future.

Elara, though she said nothing, observed everything with a detached curiosity. The Elara who had once lived for the thrill of the fight, the strategy of the battle, was suppressed, her skills now tools for Astra to wield.

In the guild's common room, where members gathered to dine and share stories of their exploits, Astra and Elara were given a corner table, a gesture of hospitality tinged with caution. The room was a tapestry of laughter and boisterous tales, a heady mix of ale and ambition. The duo ate in silence, their presence like a shadow at the edge of the festivities.

Despite the warmth of the hearth and the richness of the mead, whispers snaked through the room, speculations about the new recruits. Astra's aura, though subdued in the presence of so many, was nonetheless a whisper of darkness, a ripple in the air that suggested something sinister. Elara's beauty, even shrouded in her altered attire, did not go unnoticed, but her cold, silent demeanor served as a barrier to those who might otherwise approach.

As night fell and the common room emptied, Astra and Elara retired to the small quarters provided to them. The room was modest but comfortable, with a pair of beds, a small table, and a window that looked out over the town. It was here that they would rest and plan, the first day among the guild an omen of what was to come.

The following morning, Theron presented them with their first assignments. The tasks were simple, designed to test their abilities and to integrate them into the guild's way of life. For Astra, it was a nuisance, a delay to his greater plans, but he accepted the assignments with a nod, masking his impatience.

It took next to no time at all for Astra and Elara to be accepted into the guild. A brief demonstration of their abilities to a trained professional concluded that they wore not only fit to join, they were likely some of the best amongst them. However, there were procedures to these practices and like all adventurers before them, no matter how skilled, they were required to start out at the bronze rank. 

For now, they were simply two more adventurers among many, their presence a ripple in the pond of Veridian's Reach, their futures unwritten in the annals of the Adventurers' Guild.

Shorter chapter than normal. Getting tired zzz


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