

It was an yellow-orange sky when the sun is about rest where maple leaves flying down through the bunch of fellow brown leaves above the ground.

There was a little house with a brown fences around just like the other neighbors which inside, there is a women who is currently giving a birth.

When he heard a high volumed screaming baby he immediately stand-up from his sit. Then someone opened the room door.

"Your child is a boy." said the old women.

A mascular man ran quickly inside the room and he witnessed his beloved lady holding a blue eyed baby that is comfortable with her mother where the little one was just crying recently.

"Adam." the exhausted woman called him.

Adam excitedly carry the cute baby and swaying it carefully.

He sighed and give him a relief smile and turned her glad eyes to her wife.

Sarah replied him a smile and a teary eyes then look at her son.

"What kind of a precious name shall we give unto him?" she asked.

A brief seconds of delay before he answered.


"That's right, we will call him David." he cleared.

"David." she said.


After a year...

"*Knock knock*"

Adam stopped when he heard a knock from the white painted wooden door.

"Adam." Sarah whispered when she also noticed.

Adam looked at her alertly.

Sarah got what Adam want to tell so she immediately took their son upstairs.

"Adam I know that you're here! I finally found you!"

The door is continue to be knocked.

"You'll open it or I forced this to opened." he warned.

"Don't pretend that you don't hear me because I can sense you. I will count, 5..4..3..2.."

The Adam finally open him a door.

"What is your problem Jonax!?"

Jonax eyes is turning around on every corner of the house. He was looking for something.

He attempt to go inner but Adam stopped him.

"Adam, you're just making it harder to your son! You already know the prophecy and it cannot be change anymore."

"No! Just leave us alone! It's just a guess! No one can guarantee that it will happen"

"Tsk! I'm warning you Adam!" He looked at Sarah whose peeping at the stares before he leave.

Adam turned to Sarah. Sarah went to his husband then hug together.

"What if--. You know what your brother can do? What if he--"

"Sarah stop over thinking! He can never stop us."

Adam continue tapping Sarah's back.

"We should move now."

"Sarah!" Adam call her name when he came back where to their seats.

"What it is, did you get a ticket?" She asked while sitting and carrying David.

"Yes but we need to hurry because this is the last trip."

Adam remove David from Sarah.

"Sorry David but you need to walk now because we have so many baggage."

He hold David's hands and carry other baggages as same as Sarah.

A sound of rubbing metals came, so the last train finally arrived.

They line up with the crowd, following the flow.

There are lot of people inside the train before it come so not all passengers can get inside the train.

"Sarah, let's hurry."

They finally reached the train. Sarah went inside first.

"The door will be close." A computer voice.

Adam immediately enter the closing but David didn't reach it. He can't force David to enter in this situation or their hands will be cut.


"Adam what hap-- DAVID NO!"

Adam tried to open the door while the train is slowly moving.

"Please someone help! My son! I left my son!"

"Please!" Sarah also begs for help.

Tears run into Sarah's cheeks.

"I'm there's nothing we can do, the train is obeying it's program and nothing can stop it." said by a woman.

They felt hopeless.


After 2 hours, the train stops and the door opened. They immediately go to buy a ticket to go back.

"You're the one who lost a son right?" Ask by someone who's wearing a blue uniform.

"Yes! H-how did you know? D-did you found him?" she wipe her tears and stop.

"Sarah--" said Adam when he noticed Sarah stops.

"Follow me." The cop said.

Sarah immediately follow the man.

"Wait Sarah who is he?"

"It looks like he's an police and he knew something about our son." she brief exlained then move.

Adam hold her hand that caused them her to stop. "Do you think he's trusted?" whispered by Adam.

"He may found our son." Then she move again.

"But it's impossible, he never saw our son and us, so how could he knew that?" aked by Adam while following Sarah.

"But I have a big feeling that he is telling the truth."

"It's very impossible! Please think for it!"

The cop stop and enter the small police station at the train station.

Sarah is about to go inside but Adam stops him again.

"What if it's a trap, what if he knew about our personality?" he wispered again.

"Ma'am, Sir?"

Sarah walk inside so Adam do also.

"Is this your child?" The cop saw them a photo on a tablet.

"Y-yes! It is! Thanks so much!" Sarah cried with tears of joy.

"B-but how? How did he get on that car and h-how did you know?" asked by Adam.

"A lady contact us and told us that you (she took a photo of you so we can recognize you) lost your son at the Cannary Station. She described your son. And just a a few minutes, your son was found in the help of a man."

"W-who's that man?" Adam asked again.

"Our men said that he didn't told his name and gone immediately. I will ask our men when he arrived."

"Thank you very much, thank you for spending time for our problem." Adam told the cop.

"Nah, it's nothing, we are just doing our job.. Oh they're here!"

The couple quickly run to hug David.

"David I'm very thankful that you're fine."

"I'm very sorry David please forgive Daddy."

"Mom, Dad Ah miss you!" David cried with that prononciation.


It was late in the evening but the eyes of David is open.

"David, what's with that eyes wide open? You should now sleep again." and she close her eyes again.

"David, why are you awake? You must be sleeping at this time." said by Adam when he wake a little and notice.

Sarah open her eyes again, "Maybe he wants to drink a milk, do want to?"

David have no reaction, just starring at door.

They raised their shoulder as a reaction of being confused.


They become alert when they heard a sound of metal casseroles or pans.

Then, a few seconds, they heard a footsteps room the stairs.

The couple look at each other woriedly and immediately hide David inside the cabinet.

"Just stay here David, I'm sorry but you need stay here just for awhile." Adam smiled at David pretending there's nothing happened.

"Why there? He may get suffocated." asked by Sarah.

"Don't worry, I'll not let it to take long."

Finally, the shadow of the feet is seen under the door.

The door was smashed by the flying pan that penetrated the door and flew upto the window that caused the jelousie to turn into pieces.

Adam's and Sarah's reacted like they already expecting that sort of attack. They're hands are glowing, it seems that the state of their power is prepared.

"What do you want!?" bravely shouted by Adam.

"You know what did I came for, the kid."

Adam shake his head, "You think that we will let you?"

Without hesitation, Sarah and Adam combine the light and dark energy and pull off the trespasser.

Unfortunately, this man is also fast as them. Using the pieces of the jelousie, he manipulate it and pierce it into their back.

Blood runs into the couples mouth as well as their back that was stabbed.

"W-why? Why my brother?--"
