

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 12

Codarius laid there hopelessly, wondering what he could do, or could've done. Then, after a couple of moments, he felt a clicking within him. It was at a steady rate, with a constant tempo. Something about this feeling made him feel extremely unsettled. It was at the moment, it stopped, with the final click giving Codarius a feeling of something piercing his heart. At that moment Codarius' felt his body suddenly go away, and then he was in complete nothingness again, but this time it didn't feel long at all.

He heard someone yell to him hysterically, "YOUR WISH IS NOW GRANTED, ENJOY IT TO THE FULLEST YOU CAN, GHAHA HA HA HA HAHA HAHAHA HA HA HAHA," and then within a glimpse, in the nothingness where the entire world seemed to not exist, nor a foundation or basis of a world to base existing and not existing upon, he saw a figure hit him with an object that seemed to be a sword sized tuning fork, and at the moment, a huge dissonance struck him, which brought him back into reality, but beyond instantaneously, the floor and sky of the entire infinite plane cracked open, revealing what was outside the world, and inside the world.

Then Lux, in his final moments, realized the outside was not in the sky, but was on the floor. The sky was in fact what contained the endless multiverses of all kinds to ever exist, and the floor being the way that leads outside even the "True" side of the Infinite Plane. But Lux's face was overtaken with the most horrendous expression one could even hardly imagine, and so was everyone's. Everything had the appearance of being completely paused, but everything around it was still continuing, and still shattered the people's into pieces, Everything became translucent, with every single person's body splitting into pieces similar to shards of glass, with their insides spilling everywhere, and also shattering like glass upon contact to anything.

Then everything evaporated into complete nothingness, no even something beyond that nothingness, leaving nothing but abstract echoes of the person's last moments behind, that would eventually perish into a void embodying the void, embodying the void, repetitively, with inaccessible layers of nothingness beyond nothingness, repeating forever and ever, reaching the final point, of absolute nothingness.

The dissonant sound completely erased everything around Codarius along with every person's dreams, reality, wish, and ambition, but Codarius remained, with excruciating pain. The floor broke open completely across the entire plane, revealing a huge light that would then crack, and get shattered, with everything being all destroyed at once, and the narrative of the world all completely shattering in the same way, perishing and leaving nothing, and not even nothing.

It appears that the destruction visible wasn't the only thing being destroyed, but so was the entire fundamental building blocks of the world, and beyond. Not even I will be able to exist any longer, as this is also the end for me...