


The room was dark with no windows, only ventilations looking like mini windows. To the furthest corner was a pail that served as the WC. Then there was me abutting the door, coiling my body inside my arms, trying so effortlessly hard to bury my shame but my tears couldn't stop streaming and gushing out like a river that just burst its banks. The cold floor kissed my skin perfectly I could only shiver in the darkness. It felt like I had literally walked myself right into a vicious nightmare, only I did see it coming and ignored the red flags. I could hear voices speak but their faces I couldn't see and when they asked why I cried so hard I cried even harder. My heart pounded in my chest with so much anger and at the same time felt like molten lava was eroding inside burning my chest like hot embers causing me uneasiness to breathe. The lump that formed in my throat made it hard for me to swallow my own saliva, I clenched my fists against my body so hard inducing pain to parts of my skin but at that moment I was numb, I couldn't feel any pain or was it that I had grown immune to it? I didn't know and it didn't really matter. I closed my eyes painfully tight and hoped to get out of the nightmare, not that I even had the slightest idea how, I just really wanted to hope I would and if I couldn't, I couldn't help thinking that maybe it was the ultimate end for me.

A string of unanswered questions criss-crossed my mind in sixes and sevens, but even the mere thought of thinking those thoughts hurt like a b****. My mind wandered tirelessly trying to solve puzzles that couldn't be solved, seeking answers that couldn't be sought, and I couldn't help feel like the worst human being alive. What was it that I did wrong? How was it that it was only me? Why did it have to get that far? Was it the money? The pregnancy? The pressure? Your damned sister? Or my existence? Which one out of all of this was it? Because clearly it seemed a little more personal than it looked.

* * *

She did it this time, she really ruined my life and made sure I was too broken to pick myself up, and now I'm stuck between my past and future, something they call the present.