
Infinityverse God Power

Returning from school, Akuro Kenshin, in his mind a normal boy, walks quietly to his house. Arriving, as soon as he opens the door and puts his foot inside, suddenly a light surrounds him and he disappears.

KuroNoKenshi2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 10

The ten days that Rias and her nobility had to prepare and train had passed, so Rias and her nobility were now in the Occult club room waiting for the time to start the Rating Game.

Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra were now in the occult club room where they learned that they would be responsible for transmitting the match to the other noble families of the underworld, suddenly a magic circle appears on the floor of the room behind everyone and a person leaves him and that person was Grayfia Lucifuge.

Grayfia : Guys, are you ready? - Asks Grayfia wanting to know if Rias and her nobility were ready.

Rias: Yes, but...

Grayfia: But?

Akeno : Akuro, he hasn't arrived yet - said Akeno with a worried face, after all the game was about to start and Akuro hadn't given any sign that he would appear.

Grayfia: Huh? That human hasn't shown up yet?

Kiba: No! - Kiba said also worried.

Raynare : Humph, where did that human go?

Dohnaseek : Did he not get scared and run away? After all, he is facing one of the high level demons.

Issei : Hey, don't talk bad about Akuro - said Issei defending his friend, after all it was the least he could do taking into account everything Akuro has done for him.

Asia : Akuro-san, he said he would help us and fight by our side, I'm sure he'll come... - said Asia, one of the people who most believed in Asia.

Koneko : Yes - said Koneko with her usual indifferent face, but being one of the people who trusts him the most and also having a secret admiration for him.

And so they waited as long as they could but Akuro didn't show up.

Grayfia : Miss Rias, I'm sorry to say but we don't have any more time you will have to enter now or you lost by giving up.

Rias : Oof, it looks like there's no way we'll have to go without Akuro - Rias said sighing and making her decision.

Issei : Damn, Akuro where are you? - he asks himself seeing that they will have to go without him.

Rias: Let's go! - he said taking the lead.

And everyone started heading towards the magic circle seeing that they couldn't wait for Akuro anymore.

They were then teleported to the alternate dimension in which the Rating Game would take place, and by Rias and Raiser's choice it would be in a replica of the kuoh academy, and its bases being the occult club for Rias Gremory and the principal's office for Raiser Phenex , which when invaded by one of your pawns will make it the stronger piece.

Rias and Raiser then came up with their respective plans and put them into action.

Issei  and Koneko who were facing three pawns and a tower of Raiser's nobility were winning and following part of the plan left the academy's gym which was where they were battling Raiser's pawns and tower for Akeno to completely destroy the gym with a huge ray, who as she was fighting seriously was wearing her priestess outfit, which is when Koneko explains to Issei  about Akeno being known as a priestess of thunder.

And all this was being observed by Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra who were broadcasting this battle to the other noble families of the underworld, and the thing that both of them noticed was that until now Akuro had not appeared and they were worried, after all he and they and the rest of the student council became great friends.

Kiba was already fighting three girls from Raiser's nobility, and Issei and Koneko were about to go to where Kiba was to help him, until Koneko is suddenly attacked by the Queen of Raiser, that is Yubelluna.

Koneko after receiving such an attack was eliminated from the game and Issei seeing this was furious with Yubelluna, but Issei had to follow part of the plan and go meet Kiba, and the person who would face Yubelluna would be Akeno, this would be a fight between two Queens.

Akeno: Well, well. Looks like our paths have crossed again," she said with her signature smile.

Yubelluna : Yes, and this time there won't be anyone to stop our fight, in which I'll show that I'm much superior to you "priestess of thunder" - said Yubelluna calling Akeno by her nickname.

Issei : Akeno-san!

Akeno : Issei-kun, I'll take care of her, so hurry up - he said referring to the fact that he had to go meet Kiba.

Akeno : No need to worry, I'll avenge Koneko-chan with all my strength - he said with a yellow aura covering his body showing that he was increasing his magic power.

Issei : Understood, Akeno-san! - Issei then starts running towards Kiba's location.

Yubelluna : I couldn't wait to fight you, Thunder Priestess.

Akeno : Well, well, that's an honor. Bomb Queen - Akeno said with her usual sadistic smile.

After Akeno said that, a purple aura covered Yubelluna's body which represented that it was also increasing her magic power.

Soon it is informed that three pawns of Raiser were eliminated, and the person responsible for that was Kiba who had defeated the three girls he had met before, then suddenly Issei is pulled by a person revealing to be Kiba himself who had finished doing the who had to do, and came across Issei, so it is decided by Rias that Kiba and Issei will serve as a distraction for her and Asia to attack their main base.

So just as they were asked Issei and Kiba went to serve as a distraction fighting the remains of Raiser's pieces. Kiba went to fight Raiser's horse which was a woman named Carlamain, this would be a fight between two horses, and Issei who was surrounded by the remaining pieces and was being attacked by a girl named Isabella, also discovered that one of Raiser's nobles Raiser more specifically a blonde girl with curly hair was actually Raiser's younger sister her name was "Ravel Phenex".

Issei this time was fighting better this time as a result of his recent training.

Already the four former fallen angels, now known as the new demons, were fighting the rest of Raiser's pieces.

Raynare was launching spears of light which as everyone knows is deadly for a demon, it wasn't reaching the point of killing Raiser's nobility girls, but enough to defeat them with a single attack, this was the result of training with Rias in the mountains.

Raynare : Now that I've regained my magic power, you're no match for me, in fact I think I'm even stronger than before - he said and continued attacking spears.

The other new demons were not far behind.

Kalawarna : Yes, we got much stronger after that training.

Dohnaseek: I suggest you give up.

Mittelt : If you admit I'm cute, I'll make you disappear without too much pain.

It was noticeable that Raynare, Kalawarna, Dohnaseek and Mittelt got much stronger after training with Rias and her nobility.

Returning with Akeno and Yubelluna.

Akeno apparently was winning, both were exhausted but Akeno said that with a little rest she would recover her magical power, but she didn't know that Yubelluna had a card in the manga, a tear of Phenex that can instantly heal any wound.

Yubelluna now recovered launches one of her explosive attacks against Akeno who was already exhausted, the explosive attack then creates a large cloud of smoke, taking into account the magnitude of the attack and the condition Akeno was in, Yubelluna assumed that Akeno had been eliminated from the game and went after Kiba and Issei who were fighting the other pieces.

But one thing that neither Yubelluna nor anyone who was participating in the Rating Game or watching noticed is that seconds before the attack hit Akeno a blue light at high speed was heading towards her.

Kiba continued fighting Raiser's horse where he reveals his Sacred Gear to "Sword Birth" which makes him able to create the sword he wants, and Issei who was having some difficulty winning he managed to defeat Isabella the girl with which he was fighting before, but now he was fighting two other pawns of Raiser and because he had spent a lot of energy fighting earlier, he was now having a great difficulty winning.

Rias and Asia had entered Raiser's main base where Raiser himself was waiting for them, thus declaring that he could read Rias's movements, now they were fighting on the roof of the building in which Raiser was, and Issei and Kiba who were fighting outside on the academy campus they could see Rias and Raiser fighting on the terrace.

Issei realizing that he couldn't waste time fighting Raiser's pawns and needed to go help Rias awakens a new power from the Boosted Gear that was the "Dragon Booster Second Liberation" the power to transfer the increased power to a person or object, which was the what happened he used the power of Kiba's Sacred Gear to make countless swords appear from the ground, thus eliminating all of Raiser's pieces leaving only his younger sister Ravel Phenex and his Queen Yubelluna.

Issei then listens to the explosion caused by Yubelluna in the fight against Akeno and as a large cloud of smoke rose he was worried that something might have happened to her, but his attention was turned to an explosive attack that was heading towards Kiba and given the wear and tear of the fight he had against Raiser's horse, Kiba apparently couldn't dodge.

But suddenly a blue light descends from the sky and is between Kiba and the explosive attack that came towards him, when the explosive attack collides with the blue energy light that rose an energy pillar from the ground to the sky, it is simply annulled.

Inside that blue energy it was possible to see the silhouette of a person, suddenly that energy dissolves and raises a little dust making everyone around Issei, Kiba, Yubelluna and Ravel close their eyes for a moment.

??? : Apologies for the delay! - said a cold voice.

After those words were thrown into the air, the dust settled and the people present there began to slowly open their eyes.

And where that big pillar of blue energy was now, it was possible to see a person carrying another in his arms.

Issei: Akuro? And the one in your arms is ...-he said surprised to see Akuro at this point in the championship.

Kiba: Akeno! -she said finally opening her eyes and seeing Akuro in front of her and Akeno who was unconscious in Akuro's arms.

Akuro : Yes, I managed to save her at the last second while I was coming here - said Akuro without looking at Issei and Kiba who were behind him, just staring and keeping his eyes on Yubelluna, he had a serious face.

Issei: Where were you? And why did it take so long? - Issei asks wanting to know why he took so long to arrive.

Akuro : I was solving some things - he said with a serious voice and face still without looking back keeping his eyes on the Queen of Raiser.

Issei didn't ask any more than that as he felt he had his reasons for being late to the battle and not telling him where he was or what he was doing.

Akuro (Think): "Actually, I was watching an anime that was released recently, after all I still have a connection with my old world thanks to my Infinityverse God power, and I ended up forgetting that today was the Rating Game between Rias and Riser, I just I came to remember at the last minute, I can be a God Infinityverse the most powerful entity in all existence and non-existence anymore when it comes to anime or manga I still falter sometimes." - he said in his thoughts revealing the real reason for taking so long to arrive and not being as serious a thing as Issei was thinking.

Issei : But how did you manage to get here since we're in another dimension and we need to be teleported to get here - Issei asks doubtfully.

Akuro : I did my thing - he answered again in an empty way without giving an exact answer.

Issei : In the end you didn't answer any questions - he said with a comical drop behind his head.

Akuro (Think): "Actually, I only teleported myself to that dimension of the Rating Game without any difficulty, they need magic circles to teleport but I only needed a single thought and here I am" - said Akuro clarifying everything in his mind.

Kiba : But I see you got stronger, before I couldn't feel your magic power, just a power that I couldn't feel exactly what it was, but now I can feel your magic power and damn it's stronger than da president and Akeno - said Kiba analyzing his rival in sword duels.

Akuro : Yes, I think I got stronger - he said indifferently, still staring at Yubelluna.

Akuro (Think): "Well of course you couldn't feel my magic power nor understand the power that was in my body because the power that was in my body was the life energy of another world and you couldn't feel my magic power because I wasn't using the magic power of the world of DxD, the life energy I was using was "Reiatsu" life energy of the world of Bleach, I used Reiatsu to use Getsuga Tensghou and when I activated Madara's Mangekyo Sharingan the energy vital that was in my body was "Chakra", that is, they were vital energies from another world, there was no way for them to know what they were, but now I decided to use the magic power of the dxd world now they can feel it, and I limited my magic power and to think that Kiba would say that only that magical power was "strong". "There are no numbers that can demonstrate how little" of magical power I am using, and another I can convert the vital energies to use attacks from other worlds, for example to use Kamehameha you would need "Ki" but I can convert to use the Kamehameha with Chakra or any other vital energy, that's being a true God".

Issei : It seems you trained a lot these ten days - said Issei excited seeing that Akuro got stronger.

Akuro : Well, yes! - he said still staring at Yubelluna and not looking back at Issei or Kiba.

Akuro (Think): "Actually, being a supreme existence that has no one above me and being the strongest of all, I don't need to train, that's why I didn't go to that training with them because it doesn't make sense for me to train with them, after all, my power is "INFINITE", the only thing I had to do was release a little more power that I was limiting to make people think that I got stronger, when in reality I was just releasing as little of my true strength as possible, and if you ask me what I did in those ten days since I didn't train was reading manga and watching anime from the last season" - said Akuro in his thoughts revealing what he really did in those ten days.

Akuro : But now enough of asking questions, Kiba take Akeno and go to a safe place with her and rest too, you've done too much leave the rest to me - saying that finally Akuro turns to Kiba and Issei, and hands Akeno to Kiba.

But before Akuro hands Akeno over to Kiba, she regains consciousness a bit and weakly grabs Akuro's shirt.

Akeno : W-It's good that you arrived, left her in your hands - she said referring to Yubelluna and slightly blushing while looking at Akuro.

Akuro then gently takes Akeno's hands out of his shirt and holds her and says...

Akuro : You can leave it to me!!! -said finally handing Akeno to Kiba that he only needed to support her on her shoulder since she had regained consciousness.

Akuro : Issei you go help the president - he said seriously turning his gaze back to Yubelluna.

Issei: Yes!  - After saying that he runs towards the building where Rias and Riser were fighting.

Up on the terrace, Rias and Riser who were fighting felt a strong magical energy and a great blue glow and when they looked closer they realized that it was Akuro.

Rias: Akuro! - he said with a big happy smile seeing that his strong ally arrived to help them in this battle against Riser.

Asia : Akuro-san - said happily and with a big smile.

Riser: Huh? It's that damn human, looks like he finally showed up I thought I was scared to show up-she said with a cocky and confident smile.

Already with Raynare and the other new demons.

At the beginning they were having a lot of advantage but Riser's pieces proved to be very resistant and made Raynare and the others wear out a lot and spend a lot of energy, in the end they managed to win but they were completely exhausted and had no energy for anything.

Raynare : It seems that I underestimated these demons, I should have known that they weren't just anything after all they are servants of a high level demon, son of one of the great demonic families - said Raynare very tired.

Dohnaseek : Yes, we are completely exhausted - he also said dying of fatigue.

Kalawarna : But finally we can rest a little - he said sitting on the floor, since he barely had the energy to stay on his feet.

Mittlet: Ahhh, I just want to go home and rest - he also said lying on the floor.

They then sense strong magical power and a light not far away.

Raynare: Huh? Wait for that feeling, there's no way I can forget it, it's that human.

Kalawarna: Akuro?

Dohnaseek : That's what it looks like - he said with a surprised face feeling his strong magic power.

Mittelt : Hey, Kalawarna, tell me when you started calling him by his name.

Kalawarna: Huh?

Raynare : That's what I was going to ask - he said squinting his eyes already having an idea why.

Kalawarna: Huh? Oh no and nothing much, that's not what you're thinking-she said very blushing, looking like a bell pepper.

Dohnaseek : Is it possible that you have....

Kalawarna: Ahhh, shut up! - said very blushing interrupting Dohnaseek, not letting him finish saying what he was going to say. 

Observing all of this from behind the transmissions were Sona Sitri and Tsubaki Shinra.

Sona: Akuro? -she said surprised to see him suddenly appear on the battlefield.

Tsubaki : Finally he appeared - she said a little excited.

Back with Akuro.

Akuro : Looks like Issei and Kiba are gone - he said seeing them entering the building where Rias was fighting.

Yubelluna : Well, if it's not that human who dared to insult Riser-sama and his family, if I'm not mistaken his name was Akuro something - he said with a cocky and arrogant smile.

Akuro : Kenshin, it's Akuro Kenshin, and you're that exhibitionist servant who let herself be groped in front of everyone, if my memory serves me correctly your name was Yubelluna - said Akuro returning the provocation in kind and with a smile on her face .

Yubelluna : Cursed - said boiling in pure hatred.

Ravel : Brave human, you have the courage to appear in this Rating game after having offended my family - he said while flying in the sky with his wing of fire.

Thus making Akuro turn his attention to her.

Akuro : And who would you be? - he said pretending not to know who she was.

Ravel : I'm Ravel Phenex - he said with great pride in his words, especially when he went to pronounce his family's name.

Akuro : "Phenex"? Are you a relative of that "Grilled Chicken" - he said, again feigning ignorance.

Ravel : You are very insolent human, you dared to offend my brother once more - he said angrily.

Akuro : "Brother"? So you're that guy's sister, and judging by your appearance I assume you're his younger sister - said Akuro pretending to be deducing something when in reality he already knew the truth.

Ravel : I see that despite being an insolent human, you are intelligent - he said, acknowledging at least Akuro's intelligence.

Ravel : But tell me what a human like you can do here, do you think that just because you arrived now you have a chance of winning - he said starting to mock Akuro.

Akuro : Who knows - he said with a serious face unaffected by the mockery he was suffering.

Yubelluna : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, don't make me laugh you don't have the slightest chance of winning - he said laughing at the fact that Akuro thought they could win.

Ravel: All your friend will be able to do is take a big beating from my brother, Hahahhahaha - he said starting to laugh too.

Yubelluna and Ravel : HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - continued laughing non-stop at Rias and her nobility's almost zero chances of victory.

Akuro then just stayed quiet and wasn't saying anything the shadows of his hair were covering his face so you couldn't tell what face he was making.

Akuro : Don't you think you've laughed too much - he said with a cold voice that anyone who knew him wouldn't believe that was him.

After saying that, the shadow of her hair left in front of her eyes and then all that could be seen was an energy leaving her body and heading towards Yubelluna and Ravel.

Ravel, after coming into contact with this energy, loses consciousness at the time and is unconscious, thus being eliminated from the game, the reason why Yubelluna did not pass out was also because Akuro wanted to keep her awake and defeat her in another way, but he could also have her left unconscious with this energy that he exerted from his body.

That energy was none other than Haki or rather "King's Haki", which he used to knock Ravel unconscious.

Yubelluna : Human what did you do with Ravel-sama?

Akuro : No big deal, I just put her to sleep, after all she wouldn't fight anyway - he said indifferently putting his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Akuro, since he arrived on the battlefield, had his "Tensa Zangetsu" hanging on his back like Ichigo doesn't let his common Zangetsu hang.

Yubelluna : You bastard - he said angrily because the human in front of him was thinking.

So she throws her explosive magic at him who apparently wasn't worried or nervous about the attack coming towards her, which Yubelluna realized and left her momentarily surprised.

Akuro quickly pulls Tensa Zangetsu from his back and it's one of his most famous techniques.


After saying that, a large amount of blue energy meets the explosive attack that Yubelluna had launched, and as soon as the attacks collide, Yubelluna's attack is completely overcome by Akuro's and is cut in half and by little Getsuga Tenshou still didn't get it right.

Akuro : That attack of yours may have worked with them but not with me, in fact I was surprised at how weak you are, I just used a simple attack of mine that completely nullified yours and even almost made you lose an arm, from what I can see you it won't even last the second attack.

Yubelluna : S-Shut up!!! - he said and launched several explosive attacks at once.

Yubelluna : I want to see you escape this - he said confidently seeing that he attacked from all sides and thought that Akuro had no way of escaping.

All you see before the attacks hit Akuro is him putting on a small smile on his face.

Akuro: Full Counter!!! - used one of the most powerful techniques he has with Tensa Zangetsu.

The attacks that were once about to hit Akuro bounced back at Yubelluna with more than double the force.

Yubelluna : Huh? Oh what is that....-she said moments before being hit squarely by her own attack.

And so Akuro eliminates Yubelluna and looks at the roof of the building where Rias, Issei and Asia were fighting Riser. Kiba and Akeno were on the first floor of the building resting after all if they were going to fight now they would only get in the way instead of helping.

The new demons were also resting because they were without any energy, that is the only ones who can fight Riser are Rias, Issei, Asia and Akuro or rather the person who has an absolute chance of defeating him is Akuro but he won't just do that why doesn't he want to.

Akuro (Pens): "Issei you will have to lose here like in the original story, because only with this defeat will you be motivated enough to the point of sacrificing your arm and awakening your Balance Breaker" - in his thoughts he revealed the reason which will not help.

As in the original they lost in the end, with Rias surrendering and begging Riser not to kill Issei.

Issei then woke up at night in his room, where seconds later Grayfia appeared and explained everything to him since he had a bad memory after taking a beating and almost being killed by Riser, moments before waking up he also had a brief conversation with Ddraig the Red Dragon Emperor residing in his body as in the original story, Grayfia also informed him that everyone except Akuro and Asia was in the demon world for Rias's wedding, because Asia was ordered by Rias to stay and take care of the Issei and Akuro who refused to go to the wedding party, and the reason they invited him even though he was a human was because everyone who was watching the Rating Game was interested in his abilities, Issei after knowing this thought that Akuro had become angry with him for losing again in a pathetic way,Grayfia then hands him a magic circle that he could teleport to Rias's engagement party and then disappears in a magic circle.

Then, as in the original story, Issei invades the engagement party and meets Sirzechs Lucifer for the first time, one of the Maous, who asks as a reward if he wins that they return Rias, so everything followed its natural rhythm. Issei and Riser went to a dimension of the Rating Game prepared for his fight, and there he demonstrates his Balance Breaker for the first time, showing great power.

Everyone who was present at the party was watching this fight through a broadcast, and among those people one walked towards Rias and her Nobility who were watching the fight as well, without anyone noticing.

??? : From what I see he has awakened his Balance Breaker - he said indifferently seeing the transmission too.

And it's only when he speaks that everyone notices them by his side.

Rias : A-Akuro!!!

Kiba: What are you doing here I thought you didn't want to come to the engagement party.

Akuro : No, I just had one important thing to do, but I finished it so I came here as quickly as possible - Akuro said lying.

Raynare : And what would that important thing be? - asks curious Raynare.

Akuro : Look, this fight is intense, right - he said deviating from the subject.

Akuro (Think): "Actually, I had just come home to finish watching the anime I was watching and as I knew I had time before coming here, I decided to take my time."

A little far away watching Akuro's interaction with Rias and her nobility.

Sirzechs : So he's "Akuro Kenshin", the human who allied with Rias and was helping and who you said managed to break your barrier - he said with a smile on his face looking in her direction.

Grayfia: Yes - replied Grayfia who was beside her.

Sirzechs: It's like you said he's someone very interesting, I didn't feel his presence until now - he said still watching him from afar.

But he turns his attention back to Issei and Riser's fight which was nearing its end, as Issei had a ten second limit to use his Balance Breaker.

Akuro (Think): "You're already close to your limit, sorry Issei but I'll fight from now on" 

After having his thoughts with a single snap of his fingers, Issei's armor is in pieces, and no one noticed it, not even the strongest (after Akuro) present in that place, Sirzechs Lucifer noticed it.

In the dimension where Issei and Riser were battling.

Issei: Huh? But not even ten seconds passed, Ddraig what happened? - asks your partner in despair.

Ddraig : I don't know - he replied not understanding what had happened.

Riser : Looks like your time is up, brat! - he said creating flames around his hand ready to attack Issei.

Akuro who was at the party with a single thought teleports to the dimension they are fighting and stands between Issei and Riser's attack who with a wave of his hand makes the fire attack that was coming towards him disappear.

Riser: Huh?

Issei: Akuro? 

Akuro : You fought well Issei, I'll take over from here - he said in front of Issei facing Riser.

Rias: Huh? - Rias then looks to the side that was where Akuro was and he was gone.

Rias : What is Akuro doing there?

Kiba : Is he really going to fight Raiser?

Dohnaseek : This brat has gone mad, facing him is totally different from defeating his Queen or anything else, he is a high class devil.

Kalawarna: Besides the fact that it has its regeneration from the Phenex.

Raynare : He will end up dying.

At that moment Rias and her nobility had a worried look, due to the fact that Issei had lost his power, Akuro who is a human (at least for them) is facing a high class demon and who is also a Phenex, and who Riser actually winning Rias will have no choice but to marry him.

Sona: Don't make light of him, don't forget that he's very strong even by the standards of the supernatural world, and besides he's not stupid enough to go face Riser without having a plan, he's a smarter person even than me - said Sona approaching Rias and her Nobility, after all because she was also part of one of the noble families of the underworld she was also invited to the engagement party.

Rias: Sona!

Kiba: Chairman of the Board, what do you mean by smarter than me? 

Sona : Well, after I got his number the day we had a sports duel to see who gets his family first between Issei and Saji, Tsubaki insisted that I call him to do something and how I had no idea what to do , I suggested something I excel at, the game of chess - she said a little blushing because she was embarrassed to say that she called him to meet.

Rias : So what's the big deal? - he asks, not understanding why she said he was smarter than her, because according to Rias, Sona is the smartest person she knows, Rias never managed to beat her at chess.

Sona: It's just that in our first chess match he completely beat me - he said now, putting his shame aside and putting on a more serious face.

All: Huh?

Sona: And I ate I wasn't satisfied with just once I called to play again and in all of them I lost unilaterally and I didn't even have a chance to win - she said with the shine of her glasses covering her eyes.

Rias: How is that possible? - he asks not believing what he was hearing.

Sona : There is only one answer he is incomparably intelligent.

Far away there was a Sirzechs and Grayfia surprised by what they were seeing.

Grayfia : How did he go there without any magic circle? - he asked with a very surprised face, a face he hadn't made in a long time.

Sirzechs : I don't know, but one thing we can be sure of, this boy is not normal at all, not even by the standards of the supernatural world - said Sirzechs now with a more serious face leaving his smile aside.

And it wasn't just them who were surprised everyone at the party had an incredulous face to see a human (to them) do what he did.

Back to the Rating Game dimension.

Issei was now looking at the back of Akuro who was in front of him.

Issei: Why... Why...

Akuro : Huh?

Issei : WHY AM I SO WEAK? BECAUSE I CAN'T PROTECT ANYONE, BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS ME WHO'S SAVED - she screamed while crying fiercely.

Rias : Issei... - I said listening to what he was saying on the transmission.

Akuro : Issei listen to me, you're not weak, you've come this far, don't you see - he said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Issei : What's the use if in the end I always fail - he said still crying.

Akuro : So listen to me, hold on to that feeling and get stronger so you don't lose to anyone in the end - said trying to motivate Issei.

Issei: Grab me...

Akuro : Yeah, grab him.

Issei then starts wiping the tears that were in his eyes and gets up from the ground.

Issei : You're right, I must get stronger and stronger - he said now putting a smile on his face.

Akuro : Glad you noticed, now let me take care of the rest and join the others.

Issei: Yes!

Issei : Erg... But how do I do that? - asks without understanding how to get back to the party.

Akuro then approaches Issei and touches his shoulder, shortly after Issei disappears from the battle arena and returns to the party appearing alongside Rias and her nobility.

Issei: Huh? I went back?

Rias: Issei!

Issei: President? So I'm back anyway, guys I'm sorry I lost it again.

Rias : Nobody here is blaming you Issei - he said with a smile.

Kiba : Yes, and as Akuro said you are very strong Issei - he also said with a smile.

Everyone had a smile showing that they weren't blaming him for anything or that they thought he was weak.

Issei : Thanks guys - he said with a smile.

Issei (Think): "You too, Akuro"

Kalawarna : The fight between Akuro and Riser will start - he said calling everyone's attention to the transmission of the fight.

Inside the arena where Akuro and Riser were.

Riser : So it's you again damn human, come to die in the place of that demon scum.

Akuro : The only scum here is you "Grilled chicken" - he said with a straight face.

Riser: Enough! I will no longer tolerate you insulting me, die you worm! -he said shooting a large amount of fire at Akuro, who until then seemed to have hit him.

Riser: HAHAHAHAHA, you see what happens when people offend me - he said laughing thinking he had won.

Akuro : May I know what you're laughing at? - he said appearing next to Riser.

Riser : Wha– - couldn't finish talking because he got punched right in the face.

Riser : Damn you, you don't understand that it's no use attacking me - he said with fire covering the part where he had taken the punch and regenerating.

Akuro: Is it? - he said with a smile.

Riser : But I was curious, how did you manage to escape my flames? he asked with a confident smile on his face.

Akuro : I didn't do anything much, I just used my speed I was still so slow I even thought you were going to attack me, wait don't tell me you couldn't see me - he said starting to mock Riser's face, after all he said that he moved slowly and even though Riser a high level demon couldn't keep up with his speed, this clearly hurt his ego.

Riser's once confident smile was replaced with a face of pure hatred.

Riser : DON'T MAKE ME HUMAN - he shouted throwing his firepower to all sides trying to hit Akuro but he dodged everything.

Akuro : Well, don't tell me I hurt your pride? - asks with a smile obviously knowing the answer.

Riser: Die!!! - he said throwing more flames.

Akuro : I don't think I can fulfill his wish - after saying that he with a single thought makes Riser's flames disappear.

Riser : My flames... What did you do human? - asks angrily.

Akuro : And why do you think I did something? - he asks with a smile on his face pretending to be unaware.

Riser: Don't play with me! - he shouts with his eyes boiling with rage.

Akuro : You know I'm already tired of looking at your face, I'll end it soon - he said taking his smile off his face and replacing it with a serious one.

Riser: You break up with me? Don't make me laugh-he said still belittling the human in front of him.

And then Akuro didn't answer him he just stayed quiet as he closed his eyes and raised his arm, when he opened his eyes again, his arm was covered by something black.

Riser: Huh? The reason you thought you could beat me was to make your arm turn black? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - he said not seeing anything too much about it.

Akuro then at high speed appears in front of Riser and gives a big punch to his face.

Riser : HAHAHA, I already said it's no use attacking me–

Riser didn't finish talking because one thing surprised him his nose was now dripping blood, which meant that his flames didn't regenerate the punch he had just taken.

Riser : C-How is that possible? What do you-

Can't finish talking again since he's now been punched in the pit of the stomach.

Riser: Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! - He groaned in pain as he knelt on the floor holding his stomach, his mouth was now leaking blood.

Riser : H-How... th-this doesn't make s-sense - he said feeling pain, something he had never felt in his entire life.

Akuro : It's not over yet!

Akuro then charges at Riser and proceeds to throw multiple punches and kicks at Riser at terrifying speed.

The black thing that covered Akuro's arm was nothing but "Weapon Haki".

Akuro (Think): " as his power is regeneration it reminded me of the Akumas no mi from the world of one piece specifically the logia that make the user intangible, and these powers are similar so I decided to use one of the only things that can defeat a user logy next to water and kairoseki being it the Haki, but as the worlds are different and the power of the Riser is not exactly a logy I changed the functionality of Armamento's Haki a little and now it nullifies the regeneration of the Riser" - Akuro explained in his thoughts.

And so the one-sided massacre followed, Riser without his regeneration couldn't do anything, and Akuro used this opportunity to test some more powers, they being the "Observation Haki" that he used when Riser tried to counterattack with his flames, he used o the advanced "Haki's", thus causing a lot of internal damage with the Advanced Armament and seeing the future with the Advanced Observation and not only that, he also used the "Advanced King's Haki" to make his blows stronger.

Akuro : Let's end this here and now - he said stopping punching Riser and taking distance from him.

Riser was all bruised blood was coming out of his head, nose, mouth and his legs were giving way he barely had the strength to keep himself upright.

Riser : I-I w-won't lose to a h-human - he said even in this state keeping his stupid pride.

Akuro: Your power is linked to fire, right, so this blow is perfect to finish you off.

After he says this his hand is covered in fire, he then prepares to attack.

Akuro: Let's go....

Akuro : HIKEN!!!

Finishing saying that, the flame that was in his fist expands and becomes a large fist of fire that advances with everything in Riser and hits him squarely.

The people in the party who were watching this fight were speechless, the same goes for Rias and her nobility, Sona, Ravel Phenex who as the sister of the logical Riser who would be present, and even Grayfia and Sirzechs couldn't believe what they were seeing .

And it's not for little either, after all unlike Issei who in the original managed to partially nullify his regeneration but that was thanks to a cross and holy water which are deadly weapons for demons, Akuro did it without needing either one.

Riser then fell to the ground completely unconscious and with his whole body injured.

Ravel Phenex, seeing this creates a magic circle and stands between Akuro and Riser unconscious on the ground with his arms open, Akuro then stretches his arm still covered in "Weapon Haki" in front of Ravel and says the following...

Akuro : If you have any complaints, come to me! I'll always be available," she said with a big smile on her face.

Ravel, surprised by Akuro's attitude, blushes.

Rias : Akuro you... - I was trying to say something but I was very emotional.

Sirzechs: The match is over.

The dimension they were in began to collapse, Ravel then took the Riser who was unconscious and flew with him, as Akuro began to fall and he thought of using his powers to levitate in the air, as he always does when he observes something of away, just before he needs to use his power, Rias catches him in the air.

Akuro: Rias!

Rias: Akuro! Thank you, Akuro, my Akuro! - she said with a beautiful smile.

Akuro (Think): " Huh? What's this "mine" 

Then after they landed on the ground, they took a griffin out of that magic circle that Grayfia had given to Issei.

Akuro : Look, if it's not a griffin - he said admiringly seeing one, After all even being an "Infinityverse God", he's still an otaku who gets excited seeing anything he saw in the anime in real life.

Kiba : Then why don't you escort the president back, Akuro?

Akuro: Me?

Rias: Good idea. You can? - question blushing looking at Akuro.

Akuro : I don't see a problem, but where is Issei I haven't seen him for a while.

Koneko : Issei-senpai was hitting on the women at the party so I took care of him - after Koneko said that it was possible to see her dragging Issei by the leg, while he was unconscious with a comic bump on his head.

Akuro : Hahahaha, just you Koneko - said with a big smile that made Koneko and some other girls who were there blush.

Akuro and Rias then climb onto the griffin and prepare to fly towards the human world again.

Akuro : We'll be waiting for you in the club room!

After saying that they finally flew on the griffin temporarily saying goodbye to the others.

Flying in the sky on that griffin, Akuro was in awe of the view.

Akuro : Uoohh - he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Rias then puts her hand on her face and says...

Rias: You guys are idiots! 

Akuro: Rias?

Rias : Issei who sacrificed his arm for me and you who revealed powers that I know I didn't want to show to others, all this for someone like me - he said with a sad look.

Akuro : I don't regret it and I don't think Issei either, after all we were able to bring you back!

Rias : This time might have been cancelled, but another marriage proposal could appear anytime.

Akuro : And next time Issei will sacrifice his other arm, and the next time his eye, and I'll use whatever powers I can even if I have to reveal some I don't want others to know I have.

Rias: Akuro!

Akuro : I will come to save you no matter how many times.

Rias: Huh? - said blushing.

Akuro : After all, I am Rias Gremory's strongest ally - he said with a smile.

Immediately after he said that Rias kissed him in surprise which Akuro wasn't expecting.

Akuro : Huh?

Rias : That was my first kiss, it means a lot to Japanese girls, doesn't it? -she said still blushing.

Akuro : Yes, and that was also my first kiss - he said not a bit blushing but a bit surprised, after all he didn't expect that she would kiss him since he doesn't remember having done anything for her to fall in love with him.

Akuro : Are you sure it's okay to have your first kiss with me?

Rias : What you did was very valuable, so consider it as a reward!

Akuro then kept looking at her and he decides to approach her, he then touches her cheek and pulls her into another kiss, only this time it was different because it was a French kiss, they stayed like that for a while until they separated for shortness of breathe.

Rias : Arf, Arf, W-What was that - she asked now more blushing than before.

Akuro : You stole my first kiss, so I stole your first kiss with tongue - he said indifferently without being as blushed as possible.

Rias: Well you....

Rias then pulls him back into a long kiss and they stay in this the whole way until they reach the club room.