
- One hell of drug

I woke up after I passed out, it seems Ddraig carried me back to Plymouth as I'm in the same room as before.

"Sup sleepy head, you've been out for an hour. Meaning you late to your classes with Merlin, I don't care if you have no skin or if you're tired, go! Shoo! I need to clean your stinky ass sheets." Ophis said before grabbing me and literally tossing me out of the door into the living room downstairs. "I'm still fucking sore! Could've been gentler, fuck." 

"Looks like you're having fun, Kazu. On a serious note, would you please sit down on the couch?" Merlin said, pointing towards the cluttered glob with a small green cushion. He seems to have made the couch into a storage unit. "Ok, so today you will learn the basic knowledge and theory around magic and spells, while doing so you will learn of many things that weren't from your plane of reality so, please try to not think about anything you did know, as those will hold no weight here." Merlin says bringing out a chalkboard?

"So, I'm sure you already know, but what allows everything, including gods, demons, and other things to use magic is through the use of our magic core in the nape. Now for beings who have no physical form such as ghosts, spirits, and phantasms have their magic core in their souls. Now, what about things like slimes? Slimes and things that have no physical nape but have their core in the head, or the eye socket. Any questions so far?"


"Good, now that we have that out of the way, we shall talk about the types of spells and mage craft. There are multiple types, one you already know well is through the applications of runes. The different types of runes are such: Ansuz – Fire, Thur – lightning, Dagaz – Light, Isaz – Ice, Oruz – Strength, Haga – Air, Laguz – Water, Gebö – Gift, Berka – Life, Othil – Property."

"Now all of these are just the basic Norse runes any mage should know, but of course you have access to the Ancient Runes, which are many times more powerful and broad. Then there is one of the staples to Mage craft, which is Gem craft. The ability to carve spells and use gems as catalysts. With one of the more popular aspects of it being used as Mana batteries to store spells and large amounts of mana ahead of time. Then there is the most obvious one, and that is Spellcraft."

"Spellcraft is very broad. As no one mage has the same way of casting spells. Such as me, I got my name's sake as the Magus of Flowers because of the fact that I make my spells look like flowers, such as to distract the enemy and make them look much less ferocious. Now we all only have one thing is common, the way we create our spells, and that is through simple creativity. When you create cast and think of a spell, you imagine what you want. Although there is another problem that comes with it. And that is equations, with spells you also need to calculate the spell in the first place. Because if it isn't calculated it could literally and metaphorically blow up in your face. Now that you know that, we should have you train and find out your main element."

"Wait, you mean I'm stuck to only 1 element?!"

"Oh, heavens no, your main element is the element at which you are most proficient. Like me, my main element is life, which is why I am able to mask my spells with flowers, it is because I don't even try to, that is just a side effect of me using magic. Now, we are going to test out your element through a simple test. I want you to meditate and envision a place, object, or thing. And after you see the thing, I want you to force your magic out of your body while thinking of the thing. Then I will be able to tell what your main affinity is."

"Okay, I just have to meditate right?" "Yep, that's all you have to do."

"Ok, I'll trust you on this."

I then let my mind wonder… The first thing I think of. The void, the cold calmness of the void… Is it truly even cold? I have no clue, it is simply a nice feeling, like eating food prepared by family. I haven't felt that feeling in a long time… I wonder, how are they doing? The family I left behind? But, that doesn't matter.. All that matters is the cool coat of- 

"Wake the fuck up!"  I stand up gasping for air before looking up at Merlin and Arthur standing around me, I can also barely see Ddraigs eyeball peeking through the window

"W-what just happened." I am confused.

"Well, I know what your affinity is now, darkness is one hell of a drug apparently. Arthur, bring him up to the room. I'll ask Ophis to start cooking dinner, I'll bring some water for the guy." 

"Okay, come on Kazu, hup." Arthur picks me up and brings me up to the room. "I'll go get some water for you." Arthur then walked outside out of the room. But instead of Arthur coming back up it was Ophis. 

"Nice job you fucking dumbass, I was out fucking around with Odin and making his life progressively worse by stubbing his toe every 20 minutes. Yet you somehow managed to do this, you make me wonder how I ever made you my pet, I should euthanize you."

"Please don't kill me."

"Don't worry, I'm just being pissy. Anyways, I am going to force you to eat this food I made and drink this water, and if you don't, castration is the minimum punishment. Now say ahh~."

"Ahh, umph… Honestly, that's pretty good." I say giving Ophis a thumbs up. "Yeah, when you are alone for a couple hundred thousand millennium, you start to take up random hobbies. And cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, have you ever tried cooking?" Ophis says, raising the spoon for me again.

"Yeah… I tried cooking before. I wasn't the best, just kinda decent." I say before taking another bite "Why did you start cooking, was it a hobby thing like me?" Ophis asks.

"I started cooking because… I was cooking for my adopted daughter. I miss that little gremlin. Last time I saw her she had grown to be such a beautiful young lady, sadly… anyways let's not talk about that." 

"I didn't know I had a daughter." Ophis said before covering her mouth "What?" "What?" "Seriously, why did you say that?" "I meant to say that I didn't know you had a daughter." "I think that's bullshit." "Too bad that's what I meant." "Hmmm… Whatever you say."

"Eat your food bitch." Ophis says forcing my mouth open and shoving the spoon down my throat.

"AuRgH! Cough Cough! Jesus fucking Christ, sorry that I called you out on your bullshit. You don't gotta do that, give me some water… Haaa. Next time just punch me if you don't like what I say, don't just shove a spoon down my throat."

"I'll keep that in mind. Hey idiot." Ophis says, setting down the food and water on my bedside table. "What-… Why did you just hug me?" 

"I felt like you needed it, I honestly didn't know you had a daughter. It must be very sad knowing she thinks you're dead. I was taught in my early days that hugs are always the best medicine for sadness. Plus, what kind of master would I be if I let my pet be depressed?" Ophis says rubbing my back while holding my head into her shoulder.  "Y-yeah… Hugs are pretty nice. Although I don't like the pet analogy but whatever. Now can you let go, I'm pretty hungry and I can't eat by myself." 

"Yeah yeah. Now open wide." Ophis says give me another spoonful of the soup she made.

**** Ophis pov ****

"Sigh… Stupid idiot, feel asleep while I was feeding him. Luckily he finished the rest… I hope you grow stronger in the next couple weeks. Your next test won't be as simple, my Astir." I say bending down and kissing his forehead.

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