
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · Fantasy
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27 Chs

- Interlude 1

[Hello! Note from the author here. I just wanted to say that I am taking a break from writing chapters for this book for a while. I have been struck by the demon of writers block and can't think of anything right now. I know where I want the story to go and all, I just don't know where to go. Heck I already have most of the Major arcs played out already, it's just I have no sense of direction.

I have also been busy writing other books because my adhd ass can't keep still for more than half a second. So yeah, i'm taking a break. I don't know how long, it will at most be a month, maybe a bit more sense I will be starting school back up in a month as well. I do this as a hobby, but I feel the need to give you guys content. But I want that content to only be good. And I don't want to give you; My beautiful readers crap. So I will take a tiny break. This chapter will just be a view on how Kazu's death changed everyone's life. Sorry for taking up your time, and I hope you can forgive me for taking such a long brake.

have a good day or goodnight or whatever the fuck.]

I sit on my chair as I listen to the defendant and the Prosecutor go at it, trying to prove something I already know. A domestic abuse case, the female using wine bottles and chairs too abuse the man, a clear cut case. Except for the fact that this woman can't even look at him, visibly shaking every time he raises his voice. The guilties automatic instinct to blame the victim of the crime when they do it themselves, this is a waste of my time, but I have to endure this useless farse as it is my job to do so. I then look at the clock and take a deep sigh of relief as I slam my gavel and disperse court for the day. Going to my office and hanging up my coat and going back home.

I open my door, welcomed by my old puppy slowly walking towards me. She waits for me to praise her for welcoming her, but I just smile and pick her up, bringing her too my car. And I walk into the vets, only to come out without a dog.

The meaning of life is death, and that cycle is the one force of this world that cannot be disproven, broken, or ignored. And sadly my dog had to to die, she had stage 4 cancer, being able to live an extra year due to chemotherapy. I am of course sad, but it was for her sake, and I am happy at the same time, knowing another young child has received a loyal puppy for herself. For that is life, and that is death, I know this very well.

I know how much it hurts for someone to die, and how death is impossible to stop, with my father dying a year ago. The worst part was that I only saw him 1 before he died, which was 10 years before he committed suicide. Foolish.

He was truly a fool, a fool trying to do a fools task, trying to overcome death. I guess that's what happens when a man does everything he could realistically do. He has over 100 Guinness world records, while also holding a record for having the most records, quite comedic.

Although I say how stupid he is, I cannot say I don't take after him, taking even his suicidal tendencies. Especially after he died himself. Though, I have stopped doing such stupid things, as I take to practicing others ways to fulfill my meaningless life. Such as taking up a hobby.

Reading had become one of my favorite things of late, Aunt Komi always talks about how my father was just like me always stuffing his face with books while he guarded her and Aunt Marie. Talking about them, I haven't seen them in a while...

I can take a day or two off.




"Ah! Yumi, it is amazing to see you! God you've gotten even more beautiful since I last saw you." Aunt Komi says, hugging me and holding my face. "Yes, yes. Could you please let me go?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." She says as she motions me into the mansion, walking me through the gigantic place before leading me into her 'room' which is more life a single floor house. We are both pelted with small children as we enter the room. "I see these two are just as energetic as they were when I left." I say as I pick up one of her two sons, Hokaru. Leaving the other Hiden pouting and being jealous of his older brother. "They haven't lost any energy in the time you were gone." Komi says sitting down and taking Hiden into her arms.

"Where is Alex? Is doing the thing again." I say as I pat Hokaru and put him in my lap as I sit down. "Yes, he is doing his little run again. I swear that damn cardio-head doesn't know when to stop running, it's like he is less energetic before he runs. I just don't get his infatuation with running." Komi says, complaining like her husband. Alex is a nice man, though he is the literal definition of a Midwestern American. Loud and Crude, not understanding what it means to stand still. He also has a knack for complaining about that weather, it's weird, he's weird, but I guess that's why Komi loves him.

"I am not surprised, though I can see where these little munchkins get their energy from." I say as I hug the little gremlin in my arms as he starts bouncing around. "Sigh.. They do take after their father, they have his energy and my looks. I hope they would be more calm like you were when you were a child but... That is asking a lot of children who haven't gone through what you have." Komi than gets up and open the fucking fridge she installed and tossed me a glass bottle of cold coffee. "It is asking a bit too much, but I rather enjoy their energy, I love when children are this energetic. Though I don't think I could ever have children, their just a bit too much." I say downing the bottle and returning to cuddling with my little ball of energy. "Sadly, I would love to see my nieces running about, having a play date with mine." I then sigh and redirect this conversation so I don't have to talk about children. "Anyways where is Marie? Is she not here today?"

"No she is here, she is probably cooped up in her room and thinking. I mean, she was quite attached to your father." Komi says, making me realize what day it is. "Ah. I guess that was today, man. Has it really been 11 years? It's feel more like 3." I say as I look towards Komi

"Yes, time has passed quite fast, even with these two causing me problems." She says as she puts the sleeping Hiden on the pillow, it seems he fell asleep hugging his mother, though it seems Hokaru is going to follow soon. "Well then, I am going to go grab Marie and drag her out to the Grave so we can pay our respects." I say as I exit out of the room and walk across the long hallways until I reach Marie's room. I open the door and turn on the light, Marie shielding her eyes and looking at me. Her eyelids pink and puffy, clearly sore after a couple of hours of crying.

"What do you want?" She says slowly, she sounds as if she hasn't sleep for a couple days. "Auntie, me and Komi are going to his grave to pat respects, please don't make me have to drag you out." I say as I walk over to her sit at the edge of her bed. "... I would've gone anyways." She says as she gets out of her bed, wearing one of the 10 outfits my father bought her on her 18th birthday... The only 10 clothes shes been wearing since he died. "You still fit in those?" "Fuck off, just because I've gotten 35 or so years older doesn't mean I can't fit them." She says as I lead her out of the house. The light of the house clearly showing how pale her skin has become. My fathers death did hit her the hardest, I don't think she came out of 'her' room once that year. It's not really her room, as she has taken over my fathers room as a coping method, not the healthiest method but it's not like I can say anything.

My method of coping wasn't the best either.

We finally arrive at my fathers grave with Komi already there waiting for us. A simple half a foot tall mound of dirt, just how my father would've liked it to be. We all just stand in front of it and silently looking at it, before Marie starts slowly walking back inside, with Komi following behind her. Leaving just me and father...

"Father. I know you aren't listening, but I have to say, you're a fucking idiot." I tell the pile of dirt, sitting down beside the pile with tears slowly trickling out of my eyes. "You left a perfect family behind, you left us behind. Now you can't see Komi's beautiful children, you can't see what you've done too Marie, and most of all, you can't see what I've done too myself." The wind then blows my loose sleeves up, revealing an 'arm'. But with all the cuts and scars, it looks less like a human arm and more like a monsters.

"Komi loved you, and you left her children without a godfather. Marie loved you, now she's locked herself up in a room. And I loved you, and now I am left without a father. Without somebody to guide me. I love you, and although I fucking dispise you, at least, you gave me a goal."

"To never end up like you. Dead and remembered by few." I say, standing up and going inside

Meanwhile in another universe. Ophis smiles and strokes Kazu's cheek, watching him sleep on her chest.

I was facing a bit of writers block, so I decided to show how Kazu's death impacted everybody else. And I also showed what Ophis is planning in her little chaotic brain.

A bit of fuckery is fair in love and war right?

Void_Eagle1230creators' thoughts