

Gradually Jakron starts to become aware of his surroundings as he wakes in darkness Jakron feels terrible. With Jakron's improve awareness of his soul Jakron can feel that something is wrong. He feels like his soul has been torn. Floating in the darkness Jakron begins to slightly panic.

Jakron tries to think of what just has happened and can only assume that during his intervention with Drego and Ella's battle, he overextended himself hurting his soul.

Slowly time passes for Jakron. He has no ability to know how much time has gone by. It could be minutes, hours, days, or weeks. Not knowing is dreadful and maddening.

After an unknown amount of time, Jakron feels a light in the darkness. It is then that Jakron can begin to feel like this is the mysterious starry place with the other souls that he visits. Comfort floods over Jakron as the familiarity of this mysterious space gives Jakron confidence.

Now with some solace in his surroundings, Jakron focuses on the light that he feels tugging at him. Normally Jakron would be able to feel the energies of space, time, and dimensions, but his soul is too weak to recognize anything around him.

Frustrated again that he can only wait Jakron sees the light that he is floating to gradually fade and brighten. Jakron has never noticed this phenomenon previously. Of course in his other visits to this place, there were countless stars filling the sky and Jakron was focused on recognizing the energies that incorporate this place.

Gradually Jakron grows bored as he continues to watch this light in the distance. Jakron is confused because it feels like this light of energy is bigger and brighter than any of the lights he has seen previously. Then it fades to significantly to the point where Jakron questions its existence. Jakron continues to draw closer to the light and the light's periods of darkness grow longer.

Finally, Jakron finds himself about to enter the light like he usually does. At this point, the light has been dark for quite some time and feels like it could wink out at any moment. Just before Jakron enters he feels a change. The light begins to brighten at a marvelous pace. It is at that point that fear engulfs Jakron's soul. He can barely make out how vast and powerful this soul he is about to visit is and it is terrifying.

Jakron enters the soul and finds himself in a beautiful mesmerizing world. He is currently standing atop a steep cliff overlooking a list green forest. Cascading mountains surround Jakron with tall peaks capped in eternal snow. There is land as far as Jakron can see. Questioning his reality Jakron grabs a rock by his feet. Feeling the heft of the rock's weight Jakron tosses it and listens to it clatter across the ground.

Stunned Jakron looks around the rocky mountaintop that surrounds him. After turning around Jakron can see a temple that looks like it is on its last leg. The temple is made up of tall pillars carved from solid rock and an elaborate roof with the depiction of a man holding a sword pointed at the sky. The whole temple looks like it was carved directly from the peak of the mountain.

Majestic as this temple is there are cracks covering the whole thing and what looks like mold growing profusely across it.

"Come…," a majestic yet tired voice rings across the world. The power and command in the voice make Jakron immediately step towards the temple without thought.

Stopping and hesitating for a minute Jakron tries to control his fear by taking a deep breath. Without any other options, Jakron bravely mounts the stone steps walking towards the large inner chamber of the temple.

The inner chamber of the temple has a high arching ceiling with large archways offering views of the surrounding mountains and ancient forests. The only fault is the cracks ruining the perfection of the stone and mold that gives the feeling a decay and death.

The temple is massive with numerous side chambers. After walking for a while Jakron can see the inner sanctuary of the temple. The sanctuary doors are broken and laying on the floor as large pieces of rubble. Jakron can see that the doors used to display a magnificent image of a sun nourishing the land below.

Stepping over the broken remains of the doors, Jakron can see a large throne that rises to approximately half the height of the ceiling. Sitting atop the throne is a large skeletal man in a tattered robe. He looks as though he is dead or dying with a wisp of silver hair fluttering atop his head. His skin is pale, splotchy, and cracked that is withdrawn to the bone making him look like the husk of a giant corpse.

A gruesome massive gaping bloody hole that has destroyed the man's chest cavity is the most eye-catching aspect of the man. Flesh, blood, and bone are completely exposed to the world. With blood slowly leaking down his chest drenching his robe Jakron questions if he actually heard this man speak.

Festering around the edges of the hole is the same black mold that is prevalent across the temple. Except this mold seems to be bubbling with activity. Curiosity overtakes Jakron as he steps closer observing the wound. On closer inspection, Jakron can see that the black mold is slowly devouring the man's body and his blood is trying to slow down the process. It looks grotesque and fascinating at the same time as the blood and mold destroy and engulf each other.

"Interesting… I've secluded my body and withdrawn my soul while I try to heal but you've still managed to enter my internal world. Will you tell this old man how you did that?"

Hearing the powerful voice startles Jakron. Quickly looking at the giant's face it is completely still. Secretly terrified Jakron tries to compose himself.

"Senior I'm unaware how I traveled here. I was in a battle and overextended myself. Now I believe my soul was damaged. On waking I was in a completely dark space then I saw a light when I entered the light I awoke in this world. Senior do you perhaps know how I managed to get here?" Jakron speaks with fear edging into his voice.

"Hmmm...Impressive. My brothers and I have theorized about this, but no one has been able to put it into actions," the voice thoughtfully postulates. "How funny this is. If only I had discovered you sooner. How things would have changed. Instead, I stay here secluded as my vitality is stolen by this damned curse," the voice mockingly laughs at itself.

"Senior is there something that I can do?" Jakron asks while still full of fear that this powerful being will take advantage of him.

"Worry not my young brother. We have been brought together by fate. While there is little you can do for me now who knows what the future may hold. For now, you only need to grow stronger. I will help you with this. It might hurt though," the tired and desolate voice finishes fading into a whisper.

Hearing the words and gloom in the voice terrifies Jakron causing him to take an involuntary step backward. It is then that the eyes of the giant crack open releasing a brilliant light. The dazzling light lands on Jakron forcing him to freeze.

A foreign presence forces its way into Jakron's soul. He's already damaged soul feels like it is tearing further as it is filled to the brim. The tearing causes unspeakable pain to Jakron. Jakron isn't even bring allowed the respite of unconsciousness. Instead, the light is forcing him to stay awake as his soul rapidly expands to make room for this unknown entity.

The light shining on Jakron from the outside looks like a whirlpool sucking all of the surroundings into it. First, the giant body shrinks and thins further until it disappears through the whirlpool of light. Then the throne, followed by the temple, the mountains, the forest, and everything else until nothing remains left leaving Jakron, once again floating, in the darkness.

Groggily Jakron wakes from his unconsciousness into the darkness of the mysterious space. This time there are numerous balls of light that house the souls of others in the infinite dimensions.

"It's amazing right," Jakron hears a voice speak from his own soul.

"Who are you?" Jakron responses while filled with nervousness and fear.

"Don't worry Jakron, I mean no harm. First off my name is Rehan Myrezoche. I was dying, but with the arrival of your soul, I was able to escape that deadly curse. Again I'm sorry, but without you, I would be dead. For that, I will help you get stronger."

"Wait. How did you enter my soul? I don't understand, and how are you going to make me stronger. You just invaded my soul I feel like it is more likely for you to try and take control of me somehow," Jakron says while trying to keep his quickly changing emotions under control.

"Well as someone at the peak of the Sovereign Realm, a lot of things are possible for me."

"Sovereign Realm how high is that. I've never heard of it."

"What realms are you aware of"

"All the way up to Lord," Jakron answers hesitantly

"Haha! That is just the peak of the Adept Stage. Sovereign Realm is the middle of the Expert Stage. Below Sovereign is the Monarch and above is Immortal. If I had reached the Immortal Realm I wouldn't need your help. Instead, I would have either been able to leave my body or just heal it."

"Ok, why don't you just take over my soul or body or something," Jakron says while trying to control his escalating emotions at the end.

"I won't try and take over your soul because it would collapse killing me in the process and the only reason I was able to enter your soul is that we share a connection that travels across dimensions, otherwise, how would you be able to enter my soul."

"Ok someone of that does make sense. I mean if I can enter your soul why wouldn't you be able to enter mine...hmmm...I never thought of that, but what about the whole soul collapsing thing and you taking over my body." Jakron ponders while some of this does make, Jakron would prefer to stay cautious.

"Jakron this is your soul and because I've voluntarily entered I am partially bound by you. I no longer have an easy way to separate myself from you. If I do, it will be extremely exhausting and leave me vulnerable for some time. These are things that you will have to believe me on."

"Ok fine. Let's say I believe you for now. How will you make me stronger?" Jakron asks with desire burning in his heart.

"While you might not have realized it, my presence has forcefully expanded your soul. After it is healed you will be even more powerful and talented. Also, I will be able to provide you with vast amounts of knowledge that exceed anything that you know. Most importantly my merger into your soul I can give you an affinity with the energy of life. This is one of the rare energy affinities and will help in healing your soul."

Desires burn bright in Jakron. He knows that he should stay cautious, but with such power being tempted to him, he can barely wait to receive it.

"How do you give me an affinity to life energy?" Jakron asks while pressing down on his excitement.

"This isn't something easily given by me, but the stronger you are the more likely I can rebuild my life and take revenge. For me to give you this you have to promise to help me find a suitable body in the future. Are you willing?"

"What do you mean suitable body," Jakron asks with trepidation.

"It means a body that won't reject me when I take possession. During this time I will need your protection because I will severely weaken myself first in leaving your soul and secondly in possessing the new body."

"Ok fine that is acceptable. When can we start?" Jakron asks while bursting with joy.

"The sooner we start the better. It will take time to heal your soul completely and life energy will significantly reduce that time. After it is done I will need to enter a period of sleep to recover my energy."

"Ok, let's start then."

"You will need to focus on the energy that I send out. This will be some of my life energy. Baptize your soul with it and you will gain an affinity for life energy. Ohhh. I forgot to mention. This will be painful," Rehan's voice says with a hint of mirth in his tone.

Jakron hears the voice, but before he can even process the last words pain radiates out from Rehan's presence into his soul. Jakron can feel Rehan's powerful soul sending out waves of energy. Forcing himself to concentrate, Jakron feels the energy and merges it with his soul.

The pain is excruciating, but with the constant increases in Jakron's soul, he is able to handle the pain. Perceiving the energy emitted from Rehan's soul Jakron is constantly incorporating it into himself. Slowly time passes, Jakron feels the pain slowly disappear and is replaced by a comforting and relaxing feeling that provides strength and nourishment to his soul.

Rehan finally stops sending out life energy and Jakron can feel Rehan's presence quiet and dim down entering a hibernated state. Focusing outward Jakron is surprised to feel life energy all over. Reaching out with his sense's Jakron can slowly draw the life energy to himself further nourishing his damaged soul. Unfortunately, the amount is limited.

The interesting thing that Jakron notices is the concentration of life energy varies depending on the direction. Focusing further Jakron links the concentration to the individual stars. With this discovery, Jakron grows curious. While he has so far been unable to control himself in this space, Jakron feels that maybe he will now be able to slightly alter his route. If so he can nudge himself to the more powerful souls and speed up his recovery even faster.

With this thought, Jakron gathers his powers and starts to try and slightly influence his direction with the higher concentrations of life energy.

Sorry, everyone, I've been sick for the past few days and it has influenced my writing speed :(

Thanks for reading. Please send your power stones my way.


Kalrockcreators' thoughts