

"Get him," says the man in the trench coat. It feels like a whisper but everyone in the courtyard and Tyrion up above hears it with crystal clarity.

The command and the remaining thugs' sudden movement as they rush towards the building startles Tyrion from his moment of self-loathing. Quickly coming to his senses Tyrion turns around and bolts out of the room.

Smashing directly across the hall Tyrion burst into another customer's room. By the time the other occupant realizes what is going on and starts to curse at Tyrion, Tyrion has already smashed through the window of the room facing the street below. As Tyrion careens from the window and lands on the pavement of the street he does a body roll to lessen the impact of the fall.

Quickly scrambling into a run, Tyrion starts to sprint down the street. Tyrion can hear the commotion behind him and quickly turns his head to peek at the men pursuing him. Suddenly a man slams into his side sending the both of crashing into the side of the street. As Tyrion slams a punch into the back of the man's head, he immediately stops struggling. Kicking the man away Tyrion clambers up, as he begins to run he feels a sharp object stab into back knocking him forward and back onto the ground.

Pushing himself off the ground Tyrion again starts to run while falling forward. As he continues to sprint across the road Tyrion can hear the man calling out behind him. "Run little rabbit. Let the hunt begin."

With sweat pouring down his head Tyrion tries to run even faster. Cutting through the street, Tyrion enters a side street and sprints through an alleyway crisscrossing through the city. Finally, feeling like he has put some distance between his pursers Tyrion stops in an alleyway and reaches behind his back to the object stabbed into his body out. Gasping in pain as he pulls the dagger out of his back, Tyrion leans against the wall behind him. If the loan sharks and his goons can find him in a remote inn they will be able to find him anywhere in the city.

He needs to leave the city and fast otherwise he will die with a heart full of regrets. Making his way through the city, Tyrion ducks into a clothing. Grabbing a cloak Tyrion throws it over his shoulders and jets out of the store knocking a few customers over on his way out.

"Stop thief!" The shopkeeper screams while he chases after Tyrion.

"Sorry I'll pay you back later," Tyrion responds over his shoulder as he continues to sprint through the streets before slipping back into the alleyways.

After covering up his bleeding back, Tyrion feels lucky that he has such increased stamina and endurance otherwise there is no way he would have been able to survive for so long. Walking towards the closest city gate, Tyrion tries to think about how he will get out of the city. If he just tries to go to the gate, he is sure that he will get arrested by the guards. They have probably already been bribed by the loan shark and he would just be handing himself to them if he proceeded like normal.

After getting to the gate Tyrion starts to look around with his head covered. After quietly observing for a while he is able to spot some suspicious looking characters eyeing the gate and talking discretely with the guards. Taking a wide angle around the gate, the guards, and the hoodlums, Tyrion walks along the street bordering the wall. Looking along the way, Tyrion needs to find a place that is close enough for him to jump across. Since he has improved his speed and power it doesn't have to be extremely close, but in general, the city tries to keep a large space between the wall and the buildings.

After close to an hour, Tyrion is finally able to find a smaller gap that is about twenty feet apart. Before stepping into the Initiated Realm, it would have been impossible for him to make such a large gap, but now it should be relatively simple. Tyrion really doesn't know how far he can jump now, but from his previous displays in power, he feels that it shouldn't be too difficult.

Climbing up the building proves to be more painful and difficult than Tyrion expected as the knife wound on his back inhibits his ability to climb. Tyrion already feels luckily it didn't hit anything critical. With his tougher skin and bones, it would take a lot of effort for any mortal to seriously wound him. Even before starting the climb, the knife wound on his back had stopped bleeding. Now though the climb has reopened the wound and it is bleeding down his back draining his already limited energy. Finally reaching the top of the building Tyrion rest for a minute while the wound on his back throbs with pain.

Slowly standing up Tyrion walks to the edge of the building to surveys the jump that he is about to make. The wall is only about thirty feet up and the building's roof is a few feet above that. Taking a deep breath Tyrion walks to the other side of the building and gets into a running stance. "Come on Tyrion you can do this and if you don't…Well let's try not to think about that"

Gathering the power in his legs Tyrion burst forth with all of his power nearing the edge of the building Tyrion launches himself across the gap between the building and the wall. Flying through the air Tyrion continues to cycle his arms and legs. As the edge of the wall comes into sight Tyrion is still flying with plenty of momentum. "Oh, shit" Tyrion yells as feels that he is not slowing down.

Flying over the edge of the wall Tyrion has escaped the city, but not like he envisioned. Finally, after losing his momentum Tyrion has easily cleared the whole wall by about five feet. Now gravity is quickly pulling him down to the ground below. As the ground becomes larger in Tyrion's vision, he tries to brace for the coming impact. As Tyrion finishes his fall of about thirty feet smashing into the uneven ground of dirt and stone, he is unable to do a proper forward roll. Instead, he puts too much pressure on his right leg causing something to break or fracture as pain shoots up his leg. Rolling on the ground till his momentum finally stops, Tyrion is covered in dirt with scrapes covering his whole body. His clothes look like beggar's rags by this point. The only thing he has that is in okay shape is his recently stolen cloak and even that is covered in blood and dirt with a few small tears scattered across its length.

Ponderously standing Tyrion can tell that his right leg is broken. The Ezoleth Desert is the closest thing to him right now. Even though it will be dangerous, Tyrion feels like if he can just find a place nearby to rest he should be able to recover and then sneak back into the city to take part in the entrance exam for the Kasper Academy. After that, he will be able to extract his revenge on that man in the trench coat.

Limping forward, Tyrion clenches his teeth as the last few hours roll over him. Raging inside Tyrion continues forward as tears leak from the corners of his eyes. His life has been so hard, and these assholes just couldn't let him have this one thing. He would have paid them off in a week, but no, they had to continuously attack him. Now his only remaining friend in the world is gone.

Finally entering the desert, Tyrion is in a dazed state as he continues to limp forward with his remaining strength. Without noticing the danger around him, a large falcon spies Tyrion from above. Swooping down its talons pierce into Tyrion's chest knocking him to the ground as well as out of his dazed state. Screaming in agony Tyrion feels the falcon pierce its beak into his shoulder ripping out flesh and bone. Hysterical, Tyrion tries to fight back, but the falcon isn't some weak creature but an overgrown wild beast with about the same strength as him when he is in his top condition.

Punching, pushing and screaming at the falcon, Tyrion's unwillingness and rage take over as he is able to finally extract himself from the bird. Rolling along the ground Tyrion wishes he had some sort of weapon right now. Quickly kneeling on the ground Tyrion can see the falcon flapping it wings hovering slightly above the ground releasing a piercing screech at him.

His left shoulder is missing a large chunk of flesh making it impossible to properly move his arm now. He has small holes on his chest where the falcon dug its talons into him. Bleeding and exhausted Tyrion watches the falcon and prepares to give the bird hell as he picks up a loose rock in one hand and some sand in another.

As Tyrion and the falcon face off against each other, suddenly the small dune beside the falcon explodes as a large scorpion attacks the falcon. Knocking the bird to the ground, the scorpion and the falcon quickly begin to fight viscously.

Temporarily relieved, Tyrion starts to crawl toward a small outcropping of rocks nearby. With massive loss of blood, Tyrion needs to quickly find some place to recover. Regrettably, there aren't a lot of places like that in the desert. After making it to the rocks, Tyrion crawls his way to the very inner edge. Surprisingly there is a small gap where two rocks meet with barely enough room for his skinny frame. Tyrion pushes himself forward and is able to squeeze in between the rocks, proceeding down into the earth.

Sliding, pushing, and pulling Tyrion slowly makes his way through the tiny crawl space and emerges into a small cavern. From the looks of the rock forming the dark cavern, it appears to be man-made with smooth cut rock making up the walls. The small entrance that Tyrion used seems to have caved in at some point in the past hiding the cave from the outside world.

As Tyrion low crawls across the floor he can see a few small rooms making a small abode. If Tyrion wasn't so exhausted he would realize that this must be the cultivation chamber for a recluse in the past. Covering the floor are numerous complex patterns carved into the stone making up some mysterious diagram. Exhaust Tyrion lays on the floor as blood continues to seep from his body and pool on the floor filling the carved diagram with blood.

Without any strength, Tyrion's vision begins to fade from blood loss. As death creeps closer Tyrion wishes that how he would have made some better decisions. Caltain and he should have immediately left the city. Instead, Tyrion got cocky and thought that nothing bad could happen to him. He was sure that they would be able to enter the Kasper Academy, forever changing their lives for the better.

Looking at the ceiling of the cave, Tyrion feels the hopelessness of the situation engulfs his mind. His body drenching the floor with his lifeblood and becoming numb as death approaches, Tyrion feels bitter that his life is being cut so short. As the darkness starts to invade the corner of his vision he sees sparkling red lights drift up from the floor. Slowly turning his head, Tyrion can barely see that below him the floor is starting to glow with a blood-red radiance as the floor releases red lights into the air. These red lights begin to gather together above the floor and around the center of the mysterious diagram.

Gradually as the red lights gather into a large red orb of light, a small black dot appears in the middle of the light. Sucking in the red light the black dot grows at the edge of it begins to spin tearing at the surrounding space. The black dot appears to be some sort of portal into space. Tyrion isn't really sure because he has never experienced anything as magical as this. As the black portal grows Tyrion can make out what look to be a spinning vortex of fire being engulf into space.

As Tyrion continues to gaze at the portal a feeling tugs at his heart. He watches intently as a man comes into view traveling straight through the portal and collapsing onto the ground by Tyrion. Flabbergasted Tyrion recognizes the man as Jack who he briefly shared his mind with. Jack looks to be in just as bad of shape as Tyrion with blue skin and gashes covering his body.

More grief starts to overwhelm Tyrion until Jack raggedly takes a deep breath. Reaching out with the last of his energy Tyrion extends his hand towards Jack.

"Jack…" Tyrion whispers trying to grab ahold of him.


After finally having a breath of oxygen for what felt like forever, Jack is able to breathe normally. After smashing into the ground, it shocked him enough that his body reflectively took a breath bringing life back to his body. Painfully breathing after seeming to have broken his ribs from the rough landing, Jack tries to survey his surroundings. As his vision clears Jack can see a black portal over his head slowly closing and being replaced by a cave lightly light with the color of red. Hearing someone call his name Jack gradually turns his head and is surprised to see Tyrion lying beside him as the last of the red light fades.

"Tyrion…" Jack calls back while reaching out and grabbing a hold of Tyrion's hand.

As Jack and Tyrion's hands touch a light quickly begins to form from the contact lighting up the whole cavern. Too tired and exhausted to be surprised, Jack and Tyrion watch as the light engulfs them along with a warm cozy feeling.

Thanks for reading. Please send your spirit stones my way.


Kalrockcreators' thoughts