

After the first match, Jakron heads back to the stands to sit with his friends. By the time he gets there only Jacob and Lily are still there. Hale and Derek have both been called to the waiting area.

Watching the fights below Jakron is unimpressed, but that could be because the fights have partially been seeded. So the strongest fighter won't face each other to the end. Jakron sort of feels bad for Bale. Jakron doesn't know why he was paired up with Bale unless the teachers somehow don't think that he is as strong.

Well, Jakron's motivation for these ranking battles is limited anyway. He will just continue to perform and try to enjoy himself.

Watching the fights down below Jakron finally sees Hale. Advancing to an arena, Hale is facing off against one of the more powerful freshmen. Jakron can see that this isn't going to go well for Hale, but he is young. Some adversity will make him stronger.

As the fight begins, Hale quickly uses his speed to keep the distance between his opponent. Hale's speed is incredible. Quick and unpredictable, Hale uses the wind-based movements technique that he learned sublimely. Happy continues to attack his opponent with blades of wind, but they are ineffective against the walking tank with an earth element armor covering his body.

Hale seems determined to drag this fight out. He might not be able to win but he doesn't want to give up either. Hale's adversary isn't happy with this though. Trying as hard as he can he continues to chase Hale, create earth walls to limit the space, small earthquakes that disrupt the ground. Overall, with the armor included he is rather powerful. I'm pretty sure he would be able to defeat my opponent Bale.

Unfortunately, this stalemate can't last forever. Hale doesn't have the same energy reserves like an Initiated Realm expert. Jakron watches intensely as the battle comes to an end. As Hale's energy-time out his opponent finally catches him off guard with a rippling wave of earth. Knocked off his feet Hale tries to defend himself as his combatant swarms over him.

Raining down punches and kicks covered in hardened earth, Hale is unable to defend himself. Finally, Hale is knocked flying towards the edge and will soon lose when an earthen wall rises up from the edge and Hale smacks into it. Hale's opponent approaches him with a nefarious look on his face.

This is despicable. He might be disgruntled about the length of the fight, but that doesn't mean he can be a dick.

Crack! Surprised by the loud sound coming from the side Jakron and Jacob turn to see the flames of rage engulfing Lily's eyes as she grinds the armrests of her seat to dust.

"This is unacceptable," Lily stands up.

"Calm down Lily," Jakron says as he quickly blocks Lily. "Hale will be fine. There are instructors all over this place and nothing permanent will be done. They will intercede. Also, do you realize how embarrassed Hale will be if you do something? He is a man. He can take care of himself," Jakron reasons with Lily.

"Fine, but this isn't the end. I will personally destroy that man later," Lily says as she backs off while maintaining eagle eyes on the situation down below.

At this moment, the man that Hale is facing slowly forms giant earthen hammers for hands and then smashes them into Hale's chest sending Hale flying again crashing into the earthen wall that Hale's opponent created. This time though the blow was too much and the wall was blasted apart as Hale fell out of the arena unconscious.

Jakron winces at the brutality of the hit. Hale isn't going to be in good shape after this. He might not be hurt permanently, but he will be down for at least a month. Feeling killing intent surround him, Jakron glances at Lily as she throws daggers with her eyes in his direction.

Grunting in rage Lily storms off to look after Hale. Jakron feels sorry for Hale's lose, but Jakron feels confident that this loss will help motivate Hale. Hale is young and his talent is top-notch and once he focuses he will be a force to reckon with.

By this time Derek has already finished his fight. It was just as intense as Hale but much shorter and more violent. Derek doesn't know any movement techniques but has focused extensively in defense and distance attack earth spikes. He isn't nearly as talented as Hale but he doesn't lack determination and is relentlessly hardworking.

Using earth spikes that can appear from anywhere and a hard earthen armor, Derek assaulted his opponent. The student that Derek was facing is skilled in fire making his attacks violent and overbearing.

There was nothing elegant about their fight at first. Filled with small fiery explosions, deadly sharp earth spikes, and powerful collisions, everything about the battle felt like a chaotic mess. After a short time though, Derek had constructed a simple maze across the arena. Finally, with smoke and debris obstructing his opponent's view, Derek was able to flank him and perform a surprise attack that quickly incapacitated his opponent.

Jakron was honestly surprised at the competence that Derek exhibited. His improves in the last few months is astounding. The way that Derek controlled the battle forcing his opponent into constant disadvantages positions was really impressive.

Shortly after Hale's fight and Lily leaving to look after him, Jacob was called down for his match. With no one in the stands with Jakron, he decided to stroll around while continuing to watch below. There shouldn't be too many fights remaining for the freshmen. Then the senior students will start their matches. Jakron's main motivation is to see if he can spot Ella in the stands. After walking around the whole length of the stadium, Jakron never catches sight of Ella. With nothing else to do Jakron sits and waits for the last few matches of the freshmen class to end.

It was at this time that Jakron finally catches sight of Lily heading towards a ring. There walking beside her is Ella, laughing and teasing Lily from the looks of it. Jakron feels that Ella's cavalier attitude is extremely brave. Lily looks like she could eat rocks at this point. Something must have fueled the flames of rage in her heart.

Quickly they arrive at an arena. Without further ado, Lily leaps onto the stage and explodes into a raging storm of wind and rock. A thin layer of metal forms over her skin. She looks like a beautifully sculpted deity that dazzles in the light. Jakron can see the fear in Lily's opponent's body as he immediately takes a defensive stand. Luckily Lily's competition is also at the Initiated Realm otherwise Jakron is sure they would directly quit.

With wind screaming around Lily like a tornado and rocks the size of fist orbiting Lily like small moons, she strikes a fearsome presence. Launching herself at her opponent, the stage rumbles at her explosive advance. Lily quickly starts firing off rocks at her adversary. The other student is immediately covered in a bark-like armor as small trees and vines grow from the ground. Also as soon as the trees grow that cover the student they are mowed down by Lily's missile-like rocks. Vines grow in front of Lily trying to entangle her path, but her brute strength is still incredible as she bulldozes her way to the young man in front of her ripping and shredding the vines and small tree saplings.

The young man continues to work on growing a forest of trees in front of him. He has given up on defeating Lily instead he seems determined to try and prolong this battle. Unfortunately for him there probably isn't in the freshman class with the brute strength of Lily. Ripping apart the trees barricading the young man she raises her fist as a collection of rocks quickly forming into a giant hammer of rocks. As Lily prepares to slam this man into the next dimension, Ella yells out at her.

"Lily!" Ella yells at Lily with irritation in her voice, "Behave yourself!"

Hearing Ella reprimanding her Lily's massive stone hammer hesitates. Instead of demolishing this young man she casually swings her hammer right in front of him destroying the last of his resistance. Then she casually tosses a rock at the man powered by her furiously roaring wind. Smacking into the young man's forehead he immediately faints from the impact and all the growth in the arena stops the frantic growth that was occurring on the stage.

Without saying a word, Lily leaps off the stage and blurs across the floor heading towards the waiting area. Watching Lily fly off in a hurry, Ella frowns slightly. Ella knows what is expected of her and her sister. While having casual relationships is acceptable, once anything serious develops the family will quickly step in. Ella and Lily are part of the Madison family. While the Madison doesn't currently have a Lord Realm expert they have in the past. With Lily's potential, no one in the family is going to let Lily have a serious relationship with someone like Hale unless he drastically improves his status.

Slowly following Lily, Ella isn't in a hurry. She will need to remind Lily of the rules of their family, but she is also determined to help Lily be happy.

Watching from above Jakron debates going to meet them with Hale. With Lily's current attitude and the small frown that he says on Ella's face as she watched Lily leave, Jakron decides not to. Jakron wants to get closer to Ella, but he also doesn't want to force it. Besides he needs to focus on increasing his own strength. Jakron has more experience than Hale and doesn't have any delusions that Ella and he will end up happily ever after. In this world, Jakron already knows that power will determine everything.

From all the stories he heard to Drego blatant killing of Caltain, Jakron wouldn't be surprised if the academy knew of his indiscretions, but didn't care because of his potential. Why would they care if a couple of poor orphans were killed regardless of their own wrongs or Drego's motivations? They wouldn't. So Jakron needs to increase his power until his voice is the only voice that matters.

In Jack's world power was determined by money and popularity. If someone had a lot of money they could basically get away with almost anything or if they were popular they could influence millions of people. While Jack's world isn't as cruel as this one that Jakron now lives in it would have been. Getting stuck in traffic, there could be a fatality on the road, but most people would be more concerned about how that will affect their drive into work. The selfishness of people doesn't change, but it can morph to varying degrees depending on the environments.

Clearing his thoughts, Jakron sees Derek head his way with a large smile on his face. Standing up Jakron immediately greets Derek with a returning smile.

"Great job Derek," Jakron says while clasping his arm and pulling him in for a hug.

"Thanks, Jakron. It was tough, but I've advanced. I imagine I'll be paired up with someone more powerful next time."

"Maybe, but I was surprised by your battle strategy. Where did you pick that up from?"

"Master Bain. I asked him how I could improve my chances and he told me most students won't read any of the strategy books and just rely on their own power instead."

Hearing Derek can't help but feel embarrassed. That is exactly what he has been doing. Seeing Jakron's embarrassment Derek can't keep himself from bursting out laughing.

"Don't feel bad Jakron. If I had your powers and talent I'm sure I would act the same way."

"No, I'm glad you told me. I'll start reading them too. There is no reason to be conceited by my little bit of power." Jakron responds with determination.

This is a wakeup call for him. Completely relying on his powers, limited experience, and soul, Jakron has been able to overwhelm everyone so far. He needs to utilize every outlet in increasing his power. There is no shame and trying to better yourself regardless of other people's preconceptions.

"Ahhh! There is Jacob. He is about to fight!" Derek points to one of the arenas.

Looking towards the direction of Derek's pointing finger, Jakron can see Jacob enter a ring and covering himself metal. Jacobs metal armor is much more intricate than Lily's. His is full of intricate details and lines. This gives it a medieval and future-like design. Sleek, but with shoulder, elbow, and knee spikes gives Jacob an extremely dangerous look. Blades form in his hands further increasing the dangerous feeling that he is giving off.

Jacob's opponent, on the other hand, is skilled in water and fire. Right before the fight begins the young man starts generating a suffocating steam that quickly covers the arena restricting visibility for both Jacob, himself and everyone watching. As the steam continuously floods out from the arena blast of fire can be seen obscurely through the fog. Jakron doesn't know how Jacob's opponent can find him, but he seems to be locked in on Jacob. Continuing to watch the fight, eventually, the fog begins to fade and the silhouettes of two people can be seen. On is laying on the ground and the other towers over them.

When the fog clears, Jacob can be seen standing over his opponent with a few scorch marks on his body. Jacob is not holding a large shield in one hand along with the sword. Jakron is baffled again. First, it was Derek and now Jacob. Both of them have proven to be much greater combatants than Jakron thought they would be.

"How did he do that?" Jakron asks while looking over at Derek.

Derek's face is covered in a large grin as he stares at Jakron's dumbfounded face.

"Well since you are always busy with your own training and Hale is busy with talking to Lily, Jacob and I spar constantly. After I started reading the battle tactic books and improving my own capabilities Jacob became jealous that I could be him constantly. So he started studying as well. He ended up learning a tracking technique because I would constantly hide and he couldn't find me in my mazes. Now he learned a technique that generates small metal beads over a certain radius and he can detect movement." Derek says this all with the large grin covering his face.

"Amazing. You two are amazing."

Thanks for reading and please send some power stones my way.


Kalrockcreators' thoughts