

..argg, seriously Selena. What!, we make a great team. look at both of you being best buddies. ' oh shut it you, you're just jealous. ... both of just shut up and let me think. what! how can you be so rude to Elder? I don't give a shit!. okay everyone wins, so let's change the world, shall we? oh oh, this is gonna be fun... join Alexander as he embarks on a journey of saving the world and maybe tweaking a bit here and there, with the help of his trusty guardians. who the f*ck do you think you are sending me on this suicide mission. fucking leave alone, leave me alone!... Hey you sure he his the one. 'ahh' i think he is. he said as they both had a brow raised looking at the unconscious boy.

Luckystaraura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Startled awake by a loud banging sound Alex opened his eyes and sat up quickly alarmed, he swept his gaze around and took notice of some things; one was that he was in a carriage and not the fancy type with smooth walls he wasn't the only one here he spotted few others that should be around the same age as him and they where all in cages just like him the cages weren't well-taken care off as he could smell the stench of dried decayed blood dirt and sweat just wafting through the air and it made him sick accompanied with unsteady movement of the cage all just added more to his discomfort.

He didn't understand how he was still alive he thought they would have killed him if they found out he was still alive but luckily he was still alive.

thinking about them killing him brought back the memory of what happened before he passed out.. . 'How his mother was abused by that bastard he killed. His mother was dead?. that thought alone had him enraged and angry that he wished he could go back and kill that soldier again and again and again.. . He wanted to go back and torment that man. something clicked, realizing something from his train of thought.

Alex took a sharp breath at the realization that he had just taken a life someone's life and he didn't feel sympathy or terrified of what he did he even wished he could kill the soldier again but was shocked Alex most was that even though his mother was dead he.., he didn't feel sad or depressed or heartbroken.. he only felt angry and he couldn't calm himself down. something was wrong, something went wrong has his first kill turned him into a monster, he was anxious he had to calm himself down, slowly he closed his eyes and began to take in deep breaths and releasing them he repeated that a few times until he cleared his head of all negative emotions.

Seeing as his mind was clear he opened his eyes and decided to just wait until his invaders got to where they were going. Deciding that, he went ahead and lay his back on his cage which seemed to be made of some sort of steel but he knew this cage had seen better days. what piqued his interest was the fact that this type of cage was only used to transport hard brutal and dangerous criminal who society wants dead, so why would they use this type of carriage to transport captured people who they raided.

unless his memories were starting to get foggy but he was sure. knowing fully well that he wouldn't get any answers from thinking too much he just observed those who were in the carriage.

there were a lot of prisoners in this carriage some were elves but he couldn't recognize them as anyone he knew from his hometown it wasn't only elves he saw some humans both males and females dark elves he could even spot some therianthrope; vampires, werewolf there were a lot of captives in this carriage

I was surprisingly calm, I had no idea why I didn't make a move to escape, or rather I wasn't feeling any emotions at all.

I felt numb both physically and emotionally since I couldn't see the outside I started to relax, it was only because of the lanterns hanging at the side of each cage, that I could see my surroundings I couldn't see where we were going so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Awoken by the booming voice of a soldier, I woke up feeling sore on my back I looked to the entrance of the carriage and noticed some were already being released from their cages and led outside there were multiple cages before mine both left and right so it took a while before it finally became my turn to be released from the cage and led outside the carriage and I must say the soldiers were not too gentle with us but of course we were prisoners that much was expected.

In front of us was a large brown metal gate that stood 120 feet tall it had a strange emblem of a lion standing tall on a large stone looking intimidating.

after the soldiers had brought every prisoner out they led us to the gate taking us through it, it was only after entering through the gate that I realized that this place seems to be a city there where people went about their business while a lot of others where sneering looking at us in disgust and throwing things while shouting and singing the soldiers praises for capturing us.

those f*cking soldiers led us through the city all just so we could be humiliated, I hated it but there was nothing I could do so I just walked on like the rest of them covered in filth from the mass harassment we just went through.

they took us down the city for a while before leading us to a military base and taking us underground through a large tunnel that was light up with blue lanterns. we walked for a long time before stopping at a forked way and taking the left side; that was not before we were handed some sort of clothes made out of a worn-out material that is thick but light.

at the checkpoint of the fork way we took a few turns before arriving at another gate with the same emblem it opened to a vast area filled with cells, there were rows upon rows of cells, and there were even some shops as far as I can tell. before the soldier called our attention.

'' You all should know already that things aren't going t to be easy here and frankly, I don't care what you lots do I am only saying this once, do not kill in here; cheat, fight I do not care but killing is prohibited strict obedience is what I require. no one is allowed to speak ill of the great family name of 'Dionne'. '' If anything as much as a whisper of ill thinking is heard there will be hell to pay for whoever is caught''.

the soldier introduced himself as Hendrick the commander in charge of this prison the commander was six foot tall and had a shoulder length dirty blond hair that framed his sharp jawline and brown eyes, but he had a scar that forms a cross on his face with each stroke of his scar starting from his eyebrows across the bridge of his nose and stopping at his cheek.

he had warned us with a look that promised of something worse than death. if we disobeyed his rules.

''Now with that said you all can choose a space of your liking and rest you'll need every single one of it tomorrow and for the rest of your stay here.

''A bell will ring every day, and that indicates the beginning of your work for the day''.

''At every cell, you will find the equipment you'll need to mine. a schedule will be made and called every day .those whose names were called will continue to the mining area and will mine for exactly 15 hours.

After that you take what you have mined and submit it to the person at the entrance of the mine she'll be in charge of calculating every ore you bring in and give you twenty percent of what you mine. Keep in mind that depending on the worth of the ore you submit is how much you're going to be paid. You all will mine ten days in a row before being given access to pass to the city to get whatever you might need.

''Do make sure you mine as your lives depend on it because it just might''

''Now with that said enjoy your stay here at Morntica Dionne prison and serve the great family of Dionne well''.

After the soldier had told us what I assume was the most important thing there is to know they all just dispersed with looks of anguish, some fear.

I turned to get a proper look at this underground chamber that holds hundreds of cells looking up a could see a blue crystal attached to the ceiling it looked tiny from where I was standing but I am sure it was huge, as the ceiling should be about a thousand feet tall. the blue crystal seems to serve as a light for this place.

walking across the space that was between the gate and the numerous cells I went in search of a cell that was unused it was quite hard as almost all the cells were occupied so I had to do more searching which was getting me annoyed until I finally spotted a space.

I quickly went closer to the cell and pulled the bar doors open, it was quite dark but I could spot a lantern beside what seemed to be a table thanks to the light from the crystal that shed some little light I then navigated my way to the lantern before lighting it up with a match beside it.

After lighting up the lantern I could now clearly see my surroundings. the cell was specious enough that it had a square form since the table was located close to the bar doors I was looking over everything that was in the cell, the bed was at my left-hand side with the table at my right close to the entrance to the cell, I also spotted a sink at the back of the cell and thankfully there was water flowing out when I turned the tap on.

sitting on the bed I dropped the clothes they gave me and just tried to relax and just gazed up at the walls were unsmooth and sharp to the touch although covered with a thin layer of brown mold which makes this place stink I could easily get injured with how unkept the walls were but what was I expecting Alex said with a bitter tone.

'Remembering what the soldier had said earlier I searched the side of the bed, looking for the things the soldier had said we would need. spotting a big bag made of leather, I tried dragging it out from beneath the bed, but the bag was unfortunately too heavy for my petit body.

Suddenly someone came and dragged it out, startled I took a step back. 'I thought I closed the door?!.

''You look like you needed a little help little boy''. it was a woman.

Still surprised as to what she was doing I kept mute. '' Hoy, you okay little guy'', sighing.

Those bastards still keep bringing in younglings. ''Here you go boy, although it's heavy for you, you gonna have to learn how to use'm real quick''. that's the only way you have to survive in this godforsaken place. she said as she pushed the bag to me and walked away.. she was quite beautiful with those hazel eyes and red hair.

I would have been quite thankful to her, but I just shrugged it off and opened the bag. unsurprisingly it only contained a new change of cloth's added to the cloth they gave us at the checkpoint which was too big for me, one shovel and a hammer, and two pickaxes with one being larger than the other, but both pieces of equipment were in perfectly good shape to my surprise. I took hold of the shorter pickaxe and it was just about right for me, but I knew digging with it will be no easy job.

Putting it back in the leather bag and zipping it up. I laid down on the bed visibly exhausted, today has been stressful apart from the fact that that bastard came and ruin my town just thinking about these again got him enraged. they'll pay, those who were behind the destruction of his town. but now he had to get some rest he thought closing his eyes and letting his body relax and drifting into unconsciousness.

author san here, if you like my book add it and share it with your friends. the more the merrier.

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