
New World

Quinn's P.O.V.

As I open my eyes, the blue beautiful sky welcomed me. It was about to be noon. I can hear the birds chirping and singing gracefully. I was lying at the ground, and what shaded me from the sun, or is that what they call it, was a big old shady tree at my back. Besides me was my bag. I didn't know that she(?) would give me a bag though.

I first sat and laid my back at the big tree, and relaxed on what was happening. I didn't think that I would be this lucky to have another chance to live. I am really grateful to you, System. I give my utmost gratitude to you.

The System didn't explain that much to me since I changed the topic and she(?) was too preoccupied at the moment. Though, she gave me a handbook filled with information about this world. What a great advantage, since I am new to this world.

I opened the bag that the System gave me, and what inside gave me a bit of shock. As promised, the System did give me a handbook. We'll check that later. There were also a bunch of food and water supply that'll last for a day or two, I think? Also, there was a map, a compass, and money.

Well, golden coins, to be exact. And 15 of them, on top of that. Is this the most valuable or the least type of coins? — if this is the currency.

I am still thankful though. I looked around me. Approximately 32.923 meters to my right, there is a road... filled with nothing. Nothing at all.

I think this is the countryside or something. Wait, even in the countryside, the roads still are made out of cement right? But why is it only hardened dirt here? And why are there no modern post lamps? Only lamps. Old lamps hanging on a wooden post.

Medieval ages? If not, good. If yes, I think I'll be able to adapt to it. I hope I don't stand out though, since my knowledge of things is big. Or else big accountabilities will be thrown towards me. I'm not planning to be rich, nor be a celebrity. I just want to be a normal human being, living life to the fullest.

Anyways, endless plains are on my left. Endless. Endlessssssss. I think the place I've spawned is in the middle of the highway. More like the middle of nowhere. At the most capable places, why here? I let out a deep sigh and remained calm. Maybe that's what the food and water are for.

Going back, what I see on my back was the road, and beside the road was countless plains. Like literally countless, while what I saw on my north was mountains. And roads. And trees. And mountains. What? On my left, I see the plains. On my right, I see the road. On my back, I see the road and the mountains. . While on my front, I saw another horde of dirt.

Let's just check out the handbook first and eat some snacks. I sat down under the cold, shady tree. I picked out a few snacks from the bag, as well as the handbook. It was about 10.5 inches long and 8 inches wide. The book's pages were 59. An extremely low one, if I do say so myself.

The cover was leather, and its color is brown. Plain brown, nothing much. As I opened the first page, there was no table of contents. Direct to the topic huh? The Title was "Linquertolne" {Pronounced as Ling-kur-ton}. I switched at the second page, and this is what it noted;

"Hello Quinn. I'm the System. I am here to explain to you all kinds of stuff in this world. First things first. This world's name is Linquertolne. This world has magical beings, magic power, and game-like abilities, like I said earlier." The book stated.

"In this world, humans are no longer at the top of the food chain anymore. To live, one must fight monsters and beasts. The said monsters are found on forests, and there are a total of 129 forests in this country, Hibisk {Pronounced as Hay-Beesk}. The dead monsters and beasts drop Essence." The book added.

"The said Essence can be ranked from Rank J to Quadraple S. Being Rank J the lowest, and Quadraple S the highest and most difficult. After collecting Essences, you will then sell it to have money, or keep it to yourself for your level to rise quickly. But to fight the said monsters and be able to pass through the guards near the forest, one must have a Rimor Licence. To have one, one must pass the exam held at Foedus." It explained.

"Skills can also be bought by using money. And the currency here is from Tin Coins, Bronze Coins, Iron Coins, Silver Coins, and Gold Coins, being Gold Coins at the top and Tin coins at the bottom. Also, one can buy Skills that can be bought at the Skill Store. Although it fetches an extremely high price." The book stated.

"Levels can be leveled up by killing monsters and/or consuming their dropped Essences. The higher your level is, the more times you have to kill and/or the more times you will have to consume their dropped Essences. By the way, you will gain 5 of the Ability Points {AP} by leveling up." It noted.

Now I understand. And why am I in the middle of the plains? Hmph! Though, I won't be able to live my life to the fullest if I sit here not doing anything. But first, I must look at my status, to check if I can use my <Golem Creation> Skill. Does it require mana? Let's see.

"Status." I intoned vocally, and as expected, the transparent screen full of letters filled my vision.


[HP: 100] [MP: 50] [Job: Unknown]

[Exp: 000.00] [Level: 1]

[Name: Quinn Joules] [Age: 20]

[Strength : 10] [Regeneration: 10]

[Magic Power : 100] [Mana : 50]

[Agility: 10] [Vitality: 10]

[Skills: <Golem Creation>] [Ability Points: 000]

<Golem Creation> [Level: 99] [Mana Consumption: None] [Coldown: None] (Active) - Can create Golems out of a part of a body. Created Golems has the same attributes as the normal one. The owner can do anything with it as long as the Golem can do it.

What in the world? This skill is absolutely splendid! I am at great awe. This skill is too over-powered. I'm feeling kinda like a cheater. Did the System really did this to me? Am I dreaming?

I was drowned by my thoughts of being an intensely lucky person. I do not expect this to happen to me, ever in my life. I'mma try this skill maybe tomorrow. First, I must go to the nearest town or something to sleep at a hotel. More like an inn.

I took the map that the system gave me. At West, there plains. Endless plains. Now I'm getting curious where do this plains lead to. Okay. In North, if I walk far enough, I will be able to reach a town. I'm getting excited to see the people in here. Exciting, yet scary. I also don't want to have 3-more friends. I don't recall writing plasticity in my list.

Since my Skill <Golem Creation> won't work if I don't have any body part of anything. For example, if I slaughtered a Wolf, I would then take any part of it, such as it's head, or even it's saliva, I could then create a Golem that will fight for me. This is extremly useful for me. As for my job, I would likely be an Archer. Or maybe a Mage. That would be fantastic.

I walked towards the direction where the town is. I want to encounter something that I can fight so that I can create my Golems already. I'm planning to build a Golem Army soon. But, that would take a ginormous amount of mana. Eh, I'll just think about that later.

I smiled, let out a deep breath, and then think about the great posibilities. Thus, my journey of adapting to this world and living my life to the fullest, officially begins.

hey! if you’re reading this, please forgive for my lack of vocabulary and writing skills. I lost my draft for this and I just found it today, April 7, 2021. thank you for understanding, and please bear with it until the 4th chapter.

aposeidoncreators' thoughts