

the multiversal energy is dwindling. so every universe wants to fight for energy. otherwise they will perish. the multiversal space is working like that only fittest can survive. in this vast universe there are infine amount of chances, and infinite amount of characters this is the story of them all. everyone in this multiverse is protogonist and antagonist in their own way. and everyone have their own story #------------------------------# beware...... addiction warning ⚠️ More info ----------------- the story have complex characters and a complex story. the story will start in slow pace. 9 chapters per week(in normal case) chapter length 1k to 1.5k word from Monday to Friday I will publish 1 chapter each day and in Saturday to sunday I will publish 2 chapters for discussion and other stuffs you can join the discord server https://discord.com/invite/79MgYzCZ ps:- english is not my first language, so there will be grammer errors, I am trying my best to improve it in every chapters

Aatmadev_ · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"my name is John, and I am from golden rock." he started telling his story; his voice were very low and dim. And his breaths turned into ice because of that cold.

" In that time, I am living with my family, my mother, father... it was a good life, and I think that you didn't want the introduction about golden Rock. I know it was very famous village with lots of rocks that glow when sunlight touches it…Yah, that same golden rock. As I mentioned, it was a good life until that day. It was a horrible day…I didn't forget it. he suddenly stopped the speech and looked sam, and sam was trembling with fear and bathing in sweat.

" one day…Some of the police force went in our village with some of the well-known business magnets. They said that they wanted to mine our golden rocks for something like making guns, I think, but we agreed, and they made some agreements, and we all signed them." he took a deep exhale, then continued

 "But in our village, there is an archaeologist, and he researched about this project and their working... and he concluded that this project is harmful to our village because they are standing on the golden rock, but most of our villagers, fools, didn't agree with him and were gone with that project because they loved money more that our village, so the next day they started the mining from the mountain side, and that day gone without any issues, but it was like a peace before hurricane. and we don't know that…we slept peacefully for one last time, and the next day they continued their mining and nothing happened in the morning. It was a very peaceful day, but in the evening the table turned. that mountain started to act like a volcano; it was like a demon waking up from his long sleep. The lava spread all over the mountain side, but the mountain side is almost remote area, no one is living there, so that didn't harm human life's, but it harmed our village, the trees and animals catches fire and every living thing in there is vanished from the world, We are not in the mountainside; our home is far away from it, but we feels the temperature, the hotness, and the bursting sound from the volcano." They felt how scary it was from John's face.

 " the next day, we all gathered together in the church and discussed about that sound, then we investigated it and found it, the mountain is now a volcano. The whole place is deserted, and when we reached there, we couldn't recognize that place; it changed a lot. We ran like hell and meet that archaeologist and asked how to solve this treaty, and he said that we want to stop the mining, and that is the only way, and the workers reached in our village like every day and they are now going to the riverside because they already know that, and I don't know how. And they started the work, but we stopped it and called the chief engineer to discuss the things that happened that night. And he simply said that this is nature; if we harm it, it will strike back for sure. Yeah, he simply said it and ordered to continue the work very naturally, he don't have any heart, so that's why I killed him first, I stabbed in his heart and killed him." John diverted from the main story, but he went back again

 " we tried our maximum to stop it, but it didn't happen; they finished that day's work and went to their homes. and that night turned our village to hell, The earthquake is started and the water in river scattered like raindrops that hit the ground, We couldn't believe our eyes, and also couldn't do anything but just watch it. But surprisingly, no life is harmed; it is still a mystery. and in the next day we changed our attitude, In later day, we did the strike in peacefully but next day

We used our weapons. and choose the harm, we attacked the workers and they ran from our village, and we considered it as a win, but we don't know what is coming. and all this story I didn't introduce my father, his name was Joel; he is a warrior, do you know him?" he asked to Martin, and Martin know him well. Because he is very famous in there, he is a four-time champion of heavy weight boxing and a world champion of fencing.

 " and that chief engineer arranged some hitmen to kill all the villagers.. that.. that was the start of the big battle.. the biggest war in our villages history