
infinite wishs in the omniverse fan fic version

its story about a guy who's life was always against him and his luck is always bad but then after He died then he encountered reality who offered him a deal so check out what he done after that ________________ WORLD'S/ 1st: his original world' 2nd: tensei shitara slime datta ken World BTW English is not my first language so forgive me for any grammar mistakes and thank you i don't own anything except the oc characters so yeah including the cover picture

ghost_316x · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


in a village located in Jura Forest you could hear the sound of music and the laughter of people

(man you should have seen Ryker-sama he was so strong and fast like vanishing and then boom baw tree parts every where women flying in the sky fire boom kaw it's unbelievable) said gobta to the people around him excitedly (when i grew up i will fight with Ryker-sama and slay down his enemies) said a goblin kid

(man i wish i have seen that fight if only i wasn't knocked out by the spell) said one of the hunting group members

( yah me to i should train harder so i could be useful to my lord) said a guy next to him

and one ogre girl was dancing while drinking and the other was discussing about clothes and herbs

but not far from them were Ryker and Rigurd and his son and the dwarves listening to the ogres story

(impossible orc's defeating ogres is impossible) said one the dwarves

(but it happened and they came in Tens of thousands while Wearing those humans full iron plate armors) said the red haired ogre

(so that's means they have the backing of a demon lord or an orc lord or both ) said Ryker making the air tense

( so i have offer to you guys how about you guys become my subordinates and i will make sure you guys have revenge on the ones who attacked your village and i swear that on my name you will have it) said Ryker with a Serious look on his face

( but that will involves your entire village are you sure about that?) said the red haired ogre

( yes I'm sure i never back up on my words

and by what you said i guess they will attack us sooner or later so we should get as many allies as we can ) said Ryker

(can you give me time to think about it and discussing it with my mates?)

(yeah take all the time you need I'm heading back to my room) said Ryker while getting up and stretching his back then the ogres went inside the woods to discuss with them selfs

(Rigurd come with me i need to ask you something) said Ryker before whispering to him telling him to send 6 female Hobgoblins to his bedroom

________ POV the ogres

(i think you should accept his offer)

said blue haired ogre leaning on a tree

(and about you guys and what do you think about him? ) said the red hair ogre

(he is strong fast his Aura demands of us Submission and making our bodys screaming to run away from him) said the pink hair ogre

(yah he deflected my strongest attack that made every one back the village beg for Mercy from me except teacher like it was nothing before sending me flying in the air like leaf

i could have died from that fall but he Sent his wolf to catch me before hitting the ground and because of that i don't think he is a bad guy) said the purple hair ogre before remembering his praise before punching her which caused her face to be red from Embarrassment

(are you ok don't be angry at him we are in the wrong you know) said the ogre next to her

(I'm not and i know) she said in whisper

(he gives me the aura of a tyrant but he treats his people with care that all what i got from analyzing him) said the old ogre

( how about i ask him that we become his subordinate until we get revenge on the orc lord or who ever caused our village destruction) said the red hair ogre

(yeah and at the same time we should Judge what ever he is worthy of becoming our lord) said the pink hair ogre

(yes that's good idea so i will go ask him for the offer with our condition after sunrise) said the red hair ogre before heading to the guest house that Rigurd offered him


Ryker woke up after an hour of sleeping to rest his mind because he was having fun last night until an hour before sunrise he had to admit that releasing his Sadist side was fun

after getting out of the room avoiding the 2 female hobgoblin on the ground while the other 4 were on his bed closing the door behind him while meeting 2 maids bowing in front of him

(good morning lord Ryker)

(good morning Ryker-sama)

said the maids while bowing

(ah good morning im heading to my office make sure to clean my room)said Ryker while yawning and walking past them

then Rigurd came to him while kneeling

(good morning Ryker-sama the ogre prince has Requested to meet you) he said

(ahh good morning thank you for the favor last night they were good hope you reward them and tell him to meet me in my office)

said Ryker while heading to his office

(good morning lord Ryker me and my group accept your offer but can it stands until we get our revenge?) the red hair ogre told Ryker

(ah yes i have no problem with that) said Ryker

(and then please if you accept us) said the red hair while kneeling

(of course please call the others to my office)

then after they arrived Ryker looked at them with warm smile

(good now i will Name you guys as a prove that you are my subordinate) said Ryker

(lord Ryker please think about it naming monsters is Accompanied by risks that could harm you) said the pink hair ogre

(ah don't worry about it if anything happens i will probably sleep for 2to3 days recovering my Magicules) said Ryker

(then we accept the names that you will give us) said red hair ogre

(ok from left to right Benimaru Shuna Souei shion Hakuro Kurobe) then Ryker acted if he was going to faint while it Literally did nothing just like breathing the air but he was a good actor

(RYKER-SAMA) said Rigurd

( ah don't worry about it im going back to my bedroom please take care of everything in my place Rigurd) said Ryker while holding his head

(hai Ryker-sama)

then Riker went to his bedroom layed on the bed closing his eyes

{Ramona how are you now days}

<im good master just watching the old world and studying humans behavior >

{ohh yeah just in case isolate that world and create a death angel that judges the souls before sending them to a downgraded hell or heaven make sure no one escape}

<it's shall be done master>

{yah and how is veldora doing}

<he is currently watching dragon ball z in the stomach space of beelzebuth>

{good place me in sleeping state for the next 3 days and see you later my dear}

<ok Master have good sleep in 5 4 3 2 1.. >

then Ryker drafted to his sleep...


in the Spiritual World a demon with black heir and red strips looking at Ryker image in crystal blue ball

(kufkufkuf its him he's the one he is going to show me to the truth of this world kufkufkuf)

laughed the demon excitedly thinking of the best way to Serves his new master