
Infinite wishes ebd

This is a story for two characters. Get reborn at the same time, action adventure, and fighting scenes and an OP character.

Kaden_Rambo · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

New beginnings part two

He turns to Liam and says, are you paying attention?

I am quickly, not his head and says yes all right then, so what's your wishes? for my first wish I want to be in the otsutsuke clan for my second, wish I want to have all my memories and for them not to be tainted by otsutsuke DNA.

and for my third wish I want to have lots and lots of good luck.

he turns to Liam and says all right for your wishes Liam has infinite wishes, but the godly figure says no sorry oh, f*** you The same thing as Kaden, except for I want the Joe gone and A very high talent.

and with a boom bang, bang, curb, rash, and meow. We were there in the Naruto verse.

I woke up next to Liam on a A nice furnished bed Tomo patterns on it.

I was the first to wake up, and when I woke up, a servant came and said, how are you young master Gallego? Alex are confused until I got my memories back.

I groaned on the floor and I was just like all dammit hi, I was screaming and the server didn't know what to do. I told him to go get me ice or something so he just created some ice blocks using ice release.

I was surprised until I realized oh shit I'm in Naruto verse At least I'm lucky and Liam has the Joe gone well, this is going to be fun I don't even know what time Line I'm in 

///give me your thoughts on what timeline I should put this in

from all my screaming, Liam woke up and he jumped and flew through the roof and then he started screaming then I threw through the roof there was giant hole, and and then I told him about how we were in the Naruto verse, but very quietly say the server want to hear me, and all the ruckus we were causing alerted the guards me and Liam came up with some bulls***reason for the ruckus. We are causing about how we unlocked our powers.after everything calm down, the servant told us about how we are going to have to do the ceremony with the chakra fruit 

Liam's POVI woke up and flew through the roof. I didn't know was going on until kaden told me that we are in the Naruto verse.

The guards falls about ceremony or something but I wasn't really paying attention. I was mostly upset that I didn't get infinite wishes.

As me and King were getting dressed I was thinking on how the future is going to be and how crazy everything has gone. I was really sad about the car. Hopefully I can create a new one that would be cool

I can't is really weird looking robe thingy I mean it looks like a robe but like more fancy anyway, we went to this weird ceremony thing where we had to do a dance and then I found this weird food that tasted like well dog s*** really bad. It didn't taste very good. Best way I can describe it is like asphalt in dog s*** .

but the fruit thing that A gave me a major power boost I grew like worn things on my head and I couldn't abilities and my eyes hurt really bad and I'm crying.

back to Kadens POV: After getting our kimonos on and going to the ceremony, we did the dance and then we ate the chakrafruit

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kaden_Rambocreators' thoughts