
Infinite Void God

The story is about a guy who died and his soul trap in the void for trillion years. After trillion years getting trap, his body adapted with the Origin energy in the void, so he became the owner of the void.

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Meeting The Quintuplets

"But before that, let's make myself a companion" he said

"System make a body of a girl in her 17 with black hair and golden eyes just like me, and make her face the same as me too. The height is 5'8, give her a high intelligence, and some combat skill" He ordered to the system.

⦅ Creating Body.... Done ⦆

She then open her eyes. "From now on your name will be Ran Itsuno! My little sister. I already give you the necessary knowledge." Ren said.

"Understood, Big Brother" Ran said

Ren then make a clothes for Ran, a white T-Shirt and a black pants.

"Okay now that's done, let's go to the next world" Ren said, then snapped his fingers then the two of them disappear from their places.


-Somewhere In Japan-

Ren and Ran appears in an empty street, and it seems like they arrived at night time.

'System make a background for us, and give me money, and a lot of it' said Ren as he observe his surrounding with his sense and found a hot spring inn near them.

A wallet then appears in his hands. When he opened it, he can see a lot of money inside. There is a Black gold card too. 'System how much is on the card?'

⦅ Answer: There is an Infinite amount of money in the card ⦆

Hearing the system answer, Ren felt satisfied.

"Big brother where are we?" Ran said

Hearing Ran voices, Ren then look at her and say "It's seems like we're in Japan. And there is a hot spring inn not far from here, so let's go there first."

Then the two of them then begin to walk to the Inn.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived in front of the inn.

Ren then slide the wooden door and what greet him is an old lady that was sitting in the counter.

Seeing the two of them, the old lady smile at them "Welcome" she greet them.

Ren then walked to the counter and say "We want to stay for one night" as smiling back at the old lady.

She nodded and calls someone to take them to their room. The one that come was a woman.

She take the two to their room. After arriving at the room, she bid farewell to them.

Before getting inside the room, Ran suddenly said "I'm hungry" while holding her stomach. Well that's not a surprise, i make her to be a high human which is still a human with just slightly stronger. She can still feel hunger, sleepy, and anything a normal human body have to do.

We make our way to the dining room. On our way, i see a familiar figures so i tell Ran to go first.

They seems like playing cards.

I then approach them quietly, and when i was on their back "What are you guys doing?" I said which startling them.

The five of them have a same face with different hair colors and the same blue eyes. When i see them i immediately know where i am.

'Gotoubun No Hanayome'

They stared at me suspiciously so i introduce myself. "Ah, sorry for surprising you.. My name is Ren. Can i play with you guys?" I asked while smiling at them.

The one with red hair then answer, "We don't eve-" but before she could finished her sentence, the one with a short pink hair ct her and say "Sure, Why not?" As she smiled at me.

"Ichika!" Said the one with pink waist length hair that has square bangs hanging over her eyebrows. And a twin butterfly shaped ribbons on both sides of her head.

"Isn't it more fun with more people?" Said the girl that called Ichika. She support her chin with her hand and smiled.

I joined them and played for a few rounds. Of course I always wins. After we play for a few rounds, they finally telling me their names. Well not like i don't know their names.

"Bahaha.. Nino you suck at playing cards." I laughed at Nino.

"Sh-shut up, you're just lucky" said Nino while blushing. Seeing that, me and Ichika laughed at her more.

Me and the girls got more close at each other. Especially Ichika. When she feel sleepy she's going to lay down on my lap and I began to stroke her hair.

When they saw that Itsuki was blushing, Miku just ignores it, Yotsuba are too focus to win, and Nino is looking at me like she's going to kill me. Of course i just ignores her.

After a few minutes, Ran approach me "Brother i finished eating" she said.

"Ah, okay." I said. As placing Ichika's head gently down to the floor. Then bid them farewell and make my way back to our room.

Arrived at the room, we enter it and Ran asked "Do you know them brother?" While preparing the futon. "Yup" I said. Then we went to sleep...