
Infinite Void God

The story is about a guy who died and his soul trap in the void for trillion years. After trillion years getting trap, his body adapted with the Origin energy in the void, so he became the owner of the void.

Alpha_09 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Daughter's Adventure [VI]

"Use the World Travel function and open a Portal to Kumo Desu Ga Nani Ka world. the timeline is the day when the students are going to get reincarnated. And make sure 'D' doesn't suspect me. Oh and make me as a transfer student and change my appearance."

[Executing orders... Done]

Then a white portal open in front of me.

I then step inside the portal.



I stepped out of the portal and found myself in an alleyway.

'System where am i?' i ask

[Host are 100 meter away from the school]

'Change my clothes to school uniform. '

My clothes then change to school uniform. I then make my way to the school which take me ten minutes.

Arrived at the school gate, i see a lot of students.

I then make my way to the teacher office to report about my transfer to this school.

After arriving in front of the office

After a few minutes of talking.

I then follow teacher named 'Okazaki Kanami' to the class.

After arriving in front of the class, i follow Ms.Oka into class.

"Everyone we have a new tranfer student today." She said

She looks at me and say "Please introduce yourself" while smiling

I then looked towards the other students, "My name is Itsuno Rin, nice to meet you all. Hope we get along." I introduce myself.

"You can sit in the back, there is an empty seat there" Oka said while pointing at the empty seat near the window. (Protagonist Seat)

I then walk towards my chair. On the way, i saw a familiar face. 'Wakaba Hiro' or should I say 'D'. The Manager Of The Underworld, and a Hikkikomori Goddess.

I sit on my chair and waiting for 'it' to happen.

A few minutes later

I felt a powerful energy coming from the center of the class.

It forms a crack in the air.

A few seconds later a powerful energy appear and kill everyone in class.

Well excluding me and D.

I then deactivate my immortal body and let it be destroyed by the energy blast.

'System, make it so that i reincarnated as a spider the same time as Kumoko'

[Executing Order.... Done]

I then lose my consciousness.


After what feels like a few minutes, I open my eyes and found myself in a dark narrow space.

I then struggle to destroy it.

After destroying it, i see a lot of spiders.

Looking at them i found one spider that seems to talking to herself. It was Kumoko, the Protagonist of this verse.

"Get me the Appraisal skill" i said

⦅ Currently you have 100 Skill Points

The Skill [Appraisal LV1] can be acquired by spending 100 Skill Point.

Do you want to acquire it? ⦆


⦅ [Appraisal LV1] was acquired. Remaining skill point 0. ⦆

'System, raise the skill level to level 10'


⦅ Skill proficiency reached. Skill [Appraisal LV1] has became [Appraisal LV10] ⦆

I then appraise myself.

⦅ Small Lesser Taratect|Title: Reincarnator.

Name : None

HP : #Error#

MP : #Error#

SP : #Error#


STR : #Error#

VIT : #Error#

AGI : #Error#

DEX : #Error#


SKILLS : [Appraisal LV10] [ n%l = W] [Spider Thread LV1] [Poisonous Fang LV1] [Poison Resistance LV1] ⦆

'Waahh, there's a lot of error' i thought while smiling akwardly

Then i began to explore the labirin.