
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
48 Chs



The Enchanlet Kingdom was a vast and mighty realm that housed over 50 million people. In the heart of the kingdom stood the castle, a colossal domain that contained many specialized rooms. There was the battle room, where knights and mages could test their skills and strategies. There was the training ground, where they could hone their physical and magical abilities. There was the battleground, where they could simulate real combat scenarios and face various enemies. There was the spa room, where they could relax and heal their wounds. There was the knights room, where the loyal warriors of the king could rest and prepare for their missions. There was the mages room, where the arcane practitioners of the kingdom could study and research new spells. There was the creature cell room, where they could keep and observe rare and dangerous beasts. There was the pet room, where they could bond with their animal companions. And so on, these were just the basic rooms that any kingdom should have in their castle.

And then there was the throne room, where the king resided. The king, the supreme ruler of the Enchanlet Kingdom. King Brunzel, a king powerful enough to command over 20 million knights and 5 million sorcerers. His army was ever-growing, as the kingdom had its own magic academy for those who wished to pursue the path of sorcery, and a combat academy for those who preferred the way of the knight.

As the two knights walked through the huge castle, heading towards a certain room. Inside, they saw a crystal orb that glowed with a faint light. It was called a mana connect orb, a device that allowed them to communicate with distant allies by using their mana as a medium. One of the knights placed his hand on the orb and felt a slight tug as it absorbed some of his mana. The orb glowed brighter and established a special link connection with two heroes, the 6th and the 7th.

The two knights felt nervous as they spoke to the orb. "H-hello... uh... Mr. Heroes?" They heard a female scream and a cry for help from the other side. They panicked and shouted, "Is something wrong?!" But then, everything went silent. Suddenly, a whisper slithered into their ears, sending shivers down their spines. "Give me your eyes~" The knights recoiled in horror, stumbling backward and falling to the ground. Standing before them were a mysterious female figure and a man, their presence both unsettling and menacing. One of the knights, his arms trembling, mustered the courage to speak, "Wh-who are you two?!" His hand instinctively reached for his sword, preparing for any threat that may arise.

"Geez... You're the one who called us, but you don't even know our faces?" the man said.

"Called? W-wait, you two are the 6th and 7th heroes?!" the knights exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, hero, hero, whatever. And so, why did you call?" the man replied.

The girl, wearing an unsettling grin, inched closer to the knights, her words filled with malice, "Are you planning on giving up? Do you want us to take your lives for you? We'll be honored~ Huahahahaha." The man let out a sigh, urging the girl to calm down so they could hear the knights' explanation.

After a few seconds, the knights managed to muster some courage and told the 6th and 7th heroes that the king had ordered them to go and get the two princesses. After hearing the knights, the 7th hero just smiled and said, "And then what? Do I get to kill the princesses if they resist? They have really pretty eyes~" The knights had a horrified expression and were stuttering to form a word again. "Just kidding!" the 7th hero exclaimed. The 6th hero was just standing there and nodded his head. He placed his hand on the 7th hero's hair and said, "Let's go." After he said that, their bodies exploded in blood and they were gone. The knight screamed in horror as he turned to his back to see the other knight was all skinny and bones, pure pale and just and empty vessel.


Alya woke up to the cheerful sound of birds chirping and the warm sight of the sun rising. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked around. She was lying on the floor with some mats, her hair messy and her clothes wrinkled. She saw Hayla sleeping next to her, snoring softly. She saw Perl sitting on a chair, reading a book with interest. She saw Hudson cooking some vegetables on a stove, humming a tune with joy.

Perl noticed her and smiled warmly. "Good morning," she said.

Alya yawned and replied, "Good morning."

Perl pointed to the window. "Oh, if you're looking for your friends, they're outside."

Alya with a tired expression. "Outside?"

She got up and stretched her limbs. She walked to the window and looked out. She saw Juro lying on top of Bell and Marc backs, who were holding a plank position on the grass. They looked miserable and exhausted.

Alya =~=: "Hm."

It all started earlier in the morning, when Juro decided to wake up Bell and Marc in a very rude way. He grabbed them by their shirts and dragged them out of the house. He threw them on the grass with a loud thud.

Bell and Marc groaned in shock. "Ouch!"

Bell rubbed his head and glared at Juro angrily. "What was that for???"

Marc did the same and asked, "Why did you throw us outside??? It's too damn early..."

Juro chuckled and said, "Training."

Bell and Marc looked confused. "Training?" they echoed.

Juro nodded. "Yes, training."

Marc said with a sarcastic tone, "So you'll finally train us?"

Bell muttered, "So random..."

Juro shook his head and smirked. "Stop complaining and give me 20 push-ups."

marc and bells face were dumbfounded, and looked at juro and said "push ups?????"

Juro smirked and smacked their heads and said, "Yes, push-ups. You think physical training isn't important? Go on, give me 20 push-ups now."

As Marc prepared to voice his complaints, he glanced to his right and was taken aback by the sight of Bell attempting to perform 20 push-ups, just as Juro had instructed them to do.

Marc: ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ Uh... Bell? Is that you?

Bell: Don't be an idiot. He's right. We can't solely rely on magic.

Gritting hes teeth, Bell thought to himself, 'Tsk... This body is too weak... I can barely manage 20 push-ups, let alone 6 without taking a break.' Juro observed Bell's determination and smiled, murmuring, "Hoh," to himself.

Marc, reluctantly conceding, grumbled, "Fine..."

And so, Bell and Marc obediently followed Juro's instructions, completing tasks such as planks and push-ups. The rigorous exercise continued until everyone have woken up.

They returned to the house and enjoyed a breakfast of vegetable soup. Hudson, feeling apologetic, said, "Ah... I'm sorry I couldn't prepare anything fancier. I'm sure you two had better meals back at home..."

Hayla reassured him, saying, "Oh no, it's perfectly fine. This vegetable soup is actually one of my favorites. We're genuinely grateful to both of you."

Perl chimed in, touched by their kind words. "Oh, you sweet girls... I hope our future daughter turns out to be as sweet and easygoing as you two."

Hayla chuckled and replied, "Pft, haha. Thank you. I'm sure your daughter will grow up to be healthy and wonderful."

After a few minutes, Marc voiced his discomfort, feeling sore and struggling to enjoy his meal. Hudson looked at him and suggested, "Try manipulating the flow of mana within your body. Allow it to circulate steadily. That's what I always do after chopping wood. Hehe, it gives me some strength."

Listening to Hudson's advice, Marc attempted the technique for the first time. To his surprise, the soreness and pain in his body began to subside, although a slight tingling sensation remained, it's still better than last time. Hudson, amazed, exclaimed, "Woah, you did it on your first try! Good job, kid. I'm sure you'll become a great mage someday." Marc, feeling a bit flustered by the praise, simply looked down and mumbled a thank you before continuing with his meal.

Bell observed Marc's progress and thought, 'Hm... Seems like he's catching on quickly as well. I already knew about manipulating mana flow, so it's nothing new. But there's something that's been bothering me.' Bell called out to the M.O. system, seeking answers.

Bell: Can Dark Regeneration heal torn muscles? You know, like how a normal body rebuilds stronger muscles?

System: Negative.

Bell sighed inwardly, 'Ah... I see. So, that kind of cheat won't work... That's unfortunate. Well, in any case, I should focus on eating and be prepared to 𝑲𝒊𝒍𝒍 that bastard.'

Juro once again expressed gratitude to the couple for their hospitality. Hayla and Alya hugged Perl, and Hayla said, "When it's my birthday, make sure both of you come, okay? I'll invite you and escort you to the kingdom!" Perl giggled and lovingly patted Hayla and Alya.

Perl: Make sure the invitation is for three people.

Perl winked playfully, and Hayla giggled, responding, "Okay!" Bell observed the heartwarming scene of a couple on the verge of becoming loving parents and called out to Ayla and Hayla. After bidding their farewells, they continued their journey toward the Kingdom of Nielism.

Perl: Honey, I think I'm going to name our daughter Yaya.

Hudson smiled gently, placing a tender kiss on Perl's stomach, and replied, "That sounds perfect, dear."

> ' < is for thoughts

> " < is for physical speaking



Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Survivor of the Flame

Old Title - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆




Strength: 34 (+5)

Speed: 32

Vitality: 42 (+4)

Intelligence: 82 (+2)







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Mana Leap)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

(kingdom of Nielism) Population 1.2M+

(Enchanlet Kingdom) Population 50M+

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