
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

way back

"Huh? This…"

Kai Yuan didn't expect Sun Yu to run away!

However, when he realized that Sun Yu was running in the direction of the fire demon's lair,

his face changed instantly.

"Not good! Catch up!"

Kai Yuan hurriedly set off, and even moved towards the flustered Junior Sister and started to explain:

"Damn it! That kid's goal is the same as ours! It's all sunburn grass!"


Xu Yaner's beautiful eyes glared and immediately followed along.

At this time,

The fire demon, who was still proud, also noticed something was wrong.

The three of them went towards its lair,

his home is about to be taken away!

"chi chi chi!"

with the roar, the fire demon used all four limbs and hurriedly chased after them.

Sun Yu turned around and glanced at the anxious appearance of the two, sneered, and kept running.

In just a moment, he was already in the lair, which

assault his senses with a sickening stench,

and then A burst of warmth made him feel comfortable.

Sun Yu's eyes swept around, and he found out at once, not far away,

that palm-sized sunburn grass with a shape like a flame.

"That's it!"

Sun Yu extended the hand from far away, and directly used the cirrus hand to grab it into his hand,

then he turned back suddenly , threw this thing towards Xu Yan'er, and shouted:

"Junior Sister, take it!"


Xu Yan'er was a little confused by the sound of Junior Sister,

subconsciously raised her hand to take the thing in her hand,

After a closer look, she suddenly found out that it was a sunburn grass!

She just had a happy look on her face, but Kai Yuan, who was beside her, realized something was wrong.

The fire demon who came behind, saw the sunburn grass being taken away, and was already furious,

moved towards Xu Yaner fiercely.

Kai Yuan didn't have time to remind her, so he could only take the initiative to help resist.

Sun Yu, who was beside him, watched carefully, use Cirrus hand again:

"Come here!"

Kai Yuan only felt a suction force on his body Pulling him,

He didn't have time to resist, he found himself in front of Sun Yu,

At this moment, the fire demon was only one step away from Junior Sister Xu Yaner:

"Junior Sister, be careful!"

He hurriedly reminded, and even wanted to help,

However, Sun Yu had already stood in front of him:

"Your opponent is me."


Kai Yuan angrily shot,

Sun Yu took a stance, and the two punched met, fight the other with fist art for a while.

And Xu Yan'er on the other side finally reacted,

At the last moment, she turned around and blocked the fire demon's attack.

But the fire demon is extremely brave,

And the treasure is taken away, almost made it crazy, and the attack is extremely fierce.

Xu Yan'er was already a little weaker in strength,

She was holding on to the sunburn grass in her hand and wouldn't let go,

With just a few tricks, it was enough. Full of a mouthful of blood, apparently with no small injuries.

Kai Yuan glanced at her occasionally, and he was very anxious,

But Sun Yu is very strong,

with This distraction, he is even more powerless to defend himself.

Kai Yuan raised his hand to block the two punches,

breathed deeply, and was planning to focus on solving Sun Yu first,

At this moment.


The screams of Junior Sister suddenly came.

Kai Yuan was startled and turned his head subconsciously,

only to find Junior Sister dressed in white cloth, all dyed red,

a huge wound on her chest continued until her Stomach,

was actually ripped open by the fire demon!

His eyes were bloodshot, and his silver teeth were almost crushed, and he was about to step forward to help.

But Sun Yu seized the opportunity and punched him in the chest.


Kai Yuan spurt a large mouthful of blood,

half-kneeling on the ground, glaring at Sun Yu:


Sun Yu would not waste this opportunity,

immediately stepped forward and punched him in the head again.


Blood splashed everywhere, and Kai Yuan died.

At the same time,

The fire demon not far away pierced Xu Yaner's heart with one claw, and

the other claw grabbed the opponent and held the sunburn grass. The palm that hold the grass was torn, and suddenly ripped off.

And it's not over yet,

The fire demon raised his head and opened his mouth, and stuffed Xu Yaner's arm with the scorching grass into his mouth.

Sun Yu was startled, this baby can't be swallowed by this guy,

his palm raised, Cirrus hand out again,

separated by the distance. cirrus hand grabbed the arm of Xu Yan'er which was holding the sunburn grass.

"chi chi chi!"

The fire demon's amber eyes were completely red,

It was furious and moved towards Sun Yu.

Sun Yu was not afraid of it, and threw the sunburn grass aside,

The fire demon is strong in a fire character, but it played too much before,

It had used up all the fire of the body, and now it can only fight with the body.

How can it be Sun Yu's opponent by scrambling and knocking indiscriminately,

With just a dozen moves,

Sun Yu found an opportunity, The fists went up from the sides, straight to the fire demon's head, and

fiercely hit its ears on both sides.

The fire demon immediately shrank its neck and raised its hands, covering its head in pain,

It retreated, and its figure kept shaking,

and again It made two strange "chi chi" screams,

After a while, it crashed to the ground, and the seven orifices bleed to death.

Sun Yu dealt with the corpse of the fire demon to make it easy to carry,

and hurriedly fumbled on Kai Yuan and the two to see what he could gain,

he took this opportunity to simulate an escape route:

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist, you accepted the reward and came to Diyan Mountain and succeed to Kill the fire monster. ]

[Two days later, you returned to Pingle City and submit the bounty to make a fortune. ]

[On the sixth day, you received the news that Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was attacked, and you led a group of people to help. ]

[As soon as you arrive at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, you find Zhang Zhong covered in blood,]

[You stepped forward to help, just as you approached, the other party suddenly turned towards you. Laugh, and then a sword of sand and stone pierces your heart, and you die. ]


Sun Yu is a little unbelievable,

There is no problem with this result. Looking at the shot, we know that Zhang Zhong was disguised by Qian Yingzhong.

However, what he couldn't believe was that

he returned to Pingle City so safely in the simulation!

It's a pity that he deliberately reserved five simulation opportunities to avoid Qian Yingzhong's pursuit…

"That guy got lost?"

Sun Yu was puzzled, but the result was very agreeable to him.

Wait in the city and get a reward of 1000silver tael,

I'm afraid you won't be a Grade 3 Martial Artist?

Sun Yu carried the corpse of the fire demon on his back, took the sunburn grass, and quickly left the place.


Shortly after Sun Yu left,

Qian Yingzhong changed into a white-haired woodcutter came to the fire demon's lair,

He twitched his nose and smelled a strong bloody smell.

Following the smell, he soon found the cave,

Qian Yingzhong Walked in, there were two corpses inside, the two youngsters he had seen at the foot of the mountain.

After looking around, he quickly analyzed the whole story:

"It turns out that these two people came to kill the demon, but unfortunately they were not strong enough and were killed by the demon. ."

"However, where did the monster go?"

Qian Yingzhong's faceless Divine Art still lacks a good monster skin, and he is naturally moved at this moment. .

But after a moment he shook his head and said:

"No, it's not important, anyway, I already know about the monster's lair,

When the time comes, take the time to come over That is, find that Sun Yu first!"

Qian Yingzhong left the monster beast lair, and

continues to search for Sun Yu on Diyan Mountain…