
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs


"cough cough!cough cough!"

Song Ling, who was splashed with cold water, suddenly woke up,

He coughed hard, Looking at the surrounding environment with his still somewhat confused eyes,

Then he realized that

he seemed to be locked in a dungeon.

"who are you?"

Sun Yu's flat voice sounded.

Song Ling was startled, subconsciously about to run True Qi.

As a result, the severe pain in his body made him cry out in agony.

Only at this moment did he realize that his cultivation base had been abolished!

"Damn! Damn!"

both of his hands slammed to the ground, roaring,

Thinking back a little, he already understood that it was Qi Xianyi's trick!

"Who sent you here?"

Sun Yu's dispassionate voice sounded again.

Song Ling raised his head,

In the dark dungeon, he couldn't see Sun Yu's face,

he could only stare with blood red eyes, gnashing his teeth said :

"Qi Family, Qi Xianyi!"

Is it really him?

Sun Yu nodded and continued to ask:

"What did he ask you to do?"

"he asked me to take the City Lord's family away and lead him out of the city to kill him."

Song Ling didn't hesitate, don't blame me for being unkind,

Soon he tell all the arrangements of Qi Xianyi.

After listening, Sun Yu asked again:

"Who are you again?"

According to Yu Xiu, this person is definitely not Anonymous.

However, Song Ling, who heard this question, was silent.

Selling Qi Xianyi is not a problem, of course,

But he can't say anything about Song Family.

Sun Yu looked at him quietly,

This person seems to be a little familiar…

Suddenly, Sun Yu remembered!

No wonder these two are a little familiar.

It turns out that they are similar to Song Chengyu.

He said tentatively:

"Is Song Chengyu not with you?"

"What! He is…"

Song Ling raised his head sharply, wanting to ask about Song Chengyu's news,

Seeing Sun Yu's smile hidden in the dark,

he knew he had been fooled.

Song Ling lowered his head, as if nothing happened,

But his reaction just now was already seen by Sun Yu.

"Why do you Song Family help Qi Family?"

Sun Yu has already determined that the other party must be from Song Family, and he threw another question.

However, Song Ling lowered his head and pursed his lips,

There was no meaning to answer at all.

Sun Yu waited for a moment, then continued:

"There is no need to be deaf,

I already know your identity,

If you are willing to tell the truth, maybe I can tell you where Song Chengyu is."

Hearing this, Song Ling still didn't speak,

but he was waiting by the side. His fingers moved slightly,

This could not escape Sun Yu's eyes,

It was obvious that the other party was a little moved.

He continued to throw a bait:

"If you are willing to tell me, it is not impossible to let you out,

After all, with Song Chengyu, l have Some friendship."

Still silent, but this time it wasn't long,

Song Ling raised his head:

"You said But it's true?"

"Naturally it's true!"

Silence again,

Song Ling thought about it for a long time,

He knew that he had no other choice,

so he immediately said, "We are here for revenge."

"Yu Xiu has a feud with your Song Family?" Sun Yu was Confuse.

Song Ling shook his head and said:

"No, it's one of his subordinates, called Sun Yu.

But with Yu Xiu here, it's not convenient for us to do it.

We are united with Qi Family,

we plan to kill Yu Xiu who is in the way first, and then solve Sun Yu's revenge."

The target of the other party is sure enough It's yourself!

Sun Yu remained calm, but

he felt strange about the hatred between him and Song Family. How could Qi Family know so clearly?

"How did the Qi Family know about your Song Family?"

"hmph, from the very beginning, this is what the Qi Family asked someone to tell us."

Song Ling disdain coldly and snorted:

"They thought it was perfect, but we have already checked it out,

Those guys just want to take advantage of that Sun Yu, make trouble for our Song Family!"

"so that's how it is!"

Sun Yu whispered, and it made sense.

It's no wonder that Song Family was staring at him at first.

Song Ling explained everything clearly, then raised his head and asked:

"I have already said what I should say, when are you going to let me out?"

"Let you out?"

Sun Yu laughed, took two steps forward,

"Do you see who I am?"

In the dark dungeon,

Song Ling raised his head, barely able to see Sun Yu's face clearly,

Then his face instantly changes, surprised:

"You… it's you! Sun Yu! It's you!"

Song Ling roared, pulling on the railing frantically, making a loud noise.

Sun Yu left the dungeon without looking back.

"Song Family…Qi Family…"

Sun Yu, who walked out of the dungeon, murmured under the moonlight,

He knew very well that he have fallen deeply into the vortex of these two families.

Even if I want to escape, it is already impossible.

Song Family has lost so many people, he will definitely not let him go.

After he hugged Yu Xiu's thigh,

Qi Family apparently also included him in the Must Kill List.

If he wants to escape this vortex,

he may have to get rid of the person who made this vortex.

However, Sun Yu is very clear,

With his current strength, it is almost impossible

"I still need to make money and improve my strength,

But before that, maybe we can use Yu Xiu's power…"

Sun Yu quickly left and found Yu Xiu in the main hall:

"My lord! I've checked it out,

that person is from the Song Family, and has admitted that they came here, bewitched by Qi Xianyi of the Qi Family,

the purpose is to kidnap your family, force the adults to leave the city, and then attack!"

Yu Xiu carefully looked at the piece of paper in hand, his expression did not change slightly:

"I know, go down."

Sun Yu frowned, the City Lord's reaction was too dull, he stepped forward again and said:

"Sir, don't take this opportunity… "

"Alas." Yu Xiu sighed interrupted,

"This is the end of the matter."

"What!" Sun Yu is Unsure why, he hurriedly asked:

"Why is this?"

Yu Xiu raised the letter in his hand and said:

"Qi Family Old Fourth just came and apologize to us,

and say that after this it will never happen again."

"Qi Family Old Fourth?"

"Yes." Yu Xiu nod, patted the letter on the table, and explained helplessly:

"He is the real power of Qi Family in Pingle City,

strength Like me, both are Grade 1 Martial Artists,

This person is much more difficult to deal with than that Qi Xianyi…"

Listening to the other party's tone,

Sun Yu knew that on that letter, there must be more than just apologizing.

Yu Xiu walked to the window with a trace of sadness in his eyes:

"You also saw what the hell the past few days in Pingle City looked like,

Even us Martial Artists are not safe,

not to mention those ordinary persons.

Although Qi Family is indeed a cancer in this city,

But if you don't care and rush to eradicate them,

Who is suffering, you should know?"

Sun Yu thought for a while, then answered in a deep voice:

"I understand."

Yu Xiu turned around and said with a smile:

"By the way, the past few days you did good, rest, rest,

Let's take the brothers to Chen Qing to get a reward,

Of course, don't relax too much, be careful of Qi Family."

"I understand, many thanks sir!"

Sun Yu was overjoyed, he was short of money.

"By the way, the people who were detained in the prison in the past few days have been released.

Since you have made peace with Qi Family, is there any need to detain them? It's a waste of Imperial Court resources,

But the Song Family people…"

Looking at Yu Xiu's eyes, Sun Yu knew that the other party had murderous intentions.

But he didn't intend to let the man go.

Sun Yu responded, and after leaving the main hall, he found Chen Qing,

Not bad, three hundred silver tael!

You can simulate again!

Put the money into the emulator.

Sun Yu first took time to go to the dungeon,

According to Yu Xiu's instructions, he sent someone to deal with Song Ling.

The Qi Family's lackeys, after a lesson, were all released.

During the return to the house, Sun Yu took out the booklet obtained from Song Chengyu and looked at it carefully,

I don't know what it is,

But since the other party carries it close to the body, it must be a good thing…