
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

simulation madness

"President Chu, allow me to think about it,

If i decide to sell when the time comes, I will come to you again."

Sun Yu said.

Seeing him like this, Chu Jiu has nothing to say,

After all, this sunburn herb is someone else's, so he can't force it to buy or sell it,

Chu Jiu agreed:

"Okay, then I'll wait for the news of the young master."

Sun Yu left the Chase Chamber of Commerce.

Chu Jiu stood there and thought about it for a while,

still decided to tell Sir City Lord about it and let Yu Xiu persuade Sun Yu,

He didn't care about Sun Yu,

but he was afraid that the other party couldn't think of it, and will insist on breaking through with sunburn grass.

Don't say anything in the end,

waste of sunburn grass., will made him lose a great opportunity to make money.


Sun Yu went to the bank to exchange one thousand taels of silver notes for silver,

then returned to the City Lord's Mansion and filled up all the money inside the simulator.

[The deposit is successful, the current simulated currency balance: 1048, the simulation fee: 12, do you want to start the simulation? ]

Looking at the 4-digit balance, Sun Yu was in a good mood:

"First, make the cultivation progress to Grade 4 Peak, and then use the Sunburn Grass to break through and start the simulation."

[At the age of eighteen, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist. When you return to Pingle City, you start to concentrate on cultivation. ]

[On the fourth day, you received the news that the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was attacked, and the City Lord ordered you to lead a group of troops to help. ]

[You inform City Lord Yu Xiu that this may be a trap, and Yu Xiu decides to go with you. ]

[When you arrive at the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, you easily defeat the enemy, and Yu Xiu has something to do and leave. ]

[You take your brother back to City Lord's Mansion, and you see a white-haired child who suddenly shoots you and kills you and the black guard with the feathers. ]


"Qian Yingzhong is so clever?"

Sun Yu was puzzled,

There was a simulation before ,

Whenever he called City Lord together, the other party just wouldn't do it.

And as soon as the City Lord left, the guy ran out like a ghost again.

"You have to find a way to go first, otherwise you will be blocked and killed by this guy every day, no amount of balance will be enough!"

Sun Yu changed his mind, Continue the simulation:

[At the age of eighteen, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist, and when you return to Pingle City, you start to concentrate on cultivation. ]

[On the fourth day, you received the news that the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was attacked, and the City Lord ordered you to lead a group of troops to help. ]

[You are sick, ask the City Lord for leave, and the other party agrees]

[On the eighth day, Yu Xiu left City Lord's Mansion due to something, and Qian Yingzhong entered City Lord's Mansion , transforms into a guard to kill you. ]


He died again, Sun Yu had a headache,

According to his idea, he must have hugged Yu Xiu's thigh tightly, Stick to it.

But in the simulator, he is somewhat passive and dumb.

But he can only control the general trend of some known events.

The simulation process , once a new event occurs, he cannot control his own response at all.

Sun Yu sighed,

He has nothing to do about it, but to use money to make a way out for himself:

"Continue to simulate"


[On the eighth day, you and Yu Xiu left City Lord's Mansion to work on errands. ]

[On the 14th day, you were patrolling the city and met Qian Yingzhong's changing old woman, you died. ]


[On the fourteenth day, you let someone patrol for you and cultivate yourself in the City Lord's Mansion. ]

[On the twentieth day, Yu Xiu asked you to go out to run errands. You encountered the changing merchants of Qian Yingzhong, and you died. ]


[On the 40th day, you encountered Qian Yingzhong…you died. ]


Sun Yu simulated wildly, in his eyes there were little madness ,

He also tried to explain the whole story to Yu Xiu,

However, it was dismissed because there was no evidence against Qian Yingzhong.

From morning to afternoon,

Sun Yu didn't know how many times he change his behavior in the emulator.

But the good news is that his survival time is slowly getting longer.

[At the age of eighteen, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist. ]


[You concentrate on cultivation, and use the City Lord Yu Xiu to keep evading Qian Yingzhong's assassination. ]

[Twenty years old, Yu Xiu was transferred, you left Pingle City with him, but you were ambushed by bandits on the way, and your entire army was wiped out. ]


Sun Yu rubbed his eyes, spat out one mouthful of impure air.

I have tried many times,

This is the third time he has seen this ending,

As for what bandit ambush, It must be the murderous hand sent by the Qi Family.

I think the results of this simulation can't be changed,

Fortunately, this happened two years later, giving Sun Yu enough time for cultivation.

"Continue to simulate!"

Sun Yu relied on this way to make a living, constantly spending money on simulation and improving his cultivation base.

I don't know how many times after the simulation:

[At the age of eighteen, you have successfully broken through and become a Grade 3 Martial Artist! ]

[You continue your cultivation and use the City Lord Yu Xiu to keep evading Qian Yingzhong's assassination. ]

[Twenty years old, Yu Xiu was transferred, you left Pingle City with him, but you were ambushed by bandits on the way, and your entire army was wiped out. ]

[This simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards. ]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of one and twenty. ]

[Experience and skills at the age of 20. ]

[Memories of death at the age of twenty. ]

"I choose…wait!"

Sun Yu almost blurted out to choose the cultivation base reward, but he suddenly reacted.

Although he has become a Grade 3 Martial Artist in the simulator,

But his pursuit is not just an ordinary Grade 3.

"I choose two!"

It's on the verge of breakthrough, so the main event is coming!

Sun Yu rolled over and sat up, suddenly feeling refreshed:

"Start the simulation!"

[Eighteen years old, you feel that you are only one distance away from Grade 3 One step away, so I used the sunburn grass to directly break through, and the result exploded and died. ]


"Is the first simulation breakthrough so tragic?"

Sun Yu chose the memory of death and realized the reason for the failure.

I only felt that when I took the sunburn herb, my whole body felt like it was on fire, and it was hot and hot.

"This is because I ate too much, and the medicine efficacy is too strong?"

Sun Yu scratched his head and continued to simulate:

[Eighteen years old, You take half a sunburn grass…you fail to break through, and you burn yourself to death. ]


Sun Yu nods:

"Well, I changed the way of death, it means that it still has some effect, continue."

[At the age of eighteen, you took 1/4 sunburn grass… Your breakthrough failed, the meridian burns in your body were severe, and you became a waste. ]

[Yu Xiu sent you to the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion for treatment, but unfortunately, you were seriously injured and died three days later. ]

"Still too much? Continue."

[At the age of eighteen, you take a little scorching grass… You were successfully promoted to Grade 3 Martial Artist, but There is no Fire Attribute true Qi. ]


"Hey, it's too little this time?"

Sun Yu began to adjust the dose of Sunburn Grass.

But this standard is extremely difficult to find,

I have simulated many times, sometimes its a breakthrough failure and other time he will die with serious injuries, another time he is promoted to become a common Grade 3 Martial Artist.

He glanced at the balance of the simulator: 664, and he could simulate 55 times.

There are still many opportunities,

But it is not the way to simulate like this. …

At this moment, Chen Qing came to the door:

"Captain Sun, Sir City Lord is looking for you."