
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

shocking news

Sun Yu is dead.

The Feather Black Guard Captain, Sun Yu, under the City Lord's Mansion, died.

Sun Yu is stupid,

He hurriedly asked Qi Guang who came to report the news: "Where did you get this news?"

Qi Guang replied:

"City Lord's Mansion! news have been posted! There will be a funeral in two days."

tone barely fell , and he smiled slyly again:

"Hey Fifth Master, do you want to go over there?

That boy Sun Yu ruined a lot of good things for us,

This is such a big event, what's the matter? we have to give some flowers,

I attend my own funeral? Send yourself flowers?

It all sounds fresh!

Sun Yu resisted the urge to slap Qi Guang twice,

he frowned and said:

"Don't do anything recently, we will just pretend that nothing happened. "

Although Qi Guang had some regrets, he could only agree.

Sun Yu has doubts in his heart. This is not the same as what he said at the beginning.

In his plan with Yuxiu, there was simply no part of his own death.

But now, not only did the news come out,

the news was posted with great fanfare, and

the funeral was going to be held…

Sun Yu didn't quite understand what the other party meant.

He was constantly thinking about this.

He planned to go to Tianshui Teahouse for a long time according to Qi Xianyi's habit. ,

It was only halfway through that I remembered that the place was burned yesterday…

In desperation, he first went to the bank to change the banknotes and had them carry the money to Qi Family .

He also ordered someone to find Chu Jiu, the chairman of Chase Chamber of Commerce,

ready to let him, an expert, see the goods.

After doing all this, he went home.

But when he walked into the Qi Family, he suddenly thought,

Now his identity is swapped with Qi Xianyi,

In other words, Yu Xiu means… Qi Xianyi is dead!

"No way…"

Sun Yu wondered in his heart, he remembered that he didn't kill Qi Xianyi last night.

is it possible that Yu Xiu tortured Qi Xianyi too hard and beat the opponent to death?

Sun Yu shook his head,

Qi Xianyi should die if he died, and he doesn't have much relationship with him.

However, it's best to go to City Lord's Mansion and ask a thing or two.

Sun Yu returned to the house, after a while, Chu Jiu came.

As soon as he entered the door, he took out a small package from his arms and handed it over.

Sun Yu was stunned, raised his hand to take it, and asked:

"This is?"

Chu Jiu laughed:

"Fifth Master, this is the finest Maojian tea leaves that I specially asked someone to bring from Yuzhou. It just arrived last night.

I know you love tea, and I wanted to send it to you today,

I didn't think you were looking for me, so, I just brought it here myself!"

"Haha, so that's how it is, President Chu is too polite."

Sun Yu said loudly with a smile and greeted Chu Jiu to take a seat,

and called the servants to come over and brewed the tea.

Chu Jiu took the teacup and asked:

"Fifth Master, this time you came to me, do you have some business to introduce to me?"

Sun Yu didn't rush to answer, he held the teacup in one hand and took a sip of Maojian tea slowly.

Said a good tea, and then said to Chu Jiu:

"President Chu guessed right, I came to you this time, and I really have a business for you."

He looked towards the few paintings and calligraphy on the wall of the house and asked:

"President Chu, what do you think of my collection?"

"oh?" Chu Jiu put down the teacup, walked up,

carefully picked up the calligraphy and painting, looked at it from top to bottom, and praised:

"It's really good. "

Sun Yu asked leisurely:

"Then how much money do you think these can be sold for?"

Chu Jiu was stunned for a moment,

turned his head and ask:

"Huh? Fifth Master, do you want to sell this?"

He was surprised, and he had never heard that Qi Family Fifth Master was short of money.

Why suddenly Are you going to sell calligraphy?

Seeing "Qi Xianyi" nodding, he made some estimates, opened the mouth and said:

"These four paintings and calligraphy on the wall can be sold for about a thousand taels in total.

A thousand taels? It's ok.

Sun Yu raised his chin pointing at the shelf next to the calligraphy and painting, he asked

"What about the porcelain and jade carvings on it?"

After taking a closer look, Chu Jiu said,

"Well, the color of this porcelain is pure,

The jade carving is better, the material is good, and the carving skills are also extremely fine,

This shelf can probably be sold for about three or four thousand taels."

That's almost five thousand taels!

Sun Yu immediately nodded and said:

"That's fine, I'll sell these things to you."

Hearing this, Chu Jiu lightly Coughed, and said sorry:

"Fifth Master, you are joking,

These calligraphy and painting porcelain, we Chamber of Commerce will not accept , at most you can put them in the store For sale."

''put them in the store for sale?" Sun Yu has experience and he immediately asked:

"How long will it take to sell?"

Chu Jiu smiled and said:

"It's hard to say, Fifth Master, you know that the market for this thing is not big,

If you want to sell it, you must pay attention to fate, good luck. if luck is good it may only take a few days, Unfortunately, if luck is bad it may hang for a year, and no one wants it."

Sun Yu put his hand in front of him Holding the jade ring on his thumb, he thought to himself.

Sell ​​it slowly,

He still has time,

If he really can't sell, at worst with some discount directly sell it to Chu Jiu,

He really doesn't believe it, that the other party won't accept it.

Thinking of this, Sun Yu nodded and said:

"Okay, just do as you said, later, call someone to come and remove all these."

Chu Jiu nods and agreed,

After getting out of Qi Family , he was little puzzled.

Why does this Qi Xianyi, the Fifth Master, look like he is going to sell his property and run away?

He suddenly remembered the news he had just received this morning, saying that Captain Sun Yu, the Feather Black Guard of the City Lord, had died.

Chu Jiu "startled" in his heart:

"Hey...could it be Qi Xianyi' killed Sun Yu? Is the other party afraid of the City Lord's revenge?

He rolled his eyes and quickly assumed that nothing had happened.

The battle between the Great Influences is not something he can mix, let's do business obediently and honestly.

However, when he thinks of Sun Yu, he can't help but feel a little regretful,

Just about to invest in a wave, but the person is dead.

"Hey, what a good boy, when the time comes, let's go and send two more flower."

Chu Jiu shook his head and left.

Sun Yu put all the money delivered to the room into the simulator,

The balance of about 3,000, is enough for him to be promoted to Grade 2.

He immediately started the simulation:

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 3 Martial Artist, using faceless Divine Art you pretend to be Qi Xianyi, sneaking into Qi Family to concentrate on cultivation. ]

[Second day, Azure Jade Sect sect master Xu Dong came to find you. ]

[The other party has a very good relationship with you. As soon as he come up, he hook your shoulders, but the other party is a Grade 2 Martial Artist. so he seen through your disguise, and you are dead…]

Is it Azure Jade Sect Xu Dong again?

Before Sun Yu wondered what the other party was doing in Pingle City, but it turned out that he was looking for Qi Xianyi.

The other party is only a Grade 2 Martial Artist,

It is easy to not be seen through, just he have to promote to Grade 2 Martial Artist.

Sun Yu doesn't care and continues to simulate,

His current thinking is to leave Pingle City, and cultivate quietly.

The first result was not bad,

The emperor died in the simulation, after the troubled times began, he lived another year,

As it is in the simulation A lot of money will go down,

and Promotion to Grade 2 is a matter of time.

Sun Yu is doing simulation at ease…


Yu Xiu in City Lord's Mansion has some headaches…