
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

secret child

[At the age of 18, you became a Grade 7 Martial Artist, met the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Elder Gao Yun in Glory City, and agreed to send the Dark River Crow to the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. ]

[You leave Glory City and head east. ]

[You ride a fast horse from the official road to Pingle City. ]

[Two days later, a Song Family Martial Artist caught up with you and attacked you without saying a word. You fought hard, but you were not an opponent, and you were hacked to death with several knives. ]

"Hi…Song Family?"

Sun Yu doesn't understand, what about the Qi Family that was the biggest trouble?

You just escaped the natural disaster, but now the man-made disaster is coming again?

He checked the death replay,

The other party came up and shouted:

"Song Family Song Guang is here to kill you!"

Then go straight to attack him, slashing wildly with a big knife,

not giving him a chance to react at all, just like a lunatic.

What's worse is that this lunatic is a Grade 6 Martial Artist,

And with a sharp weapon in his hand, the blade qi flies horizontally, and Sun Yu is beheaded in just a few knives down.

To the point of his death, he didn't know why the other party wanted to kill him.

"It doesn't look like he's asking for money. Could it be that he know i killed Song Yu and Song Lin?"

It's not right either.

When he killed, it was in the barren mountains and ridges, and he didn't leave a living evidence.

He also deliberately buried the body.

How did the other party know so quickly?

Special means? Or was seen by someone with a heart?

Sun Yu touched the chin with a thoughtful look on his face.

Immediately, he hooked the head, there is no need to think so much, just continue to simulate and see.

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 7 Martial Artist, met Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Elder Gao Yun in Glory City, and agreed to send Dark River Crow to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. ]

[You leave Glory City and head east. ]

[You ride a fast horse from the official road to Pingle City. ]

[Two days later, Song Family Martial Artist Song Guang caught up with you, and he fought you without a word. ]

[While you resisted hard, you explained that the other party had mistaken the person. ]

[Song Guang stopped, took out the blueprint with your avatar in front of you, checked it twice to confirm it was correct, and cut you into two pieces. ]

And your own portrait?

Sun Yu is sure, the other party is coming for him!

But why? reason?

Sun Yu was puzzled and continued to simulate.

[Two days later, Song Family Martial Artist Song Guang caught up with you, and he fought you without a word. ]

[While you resisted, you asked the other party why they want to kill you. ]

[Song Guang kept his mouth shut and slashed you into two halves with a knife. Before you lost consciousness, you vaguely heard the other party say something: to comfort Song Lin and Song Yu's spirit in the sky…]


Sun Yu finally understood.

As expected, that he killed the Song Family brother was exposed!

It's good now, Qi Family hasn't met, and now there is another Song Family.

He gave a wry smile. The road to Heavenly Medicine Pavilion was dangerous. It seemed that he had to change his way of simulation.

"Continue to simulate"

[At the age of eighteen, you became a Grade 7 Martial Artist, met Heavenly Medicine Pavilion Elder Gao Yun in Glory City, and promised the other party to send Dark River Crow sent to the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion. ]

[You leave Glory City and head east. ]

[One day later, He Yitong, who was with you, suddenly turned around and walked north. ]

[Five days later, you were overtaken by Song Guang. You didn't want to fight and run away. After being shot twice, you fled to the nearby Lost Heaven Mountain and finally got rid of the opponent. ]

[Two days later, your injuries are getting worse, and you risk going down the mountain in order to seek medical treatment. ]

[When you were going down the mountain, you met Song Guang who was looking for you on the mountain. This time, luck didn't favor you anymore, and you were killed by the opponent's sword. ]

Song Guang can't get over this hurdle…

But this simulation,

at least a few days longer than before, which is good news.

He was about to continue, but at this time the system jumped out of the insufficient balance prompt.

Sun Yu was a little helpless, didn't expect the money to be spent so much,

He shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I'll take it tomorrow. One hundred silver tael, I will meet you again!"

Sun Yu lay down and closed his eyes.

second day Early in the morning, He Yitong came to the Inn early to find him.

Before departure,

Sun Yu said goodbye to Zhang Zhong and Xu Shi, and asked one more question:

"Old Zhang, is there something which can treat the stab wound. Do you have the medicine?"

Zhang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and then asked:

"What, are you injured?"

"No, this journey is dangerous, Take a little with you in case you need it."

"That's right, you wait."

Zhang Zhong stepped aside and dragged his heavy medicine box to the side. come over.

"Here, this is a high-grade gold wound medicine for the treatment of stab. Just smear it on the wound."

Sun Yu took a small porcelain bottle from the other party,

After looking at it, I put it into my arms.

"There's this one, it's for treating bruises, it's also for external use, and this one for removing blood stasis, it's taken internally…"

Zhang Zhong was polite, Sun Yu just asked him for it One, he took out a dozen directly.

Sun Yu waved his hands repeatedly to refuse:

"No, no, I don't need that much, I just have gold wound medicine!"

"Hey, bring more A few are all right, don't you tell me to prepare for emergencies?"

"Then why don't you just give me the medicine box."

Sun Yu joked.

"That's not good!"

Zhang Zhong hurriedly protected the large medicine chest, which was his lifeblood.

Xu Shi next to him stepped forward with a smile and handed a package to Sun Yu.

It contained some dry food, it was still warm to the touch, it should have been bought on purpose in the morning .

After thanking the two of them, Sun Yu took the already prepared luggage with him.

He doesn't actually have anything,

It's just some fortune-telling tools left to him by the master.

However, most of them were damaged in the battle with Wang Qi.

However, the fortune-telling flag with the words "asking fortune-telling" printed on it is still strong and nothing to do with it.

In addition, it was easy to wield,

Simply, he took this flag with him as a weapon to deal with Song Guang's machete.

Going downstairs, He Yitong, who had been waiting for a long time, took the initiative to step forward and said:

"Young Hero Sun, leave the things to me?"

Sun Yu naturally Not being polite, he gave the other person his luggage.

He Yitong also came to pick up the fortune-telling flag in his hand, but

Sun Yu stopped her by raising his hand and directly instructed:

"Let's go, let's go to the bank first."

The two walked two streets and found a Qiheng bank next to a casino.

Sun Yu stepped forward to find the shopkeeper, handed the bank note to him, and asked to withdraw the money.

The shopkeeper took the bank note and glanced at it carefully.

He looked up at Sun Yu again.

Wait a moment and then Taking the banknotes to the second floor,

He extended the hand and slammed the wall attached to the casino three times, then sat down and waited.

Soon, the secret door on the wall opened, and a thief-eyed boy walked out.

"Shopkeeper Qi, why are you looking for Mr. Zhou?"

Shopkeeper Qi pointed to the bank note given to him by Sun Yu and said:

"You guys are targeting That Sun Yu he has come here to withdraw money,

There are also people from Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, you ask Zhou Ye how to deal with it."

"Oh? Wait a minute! "The boy turned around and entered the secret door again.

Not long after, Zhou Zitian came out with the servant: "How much does he take?"

"One hundred taels."

"Well, where's the silver?" Zhou Zitian asked, reaching out.

"Ready." The shopkeeper took out two large ingots and placed them in the palm of his hand.

Zhou Zitian's palm slightly trembled, and the other two didn't understand what happened, he said with a smile:

"Give him the money."

The shopkeeper's hearing this go away.

The little servant scratched his head and asked suspiciously: "Master Zhou, this is?"

Zhou Zitian took out a small disc similar to Compass,

The quivering pointer above is pointing in the direction where Shopkeeper Qi is leaving.

He smiled and said:

"hehe, it's just a trick to attach True Qi to silver, a little trick to facilitate recent tracking,

when the time comes, you will send this thing to the Song Family,

After all, after leaving Glory City, their Song Family's intelligence network will not work…"

"so that's how it is!"

The little servant immediately understood,

He stretched out his thumb and complimented: "Master Zhou has a good plan!"

But just as he was about to reach out and take the disc,

suddenly saw that the pointer on it stopped for a while,

and then turned three times in a row, with a soft pop. It fell down with a slam, and there was no movement at all.

"Zhou, Master Zhou, this…" The little servant was stunned. He hadn't touched the thing yet, so why was it broken?

Zhou Zitian's smile also solidified on his face.

There is only one possibility for this situation,

The True Qi he attached to the silver was removed!

How is this possible?

Although this method is not a full prove technique,

If you want to remove it, you need at least a Grade 6 Martial Artist who can do the External Discharge of True Qi.

And that Sun Yu is only Grade 7…

Could it be that he is really a junior from some Great Influence, followed by an old monster?

Zhou Zitian frowned into thinking.

The boy asked tentatively: "Master Zhou? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, the plan is as usual, just wait for my notice."

Zhou Zitian walked to the window and looked down at Sun Yu who had just walked out of the bank.

What if there is an expert behind you?

Anyway, it was someone from the Song Family who bumped into him. What does it have to do with him?

As for how to determine the whereabouts of the other party, it is not a problem.

He looked at the woman wearing men's clothes beside Sun Yu and sneered,

He couldn't use the secrets child arranged by Qi Family.

Sun Yu, who walked out of the bank, used his cuff to cover it up, and

charged all one hundred silver tael into the simulator.

Immediately, he frowned and regretted it.

Maybe he should keep a little silver tael on his body. It also costs money along the way!

But when he glanced at He Yitong next to him, he was relieved:

"Well, the cost of this journey will trouble you…"