
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

One inch long, one inch strong

The surging True Qi instantly filled Sun Yu's body.

It's very clear in Heavenly Martial Divine Art.

Grade 6 is the first dividing line for Martial Artist.

Compared with Grade 7, the most important change is the ability to External Discharge of True Qi!

This means that your attack power and attack range will be greatly increased.

Moreover, the external True Qi can not only be used to attack.

It can also evolve into the armor of your body to protect your body from harm.

Sun Yu tried it.

Now he has just reached Grade 6, the range of the True Qi armor is not large, it can only protect one pair of his arms.

But that's enough,

as the saying goes well, hands are two doors.

With the protection of True Qi, his defensive ability has been greatly improved.

Remove True Qi armor.

Sun Yu clenched his fists and punched out at thin air.


A formless energy suddenly flew out of his fist,

directly smashing the Flower Wine pot beside him.

Sitting in the distance, waiting for him to drink from Flower Wine,

He Yitong only felt that my heart was also punched fiercely.

She almost vomited blood out of breath.

What is this called!

"hmph, there are opportunities along the way! I don't believe you can dodge every time!"

He Yitong swears to God that she must poison Sun Yu to death.

Then, she reacted suddenly,

Just now, Sun Yu's fist didn't seem to touch the jug,

In other words, the other party was External Discharge of True Qi?

No! According to Gao Yun, this guy should be a Grade 7 Martial Artist.

How can he suddenly be able to External Discharge of True Qi? Is it a breakthrough?

He Yitong was frightened,

At this moment, she saw a fast horse moved towards them galloping in the distance,

riding on ,The young man on the horse was dragging a half-human-high broadsword in his hand.

At first glance, the person who came was not good.

Is it for Sun Yu?

She was overjoyed and didn't make a sound, pretending she didn't see it.

It is better that the opponent can get Sun Yu completely unprepared.

But how can the strength of a Grade 6 Martial Artist be measured by her a trifling Grade 9?

even more how Song Guang, who came galloping on a fast horse, didn't mean to sneak attack,

The sound came first before others arrived:

"Song Family Song Guang is here to kill you!"

"It's the right time!"

Sun Yu was overjoyed, turned around and faced him,

I saw Song Guang sitting on the horse, his two messy eyebrows twitched, and his right hand picked up the knife and cut it out of thin air!

Suddenly, a void blade qi whistled towards Sun Yu with the sound of breaking wind.

"External Discharge of True Qi? Me too!"

He transported True Qi to the right hand and, with great speed, delivered a jab,

The tyrannical fist strength exploded immediately.


It sounded like thunder!

Two True Qi collided in mid-air, then shattered.

In an instant, the tree and gravel flew, and

this was a big tree that needed to be embraced by the two of them.

"Grade 6!"

Song Guang's pupils shrank for a while, and

his square-faced showed a hint of surprise.

The information he received was that this Sun Yu was only a Grade 7 Martial Artist,

How come it has suddenly become a Grade 6 now?

He didn't understand and didn't have a chance to think about it.

Because Sun Yu won't give him that chance.

The moment True Qi collided,

Sun Yu rushed forward with the cover of the rubble.


At this moment, the horse was startled and raised its front hooves,

Song Guang, who was about to be overturned to the ground, reacted very quickly,

With a firm footing,

the whole person suddenly rises into the air.

Sun Yu stopped and raised his head, punching him in the distance.

The fist strength was fierce, and before it hit, Song Guang felt a strong wind blowing against his face, and his skin was even stinging.

Unfortunately, people can't use strength in the air.

You can only put up a big sword in front of you, and at the same time, the True Qi armor protects the weak point.

However, before the fist strength approach, Song Guang suddenly heard a gust of wind behind him.

"It's...not good!"

He turned his head and found that Sun Yu had already jumped behind him,

the pair of hands, with the fist of fierce True Qi, is pounding at his back!

Song Guang was instantly stunned and heartbroken.

If the punch was real, he would have to go down to accompany his two short-lived brothers on the spot.

At the time of the crisis,

Song Guang's mind was spinning fast,

In a flash, he thought of the method of cracking, and his whole body was surging with True Qi,

With the help of his waist and abdomen, he actually forcibly turned his body in the air,

At the same time, he swung the big knife in his hand and moved towards Sun Yu.

Sun Yu was unable to do anything, so he gave up decisively, closed his fists, and

True Qi surged down and landed safely.

And Song Guang in the air wasn't so lucky.

Although he pushed back the attack of Sun Yu's body, the two fist strengths were unstoppable.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two muffled sounds from his back, and Song Guang was knocked out.

A moment later, he used the golden blade to force him to stand up, blood was constantly spilling from his nose and mouth, apparently suffering from internal injuries.

But he didn't mean to retreat at all, he actually took one step ahead of Sun Yu, and

charged over with a giant sword.

Sun Yu is not lost to him, relying on the True Qi armor with both hands, he just met up with the opponent meet force with force.

"Boom! clang!"

After two hits, Sun Yu knew it was wrong.

It's not the way to go.

He is able to evenly matched with True Qi

But the opponent is also Grade 6,and now he is taking advantage of the weapon,

Under the two-two bonus, if he has a hard fight, he will only exhaust True Qi faster than the opponent, and then fall into a defeat.

After all, I still suffer from the loss of no weapons.

Sun Yu frowned, took a glance out of the corner of his eyes,

suddenly found the fortune-telling flag he had thrown not far away,

he had an idea.

Instead of resisting the opponent's attack hard, but retreating while fighting, slowly retreating.

Song Guang dishevelled hair, bleeding from the nose and mouth, only because he cut Sun Yu into a losing streak,

Naturally impossible to miss this great opportunity,

He quickly took advantage of the situation to pursue, and the corners of his mouth raised:

"hmph, one inch long, one inch strong, you have no weapons, I see what you can do to beat me!"

He was proud Extremely, only when the victory is in hand,

Even two messy eyebrows trembled excitedly.

At this moment, Sun Yu stopped, coldly snorted:

"hmph, who said I don't have a weapon?"

His voice fell. , Point your toes, and directly lift the fortune-telling banner on the ground into the air.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his fist into a palm and slapped it on the tail section of the flagpole.

With the bonus of True Qi breathing, the entire fortune-telling flag shot out like a sharp arrow from a string. ,

The sound of wind in front of the cloth is like a sound of urging.

Song Guang's pupils dilated immediately, but he knew that it was too late to retreat.

If you want to survive, you have to work hard!

As long as you kill the opponent first!

He didn't care, True Qi rushed to the right hand desperately,

In an instant, the sword was three points faster.

But no matter how fast the knife is, it is in his hand after all.

No matter how long the giant sword is, the fortune-telling banner is only longer.


The fortune-telling banner shattered Song Guang's chest, True Qi, and

pierced his chest with the banner.

The giant sword in his hand gradually weakened, but he still stubbornly moved towards Sun Yu and slashed.

Sun Yu stretched out two fingers and easily pinched it between his fingertips:

"One inch long, one inch strong, I will give you this sentence back."


This word conveys all Song Guang's unwillingness, and

exhausts the remaining strength of his body,

Song Guang fell down, facing the sky on his back, and the blood gushing out quickly dyed the ground under him red…