
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Finally! Grade 4 Martial Artist

Song Family.


Song Chengyu was very angry,

The news just came,

His reminder was still a step too late,

Song Lian, who was sent to deal with Sun Yu, has been captured by City Lord's Mansion, and his life and death are unpredictable.

At this moment, Song Chengfeng hurriedly ran in again:

"Seven, seventh brother, Qi Family Fifth Master is here!"

"Qi Xianyi?" Song Chengyu's eyes narrowed and he said with displeasure:

"Hmph, cheated on me, this Old Guy has the guts to come to our Song Family,

Let's go, take me to see him, I was just about to ask what's going on!"


"hehe, Brother Song, before you received my information?"

Qi Xianyi sat on a chair, squinting and smiling, with a kind expression on his face.

Song Chengyu didn't have a good face, coldly snorted and said:

"hmph, Fifth Master, that's what you call intelligence?

My subordinates were all caught by The City Lord's Mansion, so you told me?"

"Aiya, Brother Song, you can't blame me."

Qi Xianyi got up, shook his head in embarrassment and said :

"Who knows, Sun Yu, who was originally just a loose cultivator,

turned into a celebrity next to City Lord?"


Song Chengyu knew that something happened suddenly,

the truth can't be blamed on the other party,

after coldly snorted, he found a seat and sat down, suppressing the anger in his heart:

"This is the end, it is useless to talk about it,

I just don't know what the Fifth Master is coming to me this time, what is it?

Don't you plan to give me some outdated news again?"

"Hahaha! Brother Song is joking!" Qi Xianyi laughed:

"That's not the case. I came here this time mainly to discuss a business with your Song Family, or with you."


Song Chengyu was puzzled,

Song Family and Qi Family have always only competed in business, but never cooperated.

This Old Guy doesn't want to trick him, right?

Thinking of this, Song Chengyu asked calmly:

"Fifth Master, let's talk about the business first."

"I will ...It's a big business to come to you, of course!"

Qi Xianyi said with a smile, and then glanced at some of the servants standing around.

Song Chengyu understood, raised his hand and said:

"Go down, you don't need to wait here."

Qi Xianyi took a sip of the tea cup and took a leisurely sip, and the others were all gone.

After only Song Chengyu were left in the living room,

he put down the teacup and said with a smile:

"Brother Song wants to avenge his two sons?"

Song Chengyu coldly said:

"Isn't this nonsense? I dreamed of killing Sun Yu!"

"Not bad."

Qi Xianyi "Yu Xiu is arrogant:

"But now Sun Yu is with City Lord, I don't know, what will you do next? What's your plan?"

Song Chengyu did not speak.

He didn't have any good ideas.

If Sun Yu was determined to hide in the City Lord's Mansion, under the protection of Grade 1 Martial Artist Yu Xiu,

what could he do?

Is it always impossible to rush in and exchange with the other party?

Thinking of this, he raised his head and asked:

"It looks like Fifth Master must already have an idea?"

"Hehe, the idea is of course. , it depends on whether you dare to do it, Brother Song."

"What's your idea?"

"Isn't Yu Xiu a Grade 1 Martial Artist? …"

Qi Xianyi made a throat slit with a smile.


Song Chengyu almost jumped up, he hurriedly shouted:

"You are crazy, he is the Imperial Court official!

Kill him, do you know how much trouble there will be in the future!"

"Trouble?" Qi Xianyi sneered,

"The two of us together, still Afraid of this trouble?

even more how, when the time comes, we can do it cleanly, and even if it come to the Imperial Court, they can't find us,

What's terrifying then?"

Song Chengyu fell silent and did not speak.

The other party is right,

The Great Qian Dynasty is very powerful,

But the emperor is far away,

Qing State is also In a remote place,

Even if something goes wrong, the two of them can handle it together…

However, this Qi Xianyi will not be so kind?

Song Chengyu gave him a suspicious look.

Qi Xianyi said leisurely:

"Brother Song, Yu Xiu won't die. I'm afraid you will have no hope of revenge…"

After a while, Song Chengyu has already thought of the key point, however,

He didn't answer the other party's words, but instead said with a sneer:

"Master Qi really played a good abacus,

As soon as Yu Xiu died, the entire Pingle City would fall into the hands of your Qi Family.

The risk of killing the Imperial Court officer was borne by me, the Song Family, with you.

Isn't this a bit unfair to us?"

Before waiting for the other party to answer, Song Chengyu continued:

"If you want my Song Family to join you here is The plan, unless after Yu Xiu's death, the interests of Pingle City will be divided equally between the two of us!"

Qi Xianyi had expected it, he said with a smile indifferently:

"Pingle City The city is impossible for you, but I wonder if your Song Family is interested in Glory City?"

"Glory City?" Song Chengyu wondered:

"I remember that Is the territory of the Roewe Gang?"

"What is the trifling gang?" Qi Xianyi said with a look of disdain:

"I already have a lot of arrangements in Glory City,

Wait until Yu Xiu's matter's are finished

Is there still a choice for Mo Chen's wolf dog that can't get enough to feed?

If you are willing to help , after Yu Xiu's death, Glory City's territory will be half of our family."

Song Chengyu stopped talking again.

But this time, Qi Xianyi was unperturbed.

Although Glory City is not as prosperous as Pingle City,

but it is not bad.

More importantly, it is located in Tangzhong County and belongs to the Song Family's blind area of ​​the sphere of influence,

and the surrounding area, is of great help to the expansion of the force in the future.

He didn't believe that the other party could resist this temptation.

Sure enough,

After a bit of deliberation.

Song Chengyu smiled:

"Hehe, Fifth Master, happy cooperation, what should we do next?"

"It's not a trivial matter to deal with Yu Xiu, he After all, it's a Grade 1 Martial Artist,

You'd better talk to your family and send a few more experts here,

We'll discuss it in detail when we arrive at Pingle City…"

The two agreed on a time for a detailed discussion and left.

At this moment, City Lord's Mansion, the residence of Sun Yu.

[You are eighteen years old and already a Grade 5 Martial Artist, join Pingle City City Lord's Mansion and become the Feather Black Guard, and at the same time you are ranked 89th on the Hidden Dragon List. ]


[You told Yu Xiu that you were being hunted down by Song Chengyu, and the other party promised to settle it for you. ]

[On the fourth day,, you led a group of people on patrol in the city, but Song Chengyu blocked the way. When the other party shot, Yu Xiu showed up to stop him, but Song Chengyu ignored it and desperately kill you.]

[The simulation is over, please choose one of the following rewards:]

[Martial Arts Cultivation Base at the age of 1 and 18. ]

[Experience skills at the age of 2 and 18. ]

[Memories of death at the age of three or eighteen. ]

"Bad luck."

Sun Yu exhales one mouthful of impure air, choose one,

Although it only grows for a few days of cultivation base ,

But Sun Yu can already feel that the True Qi in his body is very full, and the distance to breakthrough should not be far away.

"Simulate again!"

[You are eighteen years old, already a Grade 5 Martial Artist, join the City Lord's Mansion of Pingle City and become the Feather Black Guard. Ranked 89th on the Hidden Dragon List. ]


[You told Yu Xiu that you were being hunted down by Song Chengyu, and the other party promised to settle it for you. ]

[On the fourth day You led a group of troops to patrol the city, but Song Chengyu blocked the way. When the other party shot, Yu Xiu showed up to stop it. ]

[Song Chengyu failed to kill you, but was severely injured and fled. ]

[Two days later, Yu Xiu told you that the Song Family would not avenge you again. You were overjoyed and determined to serve Yu Xiu. ]

[At the age of nineteen, the situation in Pingle City became more and more tense, and the conflict between City Lord's Mansion and Qi Family became more and more acute. ]

[This day, you finally succeeded in breaking through and became a Grade 4 Martial Artist! ]

[At the age of 20, Yu Xiu took you on a business trip. Not long after you left Pingle City, you were ambushed and the entire army was destroyed. ]


Finally! Grade 4 Martial Artist!