
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

fight with the fire demon

From Sun Yu's point of view, Kai Yuan and Xu Yaner doesn't seem to be targeting fire demons.

Otherwise, in the last simulation, these two people had no reason not to come out.

He carefully compared the difference between the two simulations before and after, and

suddenly realized:

"Are you afraid that I will kill the fire demon?

Yes, that must be the case. After the fire demon was injured by me,

They were afraid that I would take advantage of the situation to kill the fire demon , so they suddenly appeared.

The two People are not trying to help me, but to scare the fire demon so that it can run away!

As for their purpose…

Is it to find the fire demon's lair?"

Sun Yu can't be sure about this, it's just speculation.

But that's enough. Once you know the other party's motives,

It's much easier to simulate.

the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind , can't he just come out later?

"Start the simulation."

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist, you accepted the reward and came to Diyan Mountain to help Chase Chamber of Commerce kill the fire demon. ]

[You search carefully in the Diyan Mountain, and soon found the location of the fire demon.

[You didn't show up, but hid in the dark to observe. ]

[After a while, Kai Yuan and Xu Yaner found the fire demon. After a fierce battle, the fire demon fled from here, and the two went to track it. ]

[You followed quietly behind, and unexpectedly learned that the other party's purpose was a world's rare object called Sunburn Grass in the Fire Demon's lair. ]

[You tracked for a certain distance, Kai Yuan and the two suddenly found you, and they immediately attacked you. ]

[two fellow apprentices cooperate tacitly, you one against two is not an opponent, you were killed on the spot. ]

"Sunburn Grass?"

This time, Sun Yu finally figured out the purpose of these two fellow apprentices.

Although he doesn't know what effect this scorching grass has,

but since it is the world's rare object, it must have its special features.

And the reason why Kai Yuan and the other shot against him is very likely because of this thing.

Sun Yu shook his head and laughed,

I just wanted to kill a monster to earn a thousand silver tael, but didn't expect this kind of unexpected Harvest,

Since he encountered it, he naturally couldn't let go of such treasures.

Of course even if he wanted to let go, Kai Yuan and the two would not believe it,

Since that's the case, just do it and take the sunburn grass with the fire demon,

if The sunburn grass was taken together, and it is estimated that it can be sold for a lot of money.

It's just how to make the move, you have to think about it.

Sun Yu glanced at the balance and deducting the five simulated chances that he had reserved for returning to the city.

He had one last chance to use.

"Start the simulation."

[Eighteen years old, you are already a Grade 4 Martial Artist, you accepted the reward and came to Diyan Mountain to help Chase Chamber of Commerce kill the fire demon. ]

[You encountered a fire demon on the mountain. After a fierce battle, the fire demon was injured by you. ]

[At this time, Kai Yuan and Xu Yan'er suddenly appeared, and the fire demon was frightened and fled here. ]

[You agreed to the invitation of Kai Yuan and Xu Yaner to deal with the fire monsters together]

[Because Kai Yuan is very experienced in tracking down monsters, you follow the other party and quickly find the Fire demon lair. ]

[The abnormally angry fire demon will take the initiative to attack you. ]

[But three vs one, the fire demon quickly fell into a disadvantages. ]

[At this time, you suddenly chose to leave the battlefield and rush to the Fire Demon Cave. ]

[fire demon, Kai Yuan, and Xu Yan'er were all stunned for a moment, but they all let go of their opponents and chased after you. ]

[You rushed into the cave, and soon saw a sunburn grass shaped like a flame. ]

[You just pulled it up, and the fire demon, Kai yuan, and Xu Yaner who chased behind you shot at you at the same time, you were powerless to resist, and you were dead. ]

The ending is still death, but

Sun Yu is not unhappy at all.

Looking at the eagerness of the two and one demon in the memory of death,

He has already found a way to break the game:

"Everyone Do you want Sunburn Grass? All right, I'll give it to you!"

Sun Yu sneered, no longer simulating,

getting up and walking deep into Diyan Mountain, looking for Fire demon trail.

After a while, he found the fire demon stand on a rock in great posture halfway up the mountain.

It's fiery red, it doesn't look much different from a monkey,

But it is much bigger than ordinary monkeys,

And in the The tip of his slender tail, a small cluster of burning flames was swaying as the tail swayed.

Sun Yu didn't want to hide his figure either, and charged straight towards the monster.

"chi chi!"

When the fire demon saw someone coming towards it, it immediately assumed an alert posture,

and made a burst of harsh and piercing sounds. A threatening cry.

Sun Yu ignored it, tapped on his toes, and rushed forward.

The fire demon's amber eyes widened, and

opened the monkey's mouth and spit out a mouthful of flame.

The flames were coming fast and the temperature was extremely high,

Before getting close to Sun Yu, he felt an overwhelming heat.

He didn't dare to hit it directly, he moved his True Qi with his feet, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

Seeing this, the fire demon grinned "chi chi" twice as if laughing,

Seeing that Sun Yu had come forward again, he opened his mouth again to attack with a mouthful of flames.

Sun Yu didn't rush forward, and kept dodging and evading the opponent's attack.

He has already discovered that every time the fire demon spits, it

will weaken the flame on its tail, and when that cluster of flames is completely extinguished,

That's when he got his hands on it.

Sun Yu and fire demon were having a lively fight,

Not far away, Kai Yuan and Xu Yaner who had followed fire demon's footsteps to the front, also heard the movement .

"There seems to be someone fighting in front, Senior Brother!"

Kai Yuan listened intently for a while, and then suddenly smiled:

"Go, that's the fire demon's Shout, go and have a look!"

The two approached cautiously, and soon found the fire demon and Sun Yu who was fighting it.

"Not good, Senior Brother, someone has taken the lead!"

Xu Yan'er was anxious and was about to step forward, but

Kai Yuan Hold her down:

"Junior Sister, don't worry, this fire demon is not easy to deal with,

That person is not necessarily an opponent, and our goal is in the fire demon's lair. The sunburn grass,

Let's watch the battle and see the situation first."

Xu Yan'er heard this and then calmed down.

The fire demon in the field sprayed more than a dozen flames one after another,

Seeing that Sun Yu was made to run around by it, while taking advantage of the fire gap, fire demon laughed, chi ,chi

Sitting on a rock, scratching his belly, he looked very proud.

However, when it opened its mouth to breathe fire again,

In the monkey's mouth, there was only a cloud of black smoke.

The fire demon's smile froze on his face,

It, it was dumb…

The corner of Sun Yu's mouth was slightly raised, and the opportunity came !

He charged straight up, but the fire demon was not afraid at all.

"chi chi!" An angry cry rang out, and

one human one monster started to fight directly.

Sun Yu's boxing technique was born out of Azure Jade Fist Art, coupled with his own fusion transformation, it is full of formidable power.

The fire demon is swiping around with two big claws,

Although there is no technique , but because the skin is rough, the flesh is thick, and the brute force is also Not at all weak .

Kai Yuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, watched for a while, and suddenly whispered:

"Azure Jade Fist Art!"

He saw it, in the field The man who fought against the fire demon in the middle,

Although the shot is a little different,

It is generally the way of Azure Jade Fist Art.

"Azure Jade Fist Art?" Xu Yan'er took a closer look and said in surprise:

"Really! Senior Brother, do you know this person?"

"Azure Jade Fist Art?"

Kai Yuan stared closely at the field, and shook his head:

"I don't know, I have never seen this person in Azure Jade Sect."

Xu Yan'er thought for a while, and then said:

"By the way, I heard from my father that he seems to have a Disciple in Pingle City,

It's called Qi or something, Senior Brother, Could it be him?"

Kai Yuan knew that Junior Sister was talking about Qi Heng,

But that person died not long ago,

At that time, he passed the news to the sect master.

Kai Yuan was about to tell Junior Sister about this,

At this moment, he who had been watching the battle on the field suddenly twitched his eyebrows, and cry out in surprise:

"Not good!"