
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
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74 Chs

devil training

"Are you ready?"

In the open space of the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, Sun Yu said to Wang Ziru who was standing in front of him.

"en. Ready!"

Wang Ziru moved her body with excitement and anticipation.

"Then, I'll start?"

"Okay!" Wang Ziru put on a stance.

Xiao Cui shouted loudly:

"Young Pavilion Lord, come on!"

Wang Ziru turned her head and smiled at her,

But when she turned around, she didn't know when Sun Yu appeared in front of her.

Before the surprise on her face appeared,

she felt A punch in her belly

The powerful impact was accompanied by severe pain, causing her to fall to the ground all of a sudden,

Wang Ziru opened her mouth wide, and for a short time, she couldn't even breathe.

"Ah! Young Pavilion Lord!"

Xiao Cui, who was stunned, only reacted at this time,

She didn't expect Sun Yu to be so Ruthless!

She hurried forward to check the injury, and complained to Sun Yu a few times.

Sun Yu turned a deaf ear and asked indifferently:

"Do you know where I lost?"


Wang Ziru clutched her painful abdomen and struggled to speak.

"You're not focused enough, this is just training. If you're distracted in actual combat, it's not as simple as getting a punch."

Wang Ziru gasped and stopped the Xiao Cui, who was supporting her,

After thinking for a moment, she seriously nods and said:

"I understand, continue…"

Sun Yu nod, took two steps away, and when the opponent was ready,

his body moved, raised his hand and swung a fist.

Wang Ziru didn't get distracted this time. She could see Sun Yu's punches clearly.

When she raised her hand, she wanted to block, but when she saw Sun Yu's aggressive approach, she remembered The pain just now,

she felt guilty, and felt that she might not be able to stop it, so she turned around and wanted to escape.

However, Sun Yu's fist didn't gave her this chance,

The moment she changed her move,


Wang Ziru, who was punched hard in the ribs, fell to the ground again.

"Young Pavilion Lord!"

Xiao Cui looked at her pained expression, she couldn't bear it any longer, and hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

"Go away!"

Wang Ziru gasped and stopped the other party, looked up at Sun Yu and asked:

"Why is this time again? ?"

"You were afraid, so you hesitated…"

Wang Ziru took a deep breath, resisted the pain, and stood up again:



In the evening.

Wang Ziru is almost devoid of human appearance, her body is bruised,

There is no difference from the previous Li Donghao,

But Sun Yu also a showed mercy, he didn't hit the opponent in the face,

and most of them were superficial wounds, which seemed to be terrifying.

It would be almost healed after two or three days of rest.


I have to say that the battle strength of Heavenly Medicine Pavilion is not very good, but the medical technology is definitely first-class.

In just one night,

Wang Ziru's superficial wound was healed.

At dawn, looking at Wang Ziru who was intact outside the door,

Sun Yu was also stunned for a moment.

"Master! I'm back again!"

The tone is still a bit funny,

But looking at her resolute eyes,

Sun Yu knew that the other party really wanted to protect the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion.



It's another day, no,

This time, in just half a day,

Wang Ziru was beaten and could not get up.

Still, there is still progress, at least for now,

She has learned to reflect on her own shortcomings…

A few days later.

Sun Yu counts the days,

Tomorrow, then Zhou Zitian should also come to the door.

So he went out and found Wang Zhonglin.

"Pavilion Lord Wang."

"Little Friend Sun is you, find me…" Wang Zhonglin looked at Sun Yu in front of him, and suddenly his face changed,

In the past few days, he also heard about Sun Yu's unique teaching method.

He is naturally concern for his daughter the most, but the problem is that her daughter doesn't listen to him.

I wanted to find Sun Yu to intercede, but the other party said:

"She chose the way herself."

He had no choice. ,

Fortunately, he saw that Sun Yu was very measured, and his daughters were also has some superficial wounds.

That's why he decided to ignore it,

And when Sun Yu came, he subconsciously thought that something had happened to Wang Ziru, and said nervously:

"Is it true? Did something happen to the little girl Ziru?"

Sun Yu waved his hands and said:

"No, you know, I'm measured."

"…that's good, that's good."

Wang Zhonglin just put his heart down when Sun Yu threw out another sentence:

"Pavilion Lord Wang knows that tomorrow, Qi Family is about to send someone to the door?"

"What? Here, where did the news come from Little Friend Sun?"

Wang Zhonglin suddenly became nervous again.

The source is naturally inconvenient to say, but he has a universal formula:

"Oh, naturally it is calculated."

"Calculated, calculated?"

Wang Zhonglin was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

The news from Gao Yun is that this Sun Yu was a fortune teller before.

However, this kind of thing is illusory,

Except for those Peak experts in Heaven's Mystery Pavilion,

He has never heard of anyone who can predict.

Seeing the doubts in his eyes, Sun Yu said with a smile:

"Why, Pavilion Lord Wang doesn't believe me?"

"Cough, this Not really."

Wang Zhonglin lightly coughed said with a smile:

"After all, I'd rather believe it , don't know what Little Friend Sun wants me to do?"

Knowing that he was just being polite, Sun Yu went straight to the topic and said:

"I wonder if Pavilion Lord can invite Yu Xiu City Lord tomorrow."

"This…I'm afraid it's not right. Yu Xiu and I have a good relationship.

He did say that Heavenly Medicine Pavilion can go to find him in case of danger, but in case…"

He glanced at Sun Yu, and he still didn't quite believe it.

Fortune-telling is too illusory,

Yu Xiu is a City Lord, and it's not that he has nothing to do every day,

If something happens, call her then It's nothing, but if nothing happens, isn't it…

"There's no need to worry about this, if it doesn go as I expected, the City Lord of Yuxiu will pass by tomorrow,

You just need to send someone out early to welcome him earlier."

Although it is still a bit skeptical,

But the price is obviously much smaller, Wang Zhonglin finally nod and said:

"Okay, then tomorrow I will do as you said."

Sun Yu nods with a smile,

All , is ready.

Finding Yu Xiu is an extremely crucial step.

In addition to Zhou Zitian and Qi Heng tomorrow,

Maybe Qi Family has other backers. The sooner Yu Xiu came over, the more determined Sun Yu would be


apart from this, he just showed a little hand in front of the other party,

in order to gain the other party's appreciation,

catch the Great Qian Dynasty's attention…


Zhou Zitian with a full beard face meet with Qi Heng again.

Qi Heng asked:

"That kid hasn't come out for a few days, can you think of a way?"

Zhou Zitian said angrily

"What's the hurry, that kid is only a Grade 6 Martial Artist, the solution, think about it slowly."

Qi Heng said with a smile:

"Hehe, I'm not in a hurry, but Fifth Master will be back soon…"

Zhou Zitian's lazy expression disappeared when he heard the words Fifth Master.

He wasn't slacking off these days,

Stalking around the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion for a long time, but he never meet the other party.

However, he did find some useful information:

"I heard that Wang Ziru has recovered completely, and recognized the surnamed Sun as her master,

Let's just repeat the old tricks and continue to break through from her place!"

Qi Heng looked at him and said:

"But the other party didn't go out, just hid in Heavenly Medicine. Pavilion, what do you want to do?"

Zhou Zitian shrugged and said indifferently:

"What can I do? I'll just go to the door tomorrow morning."

Qi Heng said in shock:

"Are you crazy? If Yu Xiu knew about it…"

"Don't worry, he won't know,

I changed my face to hide my strength, first hurt Wang Ziru, then took the opportunity to ridicule Sun Yu and force him to do it."

Zhou Zitian was relaxed and looked like he was winning.

"What if he doesn't take the bait?"

Zhou Zitian said to himself:

"Impossible, that Sun Yu is only twenty,

He is another Grade 6 Martial Artist, he must be young and vigorous, and can't stand the provocation."

Qi Heng thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong, nodded and said with a smile:

"Alright, when the time comes I'll go with you and watch your performance."

"Hey, with you."

The two looked at each other with a smile and waited. Tomorrow comes…