
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs

Death of Mo Chen

Looking back a little, Sun Yu recognized him immediately.

Roewe Gang Lord Mo Chen!

Although the strength of the other party is good,

But the skill of tracking is worse.

Sun Yu laughed inwardly.

He hasn't looked for the other party yet, but didn't expect the other party to come to the door.

But that's fine,

it saved him a lot of effort.

Sun Yu had an idea, and changed his direction, no longer going to Chase Chamber of Commerce,

instead went out of the city.

Moreover, his pace is getting faster and faster,

from time to time he turns back and pretends to be in fear.

Mo Chen, who followed him from a distance, thought that the other party found him,

He was a little worried at first,

But later found that the other party was in a panic and ran outside the city,

he suddenly became happy again!

It's good to go out of town!

There are many inconveniences in the city, and Mo Chen is also worried about City Lord Yu Xiu.

But once outside the city, no one will take care of him.

Sun Yu is a little Grade 3, so why not kill him?

Thinking about this, he smiled gloomily and quickened his pace to catch up.

Seeing that the other party was really chasing after him, Sun Yu chuckled lightly and run quickly,

After exiting the city gate, he went to a barren mountain in the distance.

Mo Chen, who was following behind, said with a smile:

"tsk tsk, stay there! No-one from the province will come to save you!"

After a while, Sun Yu, who ran to the barren mountain, threw the demon skin at the foot of the mountain, and then ran over the mountain,

Taking advantage of the opponent's lack of vision , he transformed himself into The appearance of Qi Xianyi…

Although Sun Yu has temporarily disappeared, Mo Chen is not worried about the other party's escaping at all,

He even has the time to pick up the demon skin and take it with him , even more he said with a sneer:

"This kid, is scared!"

However, when he climbed over the hill,

The expected Sun Yu has disappeared.

On the contrary, the one who appears not far in front of him is Qi Family Fifth Master, Qi Xianyi!

Mo Chen was startled and asked hurriedly:

"Why are you here?"

"Sun Yu" said with a smile:

"I came for the same reason as you, and came here to kill Sun Yu."

Mo Chen was feeling even more strange, looked left and right and asked:

"What about Sun Yu? You killed him?"

"Sun Yu" nods, turned his head and looked towards the foot of the mountain:

"Hey, he was beaten down by me, now Lying there, I don't know if he is dead."

Mo Chen frowned, while stepping forward to check, he said:

"I didn't let you shoot, you promised me. Don't try to lessen the conditions."

"Sun Yu" watched him come over, in order to prevent being noticed,

Backed away a little, repeatedly nodding and said:

"That's natural."

Mo Chen walked to the original position of Sun Yu and looked at the foot of the mountain,

How could there be a silhouette of Sun Yu in there ?

"That kid…" He was about to ask,

when he suddenly felt a strong True Qi coming from the side,

"Not good!"

Mo Chen's face changed wildly,

hurriedly raised his hand to create a whirlwind, and

protected his body with the True Qi armor in an attempt to block.

However, the hasty action, how could it compare to the full strength attack that Sun Yu had prepared for?


With a fist of raging fire,

defeated the whirlwind extremely violently, blasting away Mo Chen's Body Protection True Qi,

Then he slammed into his waist, directly punching a blood hole!

Mo Chen spurted out blood,

The clothes around the wound were ignited by Sun Yu's True Qi and burned,

He obviously didn't expect this fist to have such formidable power!

And this familiar True Qi…

Mo Chen, who was grinning in pain,

has already seen through Sun Yu's changes at this moment,

he was shocked physically and mentally, cry out in surprise:

"It's you!"

"Yes, it's me!"

Sun Yu was thinking of one strike certain kill,

But didn't expect the other party to be able to escape the key points in a hurry,

But these are small problems, looking at the large bloodstain on the ground,

He knows The opponent couldn't hold on for long,

Sun Yu chased after the victory.

And Mo Chen was seriously injured, and was stunned by the might of a single fist just now,

How dare he have the idea of ​​fighting back, he immediately ran away.

He didn't even dare to turn his head back, clutching his wound and running all the way,

But looking at Pingle City in the distance,

Mo Chen felt extremely miserable in his heart ,

Damn, what is he doing by chasing so far?

These barren mountains and ridges should really be called a place where birds don't shit"

If he was near Pingle City , maybe he can ask Qi Family expert to rescue.

It's good now, it's all over!

As the wound continued to bleed, he already felt a little dizzy, and

even the movements of his feet became slower and slower.

"No way! I can't go on like this, let's fight!"

Mo Chen knew that he couldn't escape, so he clenched his teeth, turned around and rushed towards Sun Yu,

On the other hand, he encouraged himself:

"There is a chance, there is a chance!

The opponent is only a Grade 3! Impossible to beat me, impossible!"

He was full of True Qi, and the endless wind blew from all around him,

It was like a long sharp knife, cutting off everything around him.

This move is in line with Sun Yu's intention.

He swings his fists and shakes the opponent hard.

Each punch can knock out a wind blade.

And Sun Yu's punches are very fast,

In just a moment, the number of wind blades rushing towards him has been reduced by more than half.

"This, how is this possible!"

The reality made Mo Chen's eyes full of horror.

He couldn't understand that he was no match for Sun Yu at all…

Who is Grade 2?

He had no chance to think about this,

Sun Yu, who had broken countless wind blades, was already in front of him.

A fist with flames slammed into his chest,

Mo Chen, who was no longer able to resist, fell to the ground,

his body began to burn,

After a while, only a pile of dead bones remained…

Sun Yu, who had already recovered his original appearance, wiped a trace of blood from his lower lips with his thumb,

apart From this, he still has a few shallow wounds on his body, all of which were done by the wind blade.

Grade 2 Martial Artist, there is still something.

After killing Mo Chen, Sun Yu relaxed.

This time, when he assassinates Qi Xianyi, he will no longer be worried about this Mo Chen.

He picked up the demon skin not far away and rushed back to Pingle City.

But just after returning to the city,

Sun Yu found that the road ahead was blocked.

Except for most of the ordinary persons,

There are many more Martial Artists standing among them,

Sun Yu squeezed forward for a while, only to realize that these people were watching another list on the wall,

Newly released, Qing State Hidden Dragon List just posted.

Someone pointed to the list and shouted:

"Hey! Look at the 39th person! he belong to our Pingle City!"

"Sun Yu Is that the new Feather Black Guard Captain?"

"That's him, tsk tsk, 39th, this is already a Grade 3 Martial Artist!"

Beside Sun Yu, Martial Artist in a deep blue clothed suit wondered:

"There must be a shady story, I remember he was only 89 before?

Even if he made the cut You can't go up so much at once."

Not far away, a person said with a sneer: "Oh, the shady story of bullshit, I'm afraid you don't know, before

He and Grade 2 Martial Artist fought at the Chase Chamber of Commerce! Tie!"

Someone was surprised:

"What! Tie with Grade 2 Martial Artist?"

"It's hard to say if it really gets into a real fight."

"Definitely no! "The Martial Artist of the deep blue clothed object ,

and then raised his arms in disdain and said with a look of aloof and remote:

"How can Grade 3 be Grade 2 opponent, maybe it's just acting to gain rankings,

Tsk, this Hidden Dragon List, just look at it, it can't be true."

After finished speaking, He also touched Sun Yu next to him and asked:

"Brother, do you think so?"

"Well, what you said makes sense."

Sun Yu, wearing a gray robe, nods solemnly, then turned to leave.

The Martial Artist was secretly happy when he saw someone agreeing, but he felt that he had seen that person somewhere,

suddenly his eyes widened :

"Hey, isn't that Sun Yu?"

Thinking of what he had just said, his feet suddenly softened,

fell down, and fainted.

The already crowded street become more chaotic …