
Infinite Simulation Starting From Fortune Telling

Sun Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu and became a fortune teller Successfully used the one-hand hexagram technique, earning enough principal, and opening the golden finger life simulator. As long as you recharge, you can simulate life unlimitedly.

MUNVEER · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
74 Chs

Angry song family

"How come! When did I get poisoned?"

Could it be Qi Xiao? Not right?

Looking at the other party like this, it doesn't look like a person who can play drugs.

And he wasn't poisoned in the last simulation.

No, not right!

Sun Yu remembered,

The first time he fought against Qi Xiao, he was not poisoned.

On the contrary, he was not strong enough, and he was killed by Qi Xiao simply before the poison broke out.

In this simulation, his strength has improved a lot, and it took a lot of time.

That's why it was the fifteenth move that caused poisoning,

In other words, you have already been poisoned?

"So, when was it?"

Sun Yu checked the death recollection again,

but the recollection was limited in length, he only found that, Before the fight,

he ate a piece of dry food handed over by He Yitong.

Is it her?

Sun Yu glanced in disbelief at He Yitong, who was riding in front of him.

But the other party was obviously from Heavenly Medicine Pavilion, and Gao Yun's Disciple,

And before she set off, her concerned look didn't seem to be fake.

No way…

Sun Yu shook his head, but did not exclude her from the list of suspects.

Be careful.

Before he chose to trust Song Yu, but the other party let him down, and

also caused him to be hunted down by the Song Family.

This time, he didn't want to repeat the same mistakes.

At least during the time he was on the way to Pingle City,

it was impossible to eat what He Yitong handed over.

No, not just that.

The dry food that you brought was also from the other party's hand.

It is better not to eat in the past few days.

He's a Grade 6 Martial Artist anyway, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat for a few days.

As the horses galloped, a man and a woman clinging to each other had different ideas.

At night,

the two stopped for a while to rest,

He Yitong took the initiative to prepare dry food for Sun Yu,and said with a smile:

"Brother Sun, you're hungry after a day's drive. Try it."

Sun Yu glanced at her and spit out two words:

"Not Hungry."

He Yitong smiled slightly,

put down the dry food, turned around and brought a bag of clean water over:

"Brother Sun, then you are thirsty. Okay? I brought this water from Glory City, and it's very clean."

Sun Yu said again:

"I'm not thirsty."

He Yitong's smile froze, and she put the water and dry food next to Sun Yu:

"Then I'll put it here, when will I need you? Take it yourself."

Sun Yu nods and didn't answer,

taking a rest.

He Yitong turned around and frowned:

"Does the other party know it's poisonous? It shouldn't be!"

She was very sure that she didn't reveal anything..

"Maybe he's really not hungry? It's possible!"

He Yitong nods, in the heart to cheer herself up:

"Come on! It's still growing on the road, I don't believe this kid can keep going without eating all the time!"

She feeds the horses by herself,

in her heart, she scolds the deceased Song Guang..

If it wasn't for the other party sending horses for thousands of miles, why would she have to take such a risk.

The Soft Bone Powder she bought at the market has been used up, and she doesn't dare to use another poison to poison the horse to death.

Otherwise, it is too obvious, and it is likely to cause Sun Yu to Suspect.


He Yitong sighed helplessly.

After feeding the horse,

she pretended to rest, but in fact stared at Sun Yu,

watching when he would swallow the poison food.

To her regret,

for the whole night, her eyes were sore, but

Sun Yu didn't even move those food.

In the early morning, before it was completely bright, Sun Yu hurriedly set off,

He Yitong had to get on the horse and start a new day as a groomer.

At noon,

He Yitong, who was right away, pretended to be concerned again and asked:

"Brother Sun, it's been so long.aren't you hungry? Would you like something to eat?"

Sun Yu didn't answer, but asked instead:

"What, are you hungry?"

He Yitong immediately nodded and said:

"Well, it's a bit…"

"Hey, this is for you."


He Yitong turned around and saw Sun Yu holding a piece of dry food in his hand.

Isn't this the piece she gave to the other party last night?

He Yitong not dared to eat this, but she was afraid that Sun Yu would see the problem, but she had to take it.

It was also fortunate that the two of them were on the horse, and they were already bumpy.

She pretended to be accidentally and the dry food fell to the ground, which was how she escaped the catastrophe.

"Oh? It's gone. I have another piece here."

Sun Yu was polite.

He Yitong was taken aback and hurriedly said:

"No, no, Brother Sun, it's more important to hurry!"

"Well, that's right. "

Sun Yu sat in the back, looked thoughtful at the other,

This woman, there is a problem…

Glory City.

"Master Zhou, it's not good! Song Guang, who was sent by the Song Family to hunt down Sun Yu, is dead!"

"What did you say? How did he die?" Zhou Zitian asked hastily.

Little servant replied:

"According to the news from Qi Family, Song Guang's chest was punctured by someone,

External Discharge is The trace of True Qi, but it is said that it is not very strong, it should be a Grade 6 Martial Artist!"

"Grade 6?"

Zhou Zitian was stunned, he remembered Sun Yu But Grade 7, is it the expert behind the opponent who shot?

He was immediately amused:

"Hey, I knew that kid is not simple, Song Family is busy now!"

Zhou Zitian turned his head and asked:

"Does the Song Family know about this news?"

The little servant shook his head: " probably don't know yet."

"Then What are you still doing, not sending this good news!"

The servant was about to leave when he heard this, but Zhou Zitian stopped him again:

"By the way, also tell Qi Family, there may be someone behind that kid, let them be careful about the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion."



Golden Mountain City, Song Family.


"peng!" Song Chengyu, who received the news of Song Guang's death, smashed the table in front of him angrily.

"Damn it! Damn it! Check it out, who did it?"

The messenger, who was kneeling on the ground, bowed his head and said:

" I don't know who it is, I only know that it has something to do with Sun Yu."


The huge palm of Song Chengyu's threw out a True Qi in anger , hit the messenger a few meters:

"You tell me this?"

"hmph, where is Sun Yu now?"

The messenger held back his injuries and said:

"Cough, he is still in Tangzhong County, just passed Lost Heaven Mountain, and is rushing to Pingle City."

"Sun Yu, right? , I want to see, who is behind your back!"

Song Chengyu clenched his fists and was about to leave, when

Song Chengfeng came to hear the news, and hastily stopped him.

"Seventh brother, what are you doing?"

Song Chengyu, the seventh oldest in the family, pushed him away:

"Get out of the way, I'm going to Pingle City to find Sun Yu to avenge the murder of my son!"

"Pingle City?" Song Chengfeng was even more drawn when he heard these three words from his big brother.

Looking at the other party's eyes that were about to kill, he immediately advised:

"Brother! Don't be impulsive, now our relationship with the Qi Family is tense, and Pingle City is their territory again. ,

If you go there rashly, I won't say whether the Qi Family will take action against you,

It's the patriarch side, you will get punishment!"

After being persuaded by Song Chengfeng, Song Chengyu calmed down.

He stared, panting heavily, and sat back in his chair to think for a while.

Then slammed the armrest of the seat, and said with a grim expression:

"Hmph, let that kid live a few more days."

He looked towards Song Chengfeng and instructed :

"Go and help me see the attitude of Qi Family,

I will handle it myself on patriarch side! I want that kid to die without a burial ground"