
Infinite Seas - Dungeon Master

Since being born, Drake has had strange dreams. Dreams about life in another world. The vividness of the dreams forces him to reconsider thinking about the realness of the dream world. But when starting the new MMO, that's in the craze lately, why did he wake up in his bedroom from the dream world? Was it really a dream world? How was the game world connected to the dream world? Was the game world a real world? And what's with the Dungeon Master ability? Being the only one with the ability of a dungeon master, how would he fare against the other players and the local inhabitants? But whatever happens, he will enjoy his new life as a dungeon master. Tags: Action, Dark, Dungeon Master, Harem, Incest, Anti-hero protagonist, R*pe, more may be added later.

VirtuousSinner · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The twins' heart

It had been an hour since Drake woke up. When he woke up, Angela, who was on the verge of a mental breakdown finally sighed in relief.

She was in tears and hugged him tightly when he woke up. Kaori was her, she was also crying.

After he somewhat calmed down Angela, Kaori who finally couldn't take it anymore hugged him. Then he had to calm them both down.

They told him that he had been out for more than eight hours. After trying anything they could do on their own, he didn't show signs of waking up.

Shizuka decided to go to the town and bring the doctor here. Kaori stayed back with Angela to take care of him.

The journey to the town from their home took a few hours as it was on the outskirts.

She came back with the doctor after he woke up. The doctor still did a check-up but didn't find anything. Angela and the twins attributed it to his condition. After the doctor left, Shizuka also hugged him crying. He then had to calm down his third female housemate.

He was a bit surprised by the twins' behavior, though only pleasantly. They had a good relationship as they were living together for the last year. But never expected to react like that considering their history with the pirates. Looked like they were much closer to him than he thought.

After that, he took some time to reorganize his thoughts. He fell unconscious not because of his condition but because of the two halves of his soul joining back together.

For the first time in his life, he felt alive. He felt whatever limitations that were pressed on his brain were removed.

He found out the reason for everything that happened to him.

After he died in his previous world, his soul floated in the void for an unknown period. There he got his dungeon master talent.

After he reincarnated, his talent sent part of his soul to this world. His soul reached here in three years. Then it materialized and he started his new life in this world.

His talent did it to prepare his soul for the talent by letting it stay in this world's environment.

He was supposed to reincarnate in this world but because his soul was not strong enough to cover such a long distance so he was reincarnated in the closest world.

His identification talent was what he was born with, which got strengthened to the supreme rank by his first talent.

It was true, the known highest rank of talent was the supreme rank. The only talent beyond supreme to ever exist was his dungeon master talent, hence it's rank.

The game world was real. The talents assigned at the beginning of the game were not assigned randomly, but were possessed by the individuals, and were merely activated by the system.

He turned towards Angela. She insisted on accompanying him and refused to leave him alone, even if she had to just watch his face without speaking. Kaori and Shizuka were with her.

He asked her a question that he didn't bother to ask before, "What's the name of our Island and kingdom?"

Angela was puzzled by the sudden unrelated question but still answered, "We are on the Typhoon island, in the Typhoon kingdom."

Hearing the answer he was again lost in thoughts. Angela was not bothered by that, she started watching him again, afraid something would happen to him. She was on the verge of a breakdown when she saw Drake suddenly falling unconscious. She was afraid to lose him. But luckily he came out of his coma in a few hours. She thought it may be due to his condition and decided to find a cure for him.

If Drake knew her thoughts, he would happily tell her that he no longer needed a cure. He was cured. But Drake was busy thinking about the information she just gave him.

The game used many low-level islands as the starting point for the players.

Typhoon Island was one of them. In the lore provided by the official website, a level 3 wizard came to this island 700 years ago and established the Typhoon kingdom named after his title Typhoon Wizard. The island was also named after him.

He was too excited to join the game and too surprised after getting the talents that he forgot that the character creation process consisted of one more part, i.e., selecting the starting island.

Basic lore and details were provided for each starter island on the website. So players could decide where to start. He didn't have time to look into it in detail so he decided to go with a random option.

But, he never needed to choose a start location, he already had it. So, he skipped that phase and woke up from his bed instead of appearing in the town square like other players.

He asked another question, "Did you girls see the chosen ones?"

Chosen ones, the name given to the players by the locals. For them, the players were called by a god to their world and were immortal (they thought like that because players could revive).

"Are you talking about those strange people that started appearing four days ago?" Angela asked back, making a disgusted face. The twins also were showing the same emotions. They didn't have any pleasant encounters with those people.

He knew why they were showing such disgust for the players. In a game world that looked every bit real with no 'real' consequences, watching beautiful girls like them, most male players would behave like wolves.

From her question, he got her answer. "Did I wake up nine days later this time?" He asked another of his doubts.

"Yes, we were worried and thought maybe your illness was getting worse. That was one of the reasons we were so worried when you fell unconscious today." This time Shizuka answered.

Drake again became silent. The girls were worried about him, as he was asking strange questions, but didn't bother him, they could tell he was thinking deeply about something.

Drake got the answers to all of his doubts.


Drake took a deep breath and let it go. The girls got tensed, they knew he was about to tell them something important. They had noticed his changes. He no longer looked dull. They could feel what he was about to tell them something important.

Before Drake could continue, Kaori interjected, "Young master, you can talk, we will not disturb you". She thought that what Drake wanted to say would be some secret and she and Shizuka were outsiders, so they should not listen to it.

Kaori and Shizuka were about to get up but Drake held their hands gently but firmly. They didn't show any adverse reaction, rather they had a happy smile and faint blush on their faces.

Drake was watching their reactions, seeing they didn't behave negatively, he said with a smile, "No need to leave, both of you are family like Angela, so you also deserve to listen to what I am about to say."

The twins were shocked when they heard that. They never dared to consider themselves as Drake or Angela's family. They were already in too much debt to the siblings for letting them stay.

"I, I .." Kaori was choking and stifling her cries, Shizuka was also trying hard to stop herself from crying. They were afraid that it was a dream. If it was, they didn't want to wake up from it.

Drake didn't say anything, just hugged them both tightly. They started bawling their lungs out. He let them pour out all their negative emotions and just gently rubbed their backs.

They had a small loving family. They, their kind and loving mother and their hardworking and honest father. They were not rich but had enough to live each day to the full. They were happy with their lives.

Everything changed on their eighteenth birthday. They had their coming-of-age celebration that day. Their mother was an orphan, so only their father's side of the family came to the celebration.

One of their aunts, again mentioned having them married to the local degenerate young master, who had a reputation of ruining many girls. Many from their father's family were in favor of that idea and had been suggesting it since they started budding.

They had no intention of marrying that pig. Their mother refused every time but couldn't do so strongly as being an orphan she had no backing, so she was never taken seriously. They didn't blame her for that, rather they were proud of her for standing together with her children and doing the best she could.

If it was just their mother, they would have long become the brides of that pig. But no, they had their father. Their father was vehemently opposed to that idea and had no problems showing it. His baby daughters can marry whoever they want, that was what he used to say.

That day he finally had enough and threatened his family that if they didn't stop with that topic we would leave that family forever. He looked so cool standing up for them like that. Their mother had a blush on her face and was looking like a young maiden in love. Their father was their hero.

Who knew that he was the demon king in the hero's skin. It was as if he wore a mask their whole life. When the mask was no longer needed he ruthlessly tore it apart to show the hideousness lying beneath.

That night he brutally r*ped and then killed their mother in front of them. He forcefully fed medicine to them to cripple their meridians, thereby losing their aura path progress and forever being unable to practice it.

Then he r*ped them too. As if letting out all the pent-up frustrations he had inside for playing a fake character.

All that while, his family watched from behind with sinister smiles.

After letting out all his lust inside them, he tossed them to his family to enjoy. After the family had their fill, they were sold to some weak pirate group staying on the island at that time.

That led to five years of torture. But they never gave up. They couldn't die before having their revenge.

Staying with pirates at least taught them to judge a person's character. They accompanied the pirates on their journey for five years and saw many different faces, with and without masks.

When Angela saved them, they were captivated by her strength. They saw her killing the pirates in the room they were locked in. Everyone died without knowing who killed them, including the vice-captain who was a fourth-level martial artist.

When Angela freed them, they took a look around the ship. All the pirates were silently killed. They died before knowing they were dead. Few who found her were too slow to react and were killed in one move.

She alone killed two level 4 martial artists ( captain and vice-captain, nine level 3, thirty-four level 2, sixty-seven level 1, and the rest trainee martial artists. And she was only a level 3 martial artist.

They decided to follow her. They couldn't practice aura because of their crippled meridians, but they could work hard to become strong martial artists.

They were apprehensive about her younger brother because of their encounters with men these last few years. But they still followed her.

When they saw him for the first time and found his condition, they pitied him but never looked down on him. Their recent years taught them enough humility.

They were glad of their response because Angela's eyes softened towards them a bit after that. They were glad to pass her test. They could feel with their danger intuition they honed to figure out which pirate was in a bad mood enough to hurt them, that they could have died based on their response.

They started living with the siblings. They were level 3 martial artists before being given to the pirates but regressed to level 2. Martial artists need proper nutrients, and they were fed only enough to survive.

They joined Angela in her home hunts. Their level 2 strength was a big help in the hunt.

Initially, they didn't interact much with the brother, but slowly they opened up to him.

His care and efforts won their hearts. They felt the warmth of a family for the first time in years. They could tell, he didn't wear a mask, all their interactions were genuine.

Slowly these interactions started making cracks in the wall around their heart. But slowly he made a hole in it to worm himself into their hearts.

They wanted to be closer to him. But they stopped themselves. Their soiled self didn't deserve to be closer to him. So they decided to look after and take care of him from afar.

They thought that they didn't deserve him, but then why did he want them to be his family?

The last time they cried was when they watched their mother die in front of them. After that no matter what atrocities happened to them, they never cried.

His words made them cry again. But unlike the previous time, this time, they cried tears of joy.

After crying their heart out, they calm down. Sensing that Drake gently broke the hug. They each grabbed one of his hands, refusing to let go. They felt if they let go, the sweet dream would end and they would wake up.

Sensing their emotions, he again gave a reassuring smile and said, "Yes, you are my family."

They could see the honesty in his eyes. That made them even more panicked.

"But young master, we.. we-"

Drake interrupted Shizuka and said, "You are Kaori and Shizuka, I don't care about your past, only our present and future." With a serious face, he asked, "Do you want to be part of my family?"

The twins, seeing the honesty and seriousness in his eyes, stopped their arguments. They turned to each other and gave a slight nod as if deciding on something common.

They stood up, then kneeled in front of him in a dogeza.

They said together, "Young master Drake, we offer our undying loyalty to you. You are our one and only master for all eternity."

"I accept." Drake calmly accepted their loyalty, then he helped them back up. He knew they wouldn't accept otherwise.

Angela was watching all of it with a fond smile. She didn't interfere.

She only considered Drake her family. She never cared about them. The only reason she bothered to let them follow her was that their strength could be helpful and then she could earn money faster to get a good doctor for Drake.

But if Drake considered them family, she would treat them better. At least, now she would not leave them to die or treat them as backup meat shields to use if ever needed.

Drake would be sad otherwise. And she would never do anything to make him sad.